In Water City, Ryan and his people held a grand banquet.

The whole proposal was made by Buggy, and everyone felt that a grand banquet should be held to celebrate the regaining of freedom.

Ryan couldn't help but sigh that people from Roger's pirate group had a special feeling for holding banquets, and so did Red Hair and Buggy.

Ryan took out hundreds of millions of Baileys obtained in the Gothic Kingdom as funds for the banquet. Although it was definitely not so much, everyone was still moved by Ryan's generosity.

Tiger never expected that the first thing he did after becoming the leader of the Free Alliance was to be responsible for matters related to this banquet.

However, Tiger's leadership ability is indeed good, and the division of labor is very clear. The venue, buying food, cooking, buying wine, and purchasing materials, everyone has their own responsibilities.

Because everyone in Water City knows that the bloody swordsman-Ryan is going to hold a banquet, it makes it extremely simple for people from the Free Alliance to purchase. Some will definitely be given to you, and if you don't have it, you will find a way to get it for you.

What was even more outrageous was that the specialty of Water City, "Shuishui Meat", was almost out of stock that day. It was bought up by everyone because everyone saw the news this morning and knew what crazy things Ryan did last night.

Thanks to Ryan's "good" reputation, the banquet that originally took half a day to start now only takes less than two hours.

"Let's celebrate the regaining of freedom together!" Ryan raised his glass.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank the wine in their glasses.

"Everyone, eat and drink well. The most important thing today is to have fun." After making an opening, Ryan didn't continue to care.

He still had some things to tell Tiger. Although Ryan didn't need to worry about the Free Alliance next, he still made the direction of development clear to Tiger.

"Tiger, you can pull some fishmen to join the Free Alliance next." Ryan said to Tiger while drinking.

"Mercemen? Sure!" Tiger said a little uncertainly. After all, most people subconsciously regard fishmen as monsters.

Ryan pointed at the people who were smiling happily and said, "There are all kinds of races in our Free Alliance."

There were giants, fishmen, mermaids, long-armed people, long-legged people, fur people... in the drinking area. These are all the credit of the Celestial Dragons. Because they like to collect all kinds of slaves, Ryan has already had a tendency to become a small country.

"Freedom is not divided by race, Tiger!"

Tiger couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard this. Isn't the biggest wish of him and Princess Otohime to live in peace with all races?

"Got it!"

Letting the fishmen join in is also for the future development of the Free Alliance. After all, if there is a group of fishmen on the sea to help, many dangers will be avoided in advance.

"Have you planned where to develop next?"

Tiger was stunned by Ryan's words. Tiger really hadn't thought about this question carefully. Tiger probed: "In Fishman Island?"

Hearing this, Ryan knew that Tiger had no experience in how to develop and expand the power of the organization. In fact, if you think about it carefully, Tiger was just doing small things in the back streets of Fishman Island.

In the original history, Tiger only established the Sun Pirates and then plundered, but the targets of the plunder were not ordinary people.

"You can go to the Four Seas to develop."

"Four Seas?"

"Yes, there are not many strong people in the Four Seas. The World Government's control over the Four Seas is not as strong as the Grand Line and the Red Earth Continent, so the Four Seas is currently the most suitable soil for you to survive!"

"With your strength, you can do some business in the Four Seas and collect some protection fees to maintain your daily expenses. You are not pirates, so you can't go there to force it, right?"

Kid asked curiously: "Then why can we rob?"

"Because we are pirates!" Bailey slapped Kidd on the head.

Ryan ignored Kidd and the other two and continued to say to Tiger: "You can also absorb some new members, but they must pass the internal assessment before they can come in."

"Then the Free Alliance must also have its own rules. If you violate the rules, you will be punished. I will write the rules and penalties and give them to you later."

"I will give you the start-up funds for the alliance first. This is all I can think of for now. Do you think there is any problem?"

Everyone looked at Ryan with an incredible look. Golden Lion couldn't help but said: "How do you know so much!"

You know that Golden Lion has always been robbing, robbing, and anyone dared to rob in the past. However, this is not the case with Golden Lion, but almost all pirates are in this situation.

Do you want pirates to engage in production? Go fishing? Go to work to earn money?

Those who have territories are okay, can live by collecting protection fees, like Whitebeard, who covers a large area of ​​territory and people are willing to pay protection fees. If it is like Doflamingo who is the king himself, it goes without saying.

However, those who have territory are a minority after all, and those who have no territory can only live by plundering. You must know that the daily expenses of pirates are very high.

"Doesn't everyone understand this?"

Everyone: "................."

Although they are used to Ryan talking like this, everyone still feels hurt. According to Ryan's words, if everyone knows it, then we don't. Doesn't it mean that we...

Everyone tacitly didn't speak but just drank.

Ryan suddenly remembered something and said to Tiger: "By the way, when you go to the four seas, pay attention to an organization called the Slave Hunting Association. If nothing unexpected happens, they are your main enemies in the four seas!"

"Slave Hunting Association? How come I haven't heard of it after traveling across the sea for decades." Golden Lion asked in confusion.

Then Ryan told everyone what happened in the Gothic Kingdom in the South China Sea.

Golden Lion sighed: "I didn't expect it! There are so many secrets in this world!"

Tiger learned from Ryan about the horror of the opponent he was about to face and nodded heavily: "I understand!"

The banquet lasted for two hours before it ended. After that, Ryan sent away those who decided to go home.

On the dock, the young Hancock on the boat waved goodbye to Ryan reluctantly and said: "Lord Ryan, I will go home first, and then come back to join the Free Alliance!"

When Ryan told him that he knew how to return to Daughter Island, Hancock decided to return to his hometown, Daughter Island, as for how to return to Daughter Island.

Ryan's method is very simple, that is to find Rayleigh and Xia Qi, and Hancock's ship is to the Chambord Islands.

There are boats on the dock that are constantly heading to different places. Looking at Bailey who is paying Bailey to the boss, Ryan can't help but sigh: "It's really spending money like water!"

At this time, Zhan Guo, who had just arrived at Judicial Island, frowned slightly, and two pieces of news just came.

The good news is that Ryan and his group are still in Water City, and the bad news is that the Whitebeard Pirates are heading towards Fishman Island, and their target is obviously Water City.

As an old rival, Sengoku also knows the status of his family in Whitebeard's mind, but when he thinks of that man, Sengoku looks worried, and he must not let them reunite.

Sengoku calculated the time in his mind and said to Kizaru who was trimming his nails: "Borsalino, you are responsible for delaying Whitebeard, at least make sure he can't arrive before the day after tomorrow."

Kizaru grumbled aggrievedly and turned into a stream of light and left.


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