Ryan and Bucky were designing patterns at the port while waiting for the return of Golden Lion.

After waiting for a long time, Golden Lion finally arrived with more than a dozen large ships. When everyone saw Ryan and Bucky appear at the dock, they were stunned.

"Why are you here?" The Golden Lion couldn't help but ask.

Ryan and Bucky were clearly on a secret mission in Mary Geoise before, but now they appeared in the Water City, and judging from their leisurely appearance, they had probably been waiting here for a while.

Ryan laughed and said, "Guess!"

"It's too irritating to talk to you!" Golden Lion cursed in a low voice.

Everyone nodded in agreement!

Ryan said to Tiger and Bailey, "Gather all these people, I'll say a few words!" Tiger and Bailey rescued everyone in this operation, so they were a little familiar with these people.

Soon everyone gathered together, and more than 1,200 people stood densely on the dock and looked at Ryan standing above with admiring eyes.

Looking at the people below, Ryan also felt pressure for the first time. This pressure was not caused by the large number of people, but by the fanatical worship of the people.

Ryan never thought that he was a righteous person. He just adhered to his own principles.

For example, when rescuing those slaves in the South China Sea, it was only because Ryan saw it and he had the strength to do it.

If Ryan's strength was still very weak at that time, he would not rescue the group of slaves at all, and would just pretend not to see it. After all, other people's lives are more important than his own lives, so Ryan specifically told everyone not to call him a benefactor.

This time is similar. Going to Mary Geoise with Tiger to rescue these slaves is also because Ryan wants to take this opportunity to test the Five Elders and Im.

Although the result is that Ryan led everyone to Mary Geoise and rescued them from the hands of the Celestial Dragons, Ryan's original intention was not like this.

So when Ryan saw that everyone below was looking at him as a savior, Ryan felt that he was unworthy. He had his own purpose and just saved everyone by the way.

Ever since Ryan traveled to the pirate world and obtained the system, Ryan only thought about how to enjoy his life freely and happily in the pirate world, otherwise he would not have said such words to Bailey at that time.

Seeing that everyone below was waiting for his speech, Ryan had to suppress the confusion in his heart and said to everyone: "Everyone! From today on, you are free, and you will no longer be slaves of the Celestial Dragons!"

Everyone below cheered, cheering for freedom, cheering for leaving hell!

Ryan pressed his hand, and everyone stopped cheering and continued to wait for Ryan, as if listening to God's teachings.

Golden Lion saw that everyone was silent because of Ryan's gesture and couldn't help but sigh: "A natural leader!"

Hearing Golden Lion's praise for Ryan, Fujitora's mouth curled up slightly, thinking: "Of course, this is the person I chose to bet my casino career on!"

If Ryan heard Golden Lion's praise, he would be speechless, because most people knew these things in Ryan's previous life, and Ryan was just imitating.

"Next you have three choices. The first is to go home and reunite with your relatives and friends to continue your life. The second is that I plan to set up an organization for you people who have nowhere to go to join. The third is that you can also make your own way in this sea."

Ryan's words were clearly heard by everyone, and many people began to frown and think about what they should do next.

These three choices were also thought out by Ryan after careful consideration. After all, if such a large group of people is not arranged well, it will be a disaster.

To be frank, many people here have some mental illness. Long-term slave life has made many people psychologically distorted. If they are not given a goal, some people here may become perverted executioners.

Many people have made decisions. Those with relatives who are still alive have chosen to go back to live their own lives, and the rest of the people, except for twelve people who plan to venture out on the sea, all plan to join the organization.

Ryan called together the remaining 888 people who planned to join the organization and said.

"From now on, you are all a family. The name of our organization is the Freedom Alliance, and the goal of the Freedom Alliance is to make all slaves in the world free!"

After a pause, Ryan continued.

"Maybe you will have to fight for this for the rest of your life!"

"Maybe this goal will never be achieved!"

"Maybe everyone of you will die now because of achieving this goal!"

"You will sacrificeYour own freedom, fight for the freedom of others!"

"I'll ask you one last time! Is there anyone who wants to quit?"

No words! Silence! There was only that burning look.

Although they didn't speak, this was their answer!

"Welcome to join the Freedom Alliance, remember our slogan is to fight for freedom!"

"What is our slogan?"

"Fight for freedom!" 888 people shouted at the top of their lungs.

"What is our goal?"

"Let all slaves in the world be free! "

The neat voice echoed in the dock for a long time.

Looking at Ryan who made everyone crazy with a few words, Golden Lion and others took a breath of cold air.

And Tiger directly integrated into it, and he wanted to join the Free Alliance now. Ryan's words made his blood boil, because Tiger was a slave before and he knew too well how much slaves wanted freedom!

Before hearing Bailey say that Ryan's mouth was better than his swordsmanship, they thought Bailey was lying to them, and now they still think Bailey is lying to them!

This is not better at all, this is not comparable at all!

Ryan continued to say to everyone: "From now on, your leader will be Tiger! "After that, Ryan motioned Tiger to come up and show his face.

Ryan had already thought about choosing Tiger, after all, other people were obviously not suitable. Only Tiger, who had also been a slave, was the most suitable candidate.

And Tiger had rich leadership experience. In Fishman Island, Tiger was the big brother in the back street who managed a group of younger brothers.

Tiger walked up with a nervous look on his face. He had never expected that Ryan would let him be the leader of the Free Alliance!

"Ryan... I... I can't do it!" Tiger stammered.

Ryan said earnestly: "Tiger, remember, a man must never say that he can't do it!"

After that, Ryan patted Tiger's shoulder heavily!

"I know, but the leader of the Free Alliance must be you, and only you!" Tiger said seriously.

For this Ryan, it's casual, as long as he is not in charge, it's okay to be an honorary leader.

"Then you can be the second leader!" Ryan immediately decided on this matter.

"Okay! "

Tiger went on stage and made his debut before leaving. Ryan did this to make it easier for Tiger to manage in the future.

Ryan took out the pattern he designed and said to everyone: "In the future, all members of the Free Alliance will be branded with such a pattern, and the flying dragon hoof behind you will no longer be a symbol of shame, but a symbol of glory!"

Everyone on the dock was in tears.

"Lord Ryan really cares about us so much that he even considered this!"

"I am willing to die for Lord Ryan!"

"Who wouldn't want to die!" Someone pouted.

Just then, the bell of the Water City rang.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! ”

It seemed as if he was congratulating the establishment of the Freedom Alliance.

The bell at twelve o'clock in the morning represents the beginning of a new day!

----------------------------------------Ryan's life will go through four stages, and now is the transition from the first stage to the second stage. I also want to write a story about an ordinary person who travels to the pirate world and gains power. No one wants to be a hero, a conspirator, or rule the world from the beginning. As the story develops, not only the number of words will increase, but Ryan will also grow and change, and become mature with age and experience.

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