The long bell sounded far away, and Ryan and his people were waiting for the arrival of the Shandians at the altar.

In less than ten minutes, Ryan felt someone coming down, which was where Ryan and his people came up.

"It's really worthy of being a warrior tribe!" This efficiency was beyond Ryan's expectations.

Ryan and Gan Forer came to the bottom of the vine, where hundreds of Shandian tribal warriors had gathered, led by an old man wearing a hat full of feathers.

The appearance of the two attracted the attention of the Shandians.

"Gan Forer!" The big warrior stood in front of the old man and stared at Gan Forer vigilantly.

"You are the chief of the Shandians!" Gan Forer judged his identity based on the old man's dress.

"Hmph!" The chief snorted and said, "Where is the golden bell!"

"I have rung the bell of peace, we don't have to fight anymore." Gan Forer looked at the old man sincerely and said, "It's time to end this war that has lasted for 400 years!"

"Haha, you are alone now, without a priest by your side," the great warrior War Ghost Wappa took off the rocket launcher behind him, stepped on the wind shell, and led the Shandian warriors behind him to kill Gan Forer and Ryan.

"Take back the golden bell!"

"Kill Gan Forer!"

Ryan spread his hands to Gan Forer and said, "Look, I said this won't work."

Gan Forer fell into deep doubts. Didn't the Shandians stop the war when they heard the sound of the golden bell?

When they were up there before, Ryan and Gan Forer discussed this issue. Ryan's answer was that the Shandians would just rob them, and now Ryan was right.

In fact, Ryan also made his judgment based on the existing situation. When Luffy came to Sky Island, the Shandians were suffering from the persecution of Enel, and the number of tribal warriors was constantly decreasing.

If Luffy hadn't come, it would be estimated that the Shandians would be completely extinct in a few years.

So the Shandians, who were already deeply disgusted with war and tortured at that time, heard the sound of the golden bell and chose to stop the war and shake hands to make peace.

Because the Shandians were almost exterminated at that time.

But what is the situation now? Some Shandian warriors, who numbered up to hundreds, how could they stop fighting in the face of Gan Fowl? How could they let go of the grievances of more than 400 years so easily?

Only when people have experienced greater pain will they choose to let go of the obstacles they thought they could not get through in the past.

"The greatest truth in the world is the fist in your hand!" Ryan said to Gan Fowl. Then he rushed towards the Shandians who were coming here alone.

"Gan Fowl, you coward!" Seeing that Gan Fowl was hiding behind Ryan, the great warrior Walpa said angrily.

Every great warrior of the Shandian people regards the god of Sky Island as the greatest enemy of his life, and it has been like this for 400 years. In the eyes of the great warrior Wapa, Gan Foer's behavior has brought shame to himself, who regards him as the greatest opponent.

Gan Foer said speechlessly: "You will know later..."


Wapa soon knew why Gan Foer stood behind Ryan and did not take action, because there was no need at all.

Before a few minutes had passed, more than 100 brave Shandian warriors were lying on the ground in a mess. Ryan patted the dust on his body and said lightly: "Are you convinced?"

"No!" Wapa was still stubborn. As the bravest warrior of the Shandian people, Wapa had a heart that would never surrender. Even Enel did not wipe out his fighting spirit at that time.

"Then come again!" Ryan smiled.

The fallen Shandians slowly stood up, led by Wapa, and challenged Ryan again.

"Very resilient, and admirable spirit, but too weak." Ryan commented.

"Who do you think you are!" Wapa said indignantly, he couldn't stand Ryan's bossy look.


Ryan used the domineering color domineering directly.

Along with Wapa, more than 100 Shandia warriors instantly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Wapa said unwillingly: "I can still fight!" But his body was not obedient, he could only stand up reluctantly, but he had no strength to fight again.

"Do you accept it?"


"Okay, Wapa, we admit defeat, what should I call this guy?" The chief couldn't bear it anymore and said.

"Chief!" Wapa beat the ground with his weak fist unwillingly, but since the chief said he had admitted defeat, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he also knew clearly that he and others had no power to fight back in front of the man in front of him.

But he was unwilling!

"My name is Ryan!"

"Brother Ryan, I don't think you look like a Sky Islander. How could you be with Gan Fowl, a despicable man?” The old man laughed.

Gan Fore yelled at the chief: "You are mean, your whole family is mean!"

"Do you Shandians still remember Rolando?" Seeing that the old man was still trying to alienate them, Ryan used his trump card.

"Rolando? The man promised by the ancestors!"

The chief and Wapa exclaimed.

Sure enough, for the Shandians, a rough and stubborn fighting nation, Rolando is definitely a hurdle they can't cross.

At that time, in order to save the Shandians who were attacked by "tree fever", Rolando accidentally cut down the "sacred tree" in the hearts of all Shandians, and was misunderstood by the Shandians as a sinner who violated traditions and beliefs. After the great warrior Calgra issued an order to expel them, Calgra even hurt Rolando during this process.

When he learned from Moose that Rolando cut down the tree to save them, Calgra regretted it. He hurriedly rushed to , but still failed to see Roland off. Finally, Calgra and Roland made an agreement across the sea. Calgra would wait for Roland's return in the Golden Country. When Roland came, he would ring the bell that symbolized peace to apologize to Roland.

But 400 years ago, the Golden Country was washed up to the Baibai Sea above 10,000 meters by the rising current, and this agreement was destined to be impossible to fulfill.

Calgra died with regret. He was unable to ring the golden bell to apologize to Roland until his death, and this incident became the most difficult thing for the Shandia people.

"How do you know this!" The old man said in a deep voice.

"Because Roland's descendants and I are good friends! "Then Ryan told them about what happened to Rolando after they came to the White Sea.

When he heard that Rolando was executed as a big liar because he could not find the Golden City, even a man like Wapa could not help but burst into tears.

"In order to clear Rolando's grievances, Rolando's descendants lived on Gaya Island and continued to look for the legendary Golden City."

"We are sinners!" The old man burst into tears.

Rolando, a lifesaver who was misunderstood by them, turned out to be a joke for all ages because of them. This was more painful for the rough and stubborn Shandia people than letting them die.

"Do you want to complete the unfinished agreement 400 years ago?" Ryan laughed.


"I asked if you want to."

"Yes!" The great warrior Wapa nodded continuously.

"Wait for me! "After saying that, Ryan drew his sword and opened a space door out of thin air and jumped in.

On Gaya Island, Kulik was recalling the beautiful bell sound just now. A voice came from behind, which scared Kulik and made him shiver, because the owner of the voice was Ryan!

"Kulik, I will take you to fulfill the agreement."

Ryan grabbed Kulik, who was still in shock, and went through the space door back to the sky island.

"Who am I? Where am I? Who can tell me what's going on?"

Kulik looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, and questions kept popping up in his mind. Because it was his first time to come to the White Sea, Kulik's body even had altitude sickness and he felt weak all over.

"This is Kulik, the descendant of Rolando!" Ryan pushed Kulik, who was in a daze, out.

"You are the descendant of Rolando! "Wapah and the chief tightly grasped Kulik's hands. What they grasped was not hands, but hope, the hope to make up for regrets.

As the great elder told the story, Kulik also knew where the land under his feet was. It was the golden country where his ancestor Rolando had been.

The two people in front of him were also the chieftain of Shandia and the contemporary warrior.

After knowing their identities, Kulik and Wapa hugged each other tightly, wiping their tears and snot on each other.

"Go and ring the golden bell!" Ryan opened the space door again and brought everyone to the altar.

Kulik and Wapa both grabbed a wooden stick and hit the golden bell at the same time. At this time, their faces were filled with happy smiles.

"Bang!" The bell sounded again in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This time, it was not only the bell that sounded, but also the signal of peace, and the promise that was 400 years late!

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