"Ryan, what are you going to do with these people?"

"Do you really want to send them back one by one?"

"Send them to the naval branch in the Gothic Kingdom."

On the deck, Bailey and Ryan were drinking and discussing how to send these people back one by one.

Afterwards, there were 113 people in total, all from different places in the South China Sea.

Ryan didn't have that much time and energy to send them back one by one.

It just so happened that Ryan was planning to go to the Gothic Kingdom.

As one of the member states of the World Government, the Gothic Kingdom can enjoy the protection of the World Government as long as it pays the prescribed amount of Tianshang Gold on time every year.

So the Gothic Kingdom has a navy stationed here.

Ryan said to Bailey: "Bailey, call that girl over, I have something to ask her."

After a while, Bailey brought over the girl who was the first to stand up and talk to Ryan yesterday.

Ryan learned from the girl that this girl was not from the South China Sea but from the Grand Line.

As for why she came to the South China Sea, the girl didn't say it. Ryan wasn't the kind of person who would ask questions until she got to the bottom of it, so he didn't ask.

"Come on, sit down."

Looking at the girl who had been dressed up in front of him, Ryan couldn't help but think of the loli on Earth in his previous life. Twin ponytails, flat chest, folded skirt. Loli standard!

Because she was rescued, the girl walked briskly and came to Ryan with a smile.

"What do you want to talk to me about? Benefactor?"

"I told you not to call me Benefactor, just call me Ryan."

The girl stretched out her hand and said to Ryan, "Okay, Ryan, my name is Loli."

"What do you mean you're called Loli?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

Ryan stroked his forehead and said, "Nice name!"

"Thank you." Loli stretched out his hand again.

Ryan hesitated for a moment, but finally reluctantly handed the wine in his hand to Loli.

Loli: ? ? ?

Loli, with a black face, pushed away the wine handed over by Ryan.

It turns out that Lori didn't mean that.

Ryan said awkwardly, "I thought you were greedy for the wine in my hand."

Lori said angrily, "Are you stupid?"

Ryan said after smoothing his throat, "Well, I came to you to learn about the situation of the Grand Line." It was also because Ryan didn't know how to respond next.

Because he was going to enter the Grand Line next, Ryan wanted to learn some information first. In this way, he could plan his sailing adventure in advance.

"What do you want to know?"

"Of course I want to know where there are delicious and fun places, or where there are treasures."

Lori immediately became energetic when she heard Ryan ask this.

"If you want to eat, go to the food city Puji, and if you want to play, you can go to the Spring Queen City..."

"You can also go to Alabasta to explore the ruins of ancient civilizations, or the mysterious Devil's Delta..."

Seeing that Lori, who had already opened the chatterbox, kept talking about the places she knew. And recommended some places she liked to Ryan.

Ryan also had a preliminary outline of the Grand Line in his mind. Thinking of so many interesting places to go to for adventure, Ryan also smiled.

Lori asked curiously: "Are you going to all these places?"

"Of course, it would be a pity not to go to such interesting places."

Lori looked at Ryan expectantly after hearing Ryan's answer: "Then can I go with you?"

"What? Don't you have to go home?"

Hearing this, Ryan almost choked on his drink. Just as he was about to refuse, he heard Lori continue.

"My home is in the Grand Line. You can put me down when you get to my home."

"Before that, I can go with you to play."

"No, you are too weak. It's too dangerous to follow us. We are pirates." Ryan would not say that he refused Lori because he was too troublesome.

Seeing that Ryan refused her request, Lori immediately became anxious.

She hugged Ryan's arms tightly with both hands and acted coquettishly to Ryan.

"Brother Ryan~~"

"Just take me with you"

"I'm familiar with the Grand Line, and I also know some navigation skills."

Ryan carefully felt the friction between his arm and Lori's body. Although the scale was small, this was the first time Ryan had physical contact with a girl since he was a child.

In his previous life, Ryan was just a pure little virgin who had lived in vain for eighteen years. How could he withstand such a test!

"Okay, since you know navigation skills, I'll take you with me."

Hearing Ryan's agreement. Lori immediately pulled her hand back.

Ryan, who was still unsatisfied, said something inexplicably: "Keep going, don't stop!"

Lori, who was stunned, seemed to have thought ofWhat happened? Her face turned red, and she ran back to her room regardless of Bailey's surprised look.

After Lori left, Bailey asked Ryan like a curious baby.

"Ryan, what happened to her?"

"I saw her face was red, is there something wrong with her body?"

"You are still young, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"


While walking to his room and touching his arm, Ryan couldn't help but sigh: "Even if people in the pirate world develop early, girls in their teens already have something."

What Ryan didn't know was that Lori was actually 15 years old this year.

After Ryan walked away, Bailey seemed to react and said to himself: "Am I not one year older than Ryan?"

Only Bailey was left on the deck in the wind...

After sailing in the sea for seven days, the two ships finally arrived at the destination of this trip, the Gothic Kingdom.

The Gothic Kingdom is composed of a large island and six other irregularly shaped islands.

If you look from the sky, you will find that the Gothic Kingdom is like a human hand, but it has one more finger than a normal person's hand.

The large island is like a palm, and the six small islands are the six fingers next to the palm.

Ryan and his party drove the ship directly to the port in the central area of ​​the Gothic Kingdom, which was very lively.

Looking at the busy workers and the endless stream of ships, Ryan also felt the fireworks unique to the city.

After docking the two ships, he asked someone about the location of the naval branch. Ryan led a group of people to leave the port in a mighty manner.

The busy workers next to him seemed to be accustomed to this situation. They just looked at it twice and continued to be busy with their own things.

On the way to the naval branch, Ryan felt that someone was staring at him. He scanned the surroundings and finally locked his eyes on the two people.

Seeing Ryan looking over, the two immediately avoided Ryan's eyes, perhaps because they realized that Ryan had discovered them.

The two turned around and walked into the crowd.

It didn't take long for them to blend into the crowd and disappear from Ryan's sight.

Ryan didn't chase them because he had memorized the breath and appearance of the two people.

Through the breathing method, as long as Ryan remembered the breath, the two people could be sensed within 20 meters of Ryan.

This is also a trick that Ryan deduced by combining the breathing method and the observation Haki.

Ryan could probably guess the identities of the two people and believed that they would come to find him again.

After a while, the group arrived at the gate of the base of the Navy Branch. Ryan stopped at the iconic flag of the World Government and the Navy.

Turned to the leading man and said.

"I won't go in. After all, I'm a pirate. You can go in directly with the person in charge and explain the situation clearly. They will send you home safely."

Everyone didn't say anything after hearing Ryan's words. Finally, they thanked him and entered the base.

Looking at the two people around him, Ryan smiled and said, "Next, let's have fun with those people who trafficked in human beings."

Bailey next to him also showed an honest smile.

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