After Ryan and others left, Tiger also took the remaining 780 members of the Free Alliance to the four seas!

On the sea, when the ship sailed on the sea for a while, Robin suddenly said: "Captain! We don't seem to have named the ship yet!"

Ryan's expression froze, and then he said calmly: "I have already named it, but I just didn't tell you!"

"What is it?"

"Wanli Longteng!"

After listening, everyone nodded and felt pretty good.

Only Kidd pulled Ryan's sleeve and said excitedly: "Captain, where are we going this time?"

Seeing Kidd's appearance, Ryan showed a fatherly smile. Because he didn't bring Kidd to the holy land of Marijoa, Kidd was sulking for several days, and even when he met the legendary Whitebeard, he didn't say much.

Sure enough, children are always easy to forget unhappy things.

"Magic Triangle!" Ryan said lightly.

After this incident, Ryan felt that his strength was insufficient, so he thought about completing the "Save Portgas.D. Ace" mission issued by the system.

After all, the rewards for the first two missions were very generous. When completing the first mission, he was rewarded with three-color domineering, and when completing the second mission, he was rewarded with the empty fruit, which made Ryan look forward to the reward after completing the third mission.

Therefore, Ryan thought about going back to the East China Sea to find Ace. He came to the Magic Triangle because Ryan promised Lab to bring Brook back to Lab at the intersection of the Grand Line.

After all, Ryan must do what he promised in his heart!

In addition, the map showed that the Water City was very close to the Magic Triangle, so Ryan came. Ryan's plan was to go to the East China Sea after completing this matter to see his stupid Doudou, who he had only seen on TV in his previous life.

But before that, there was one thing that needed to be solved!

"Bailey, call that intern over." Ryan said to Bailey who was drinking.

As Bailey left, the new crew members Ryan brought down from Mary Joa soon came to Ryan's room.

"Captain, you're looking for me!" The man walked up to Ryan and said respectfully.

"I've told you many times that you don't need to add me when you talk to me, why don't you listen?" Ryan shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, I'll remember your words."

Ryan: ".............."

"Do you have a way to train Charlos to obey my orders even after returning to the holy land of Mary Joa?"

Ryan didn't bother to settle the matter and asked about the most concerned thing at the moment.

"It's possible, but it requires your cooperation." The man thought for a moment and said.

Lai'e asked in some confusion: "What do you mean by cooperation?"

"I heard from Kidd that your sword intent is very powerful and can slowly cut people's skin." The man paused and continued: "My idea is that you torture him with sword intent every day, and then when he can't hold on, you come out to save him. In the long run, he will become your absolutely loyal slave!"

"Awesome!" Ryan couldn't help but praise.

This is taking advantage of the weakness of human nature, coming out to save others when they are most helpless, and then forming a habit so that people recognize each other in the deepest part of their consciousness.

I have to say that the man's control over people's hearts is really powerful.

"By the way, what's your name?" Ryan suddenly remembered that the other party was already an intern on his ship, but he didn't know his name.

"Captain, my name is Gild Tezoro."

Tezoro seemed very excited. In his opinion, this was the first step for Ryan to recognize him.

"The name Gild Tezoro seems a little familiar." Ryan muttered to himself, and suddenly Ryan seemed to think of something and looked at his intern in surprise.

The Golden Emperor who appeared in the One Piece movie, the user of the Gold-Gold Fruit! He is known as the richest man in the world, with 20% of the world's Bailey. He is well-connected in both the black and white worlds. He uses the power of money to freely manipulate the Celestial Dragons and can even use the power of the World Government. In the underground world, he is the Golden Emperor who uses money to dominate the dark world!

Ryan was instantly upset. He brought a random person on board and he became the Golden Emperor? No wonder he has such a strong control over human nature. After all, he is the man who will control the world's largest entertainment city in the future.

However, in Ryan's impression, the Golden Emperor Gilder Tesoro seems to have a tragic past.

Tesoro was a little uncomfortable with Ryan staring at him like this, and cautiously probed: "Captain, what's wrong?"

"I want to hear your story."

Tesoro showed a struggling look on his face. That was a secret hidden deep in his heart that no one knew.

To be honest, if Ryan asked him other questions,Tezoro would definitely answer without hesitation, but Tezoro really didn't want to recall the past that was too painful to look back on. It was his nightmare and his most tender place.

Ryan saw Tezoro's entanglement and struggle, and said to Tezoro gently: "Don't worry, this is a secret between the two of us. I just want to get to know you better. After all, you are my partner now!"


This is really a luxury!

Looking at Ryan's clear eyes, perhaps he was moved by Ryan's word partner, or perhaps because of Ryan's life-saving grace, Tezoro finally slowly told his story!

Ryan also listened quietly to Tezoro's story.

I was born in a very poor family. My father was a gambler. I liked singing since I was a child, but because my family was very poor, I was excluded by my friends. At that time, my biggest wish was to see the entertainment performances outside the venue.

But when I was ten years old, my father died of illness, so my family became poorer and I was getting further and further away from my ideal. My mother hated my singing and said that my singing was useless and forbade me to sing.

So when I was twelve years old, I ran away from that "home" and came out. Because I had no money to eat, I could only rely on stealing money to make a living. In this way, I made a lot of friends with the stolen money, and like my father, I became addicted to gambling, hoping to change my life by gambling.

This kind of life lasted until I was sixteen years old.

One day, we lost a lot in the casino. Because we had no money to repay the gambling debts, we were caught and sold by human traffickers. At that time, my "good friends" betrayed me. When I was caught, they had already escaped. When it comes to this, the sarcasm on Tezoro's face is beyond words.

I was caught and beaten badly, and I found an opportunity to escape.

Tezoro's face suddenly became distorted, sometimes showing an intoxicated look, and sometimes showing a painful look, as if thinking of something beautiful but painful to him.

"After I escaped, I walked aimlessly to the human trafficking market, where I met the most important person in my life, my lover Stella!"

"Stella is the most beautiful woman in the world. She thinks my singing is great, and I often sing to her. We get along very well. I said I would help him regain his freedom, and we agreed that we would sing to our children in the future!" Tezoro whispered,

In order to free Stella, I never stole money again, never gambled again, and never did anything bad again. I never contacted those "friends" again, and worked day and night to collect enough money to buy Stella.

"Three years! Three whole years!" Tezoro suddenly became excited.

When I was about to collect the amount to buy Stella after working day and night, the Celestial Dragon appeared and easily bought Stella!

At this point, Tezoro could no longer control his emotions and lay on Ryan's legs and cried loudly.

Ryan gently stroked Tezoro's head and whispered, "It's okay, it's all over. No one will bully you anymore!"

"But Stella will never come back!"

"Tick! Tick!"

The tears in Tezoro's eyes were like pearls that had broken off the string, and they sprinkled all over Ryan's clothes.

Perhaps it was the first time in many years that Tezoro opened his heart. He vented all the negative emotions deep in his heart through tears, and before he knew it, Tezoro fell asleep on Ryan's legs.

Although Tezoro did not continue to tell the story, Ryan also knew the subsequent development of the story. Tezoro got angry at the Celestial Dragons after knowing that his lover Stella was bought by the Celestial Dragons, or he directly angered the Celestial Dragons and was captured to the Holy Land of Mary Geoise as a slave.

It's just that in the original history, Tesoro was rescued by Tiger, and got the Golden-Gold Fruit at the auction of the "Gold-Gold Fruit" held by the Don Quixote family, and finally became the person he hated before!

Looking at the sleeping Tesoro, Ryan fell into deep thought.

"Are there many people like Tesoro?" Ryan asked himself.

Every big man started as a small man, and there are thousands of small men like Tesoro in the world, which is why the Great Pirate Era cannot be ended.

As long as the corrupt world government exists for one day, there will be people who will go from good to evil!

Ryan also vaguely understood why Roger opened the Great Pirate Era at the cost of his life!

Roger just became a fuse to ignite this world. The reason for ignition is naturally because this world has been suppressed for too long after 800 years of rule by the Celestial Dragons.

And LaiEn is awakening the world in another way!

-------------------------------------------------I was forced to drink too much yesterday, so here comes the late update.

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