"Why haven't Kidd and Kira come back yet? Captain, why don't you go out and look for them? We've been out for more than three hours!" Robin said to Ryan with some concern when she saw that it was getting dark outside.

"Kid....? Is there... this person... on our ship?" Ryan, who was already drunk, replied.

"It seems that the captain is no longer a problem of slurred speech, but even his mind is not clear." Robin spread his hands helplessly towards Fujitora and Ryan and said, "Mr. Fujitora, why don't you go out and look for them?"

After sensing it for a while, Fujitora smiled slightly and said, "I don't think we need to go out and look for them!"


The door of the small house was opened violently, and everyone saw only one foot appearing in the door, and then two ragged people came into everyone's sight.

"Kid? And Kira?" Lori looked at the two strange and familiar people, and was a little unsure at first.

Because Kidd and Kira are completely different from their past images. In the past, they were not handsome, but at least they were energetic young men. But now, they are no different from the people in the refugee slum, especially the two of them are emitting bursts of fishy smell.

Thinking of how he suffered outside and worked hard to find the compass bird, he came back and found that his beloved captain Ryan said that there was no such person on the ship!

Yes, Ryan's drunken words were all heard by Kidd and Kira who were just at the door.

Kidd took two steps and turned into one fast step on Ryan, howling and crying: "Captain, I miss you so much!" Kidd wiped the filth on his body on Ryan while shouting.

Kira's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he also threw himself on Ryan.

Then, everyone saw a ridiculous scene, Ryan hugged Kidd and Kira and kept talking nonsense.

Kidd and Kira looked at each other, both showing expressions of conspiracy success.

The next day at noon, Ryan woke up and found that he was full of alcohol, blood, and other unpleasant smells.

"What's going on!" Ryan exclaimed. He was drinking here last night, so why did he have other smells on his body!

Everyone was attracted by Ryan's screams, and then Robin told what happened after he got drunk yesterday.


At noon, Kulik also came to Ryan's ship. Because Kulik's own house was too small to accommodate so many people, Fujitora and others took Ryan and Bailey back to the ship to rest.

As a result, as soon as he got on the ship, he saw Ryan beating Kid with a whip.

Don't ask where the whip came from, it's a product left by Charlos.

"Captain, you insisted on hugging me yesterday!" Kidd, who dodged a whip, hurriedly explained.

Ryan looked at everyone, and everyone recalled the scene last night and found that it was indeed the same as Kidd said. The drunk Ryan hugged Kidd and the two desperately, and then nodded to Ryan, indicating that it was indeed the case.

"Forget it then!" Ryan thought that he had already fought, and since he also had a problem, he would just forget it.

"By the way, where is the bird you caught yesterday!"

Kid pointed at the big wooden stake on the shore, and Ryan looked over, and a compass bird several meters high appeared in Ryan's sight.

Damn, I asked you to catch a compass bird, but you caught a bird king!

"Since you have caught the compass bird, you can set off in two days!" Kulik smiled at the people playing around.

"Well, thank you for the hospitality last night!"

"bilibili, bilibili." The voice of the Den Den Mushi suddenly rang.

What is this? Ryan remembered that he had never used this thing before, no, Charlos! Forget it, don't think about it, just pick it up first.

"Charlos?" Ryan picked up the phone and tried.

"Master, it's me!" A respectful and obscene voice sounded.

"Captain!" Tezulo winked at Ryan, hinting that there was an outsider named Kulik present.

Ryan thought about it and went to the cabin alone to answer the phone. The fewer people who know about some things, the better. Especially for such a secret thing, knowing it would be bad for Kulik.

Kulik scratched his head awkwardly, but he was not dissatisfied, because he knew that Ryan's world was different from his.

"What's wrong, Charlos!" Ryan asked.

"It's like this, Master, I have two things to report to you." In the Pangu City of Mary Joa, Charlos hid in his small room and said in a low voice.

"The first is that the Navy Marshal Zhan Guo will officially become the marshal the day after tomorrow, and three new generals will be born on the same day!"

Ryan was a little absent-minded, the three future generalsThe general will be on the stage of history so soon! In addition to the admiral Zephyr who has not abdicated.

The navy will reach an unprecedented peak in the future, with four admirals! This is unprecedented in the history of the navy. The political significance of the admirals is far more important than the combat power. Otherwise, with the achievements of Akainu and others, they should have been promoted to admirals long ago.

The four admirals represent the four factions within the navy. In this way, the power of the navy will reach an unprecedented level. Ryan is curious about whether the world government will agree so easily?

I'm afraid that Sengoku doesn't have such a big face. Ryan thought of one person, Steel Bone Kong! The future marshal of the three armed forces.

"Is this your determination, Sengoku!" Ryan thought of the man wearing a seagull hat.

"What about the second one!" After a brief absence of consciousness, Ryan was also full of interest in the second news.

"The second is that I mentioned you, Master, to my sister Xia Lulia. She is very curious about you, Master. I applied to develop my sister into 008 and let her become your slave, Master!"

"Is your sister beautiful?......" Ryan almost said what was in his mind. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and said: "Nonsense, I am such a person!"

Charlos was waiting for Ryan's answer attentively. When he heard Ryan ask if she was beautiful, he answered without thinking: "Beautiful!"

Ryan: "...........You have good ears, right!"

When Charlos heard the second half of Ryan's words, he was puzzled and said: "Master, what do you mean?"

"You decide!" Ryan hung up the phone after leaving this sentence.

Charlos, who was far away in Mary Joa, was muttering to himself: "What does the master mean by asking me to decide? Asking if my sister is beautiful, and then saying that she is not such a person."

Charlos, who didn't understand Ryan's meaning for a while, fell into deep confusion.

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