"Good guy? I guess so!" Gan Fore smiled and said, "Ryan, do you think I'm right?"

Gan Fore looked as if he had won.

Ryan? I think you've forgotten how I beat you before. After checking his eyes, Gan Fore was indeed floating.

But Ryan didn't know how to refute his words.

"Yes!" Ryan's voice

After saying this, Ryan felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten fly shit. Ryan, who got the answer, rushed to the Island of Gods without saying a word. He wanted to stay away from Gan Fore now.

"Wait for me!" Gan Fore chased after Ryan.

After returning to the Island of Gods, Ryan's first words when he landed were to ask everyone to move the gold to the Wanli Longteng and spend the night on Angel Island tonight.

"Captain, why don't we spend the night here?" Kidd was very confused. Going back to Angel Island would be a waste of time!

"If you like, you can stay!"

Kid felt bad. He couldn't find the gold, and now the captain gave it to him.

"Hey!" Kid sighed, holding the golden wine cup he had worked so hard to find, and followed the crowd.

"Ryan boy, don't run, am I right? I didn't hear it clearly just now!" Gan. Forer, who rushed back, said this as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Captain, what is right or wrong?"

"Shut up!"


Looking at the figures of Ryan and his group leaving, Gan. Forer sighed lightly: "Young man, how can you be so narrow-minded!"

Knowing that Ryan was in a bad mood, everyone on the road didn't say much, and there was only dull footsteps along the way.

"Huh?" Ryan found someone near the Wanli Longteng.

"What's wrong?" Bailey asked.

"Someone is near our ship."

Everyone quickened their pace and soon came to the place where they entered the Island of God before.

"Film?" Ryan said in surprise.

Judging from Philme's appearance, she should have been waiting for them here and not left.

But Ryan remembered that Philme's family still had two children waiting for her to go home for dinner?

"You are back. Does the ringing of the golden bell have anything to do with you?"

"Well, why didn't you go home!" Lori asked with concern.

"Since I have collected your money, the service should be in place." Philme chuckled. As if such a thing should be taken for granted.


"Let's go, let's go back now." Ryan interrupted Lori's unfinished words.

However, when returning, Philme's speed of driving the Weiba was not as calm as she seemed. The speed was much faster than when she came. The Wanli Longteng could not keep up with Philme's speed at all.

"Before you leave here, I have been your tour guide. You can come to me if you have any problems!" After returning to Angel Island, Philme left this sentence and hurried home.

The hunched back looked so small and majestic under the light.

"Ryan, let's buy some things and go see them!" Lori pulled Ryan's sleeve and said.

Lori, who was raised by Hadare and Leah since childhood, felt very distressed about Philme's experience.

"Okay, but don't buy it, we have it on the ship, they should like it." Ryan said with a smile.

Everyone took a lot of delicious and fun things from the ship, and walked towards Philme's home according to their memory.

"Hasn't he come back yet?" Looking at the house without lights in front of him, Ryan couldn't help but show doubts.

"It should be to buy food. You forgot that Philme said he would bring them delicious food when he came back." Robin reminded.

"Then let's go in first."

Ryan came to the door of the small house and knocked gently.

"Who is it!" A boy's childish voice came from inside.

"We are your grandma's friends, and we are here to visit you." Lori said.

"Nonsense, grandma doesn't have a friend like you, liar." The little girl's baby voice sounded inside.

Ah this!

Everyone didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Hey, let me do it!" Fujitora coughed lightly and said in a gentle tone: "Be good, little friend, open the door, uncle has a lot of delicious food here!"

Ryan was petrified on the spot, thinking that Fujitora had some good ideas, but this is it?

"Liar, if you don't open it, you won't open it."

Fujitora said embarrassedly: "I tried it, it didn't work."

Just when everyone was at a loss, a voice came from behind.

"What are you doing?"

Filmae, who was holding a few pumpkins and coconut milk in one hand and half a roasted chicken in the other, looked at Ryan and the others curiously.

"We brought some food and toys for the children." Ryan explained.

At this time, Philae noticed what they had in their hands and hurriedly said: "Then go in and sit down,Have a cup of tea. "

Grandchildren are more important to Phil May than his life. Ryan and his friends care for children several times better than Phil May.

Originally, Phil May had a vague dislike for Ryan and his friends because of their Qinghai identity, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Bukins, open the door."

"Grandma is back." With two cheerful voices, the door opened quickly and two little guys walked out.

Seeing so many strangers outside, the two little guys asked curiously, "Who are grandma and the others?"

"They are grandma's friends. Come in. Grandma has brought you a lot of delicious food." Then Phil May invited Ryan and his friends to go in.

As Ryan and his friends went in, the house, which was not big to begin with, became a little crowded.

"Sorry, the house is a little small."

"It's okay. "Ryan said with a smile and waved his hand.

Film opened the pumpkin, coconut and half a roast chicken he bought and handed them to the two little guys.

"Wow, there are pumpkins and roast chickens!"

The innocent words of the children made Ryan and the others silent.

Bailey looked at the two children in front of him and remembered the time when he and Ryan followed Carter and dreamed of eating meat every day.

Except for Lori, Brooke and Fujitora, whose origins were unknown, the childhoods of other people at the scene might be similar to those of the two children in front of them, or even worse than theirs.

Ryan and Bailey were orphans since childhood, Robin lost her home at the age of eight, and Kidd and Kira were alone when they met Ryan.

Bailey quickly took out the food he brought and handed it to the two children. There were specialties of the Water City and many foods that Buggins and Jenny had never seen.

"Grandma?" Buggins asked as an older brother.

Film touched the heads of the two lovingly and smiled, "Eat it." "

After getting the answer, the two of them immediately started to eat voraciously. For some foods that they didn't know how to eat, Bailey patiently taught the two little guys how to eat.

Seeing this scene, Phil May's wrinkles on his face became deeper and deeper.

"Grandma, you eat too."

"Okay, Grandma will eat too." But Phil May only spoke but didn't move.

When Ryan saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but think of his grandparents in his previous life.

Maybe there are some parents in the world who are not good to their children, but you rarely see grandparents who are not good to their grandchildren.

Their love is more selfless than that of their parents' generation, otherwise there would not be the saying of intergenerational love.

Soon the two little guys touched their full bellies and looked at the things on the table and sighed.

"Haha! "Looking at the two little guys who wanted to continue eating but were unable to do anything, Ryan and his group couldn't help laughing.

After leaving the toys behind, Ryan and his group left. The last two little guys were still a little reluctant to leave.

Looking at the closed door, Ryan said with emotion: "They are unfortunate, but also lucky!"


With Bailey's sigh, Ryan and his group disappeared into the night.

In the next few days, Ryan and his group often came to Philme from where they lived to visit the two little guys, and their relationship gradually became closer.

The two little guys who grew up on Sky Island also liked Ryan and his group, a group of people from Qinghai.

Just when Ryan was telling the two about his adventures, Gan Forer found Ryan.

"Any news about Bica?" Ryan looked at Gan Forer who fell from the sky and said.

"Well, someone has been there, and I asked him to draw a map!" Gan Forer threw a sheepskin map to Ryan.

"It's time to set off! "Ryan sighed.

"Brother Ryan, are you leaving?" Bugins and Jenny blinked their eyes, tears were about to flow out.

Since they were sensible, Ryan and his friends were the best to them besides Philme.

"Don't worry, brother will come back to see you."

"Don't lie!"

"This is our agreement!" Ryan stretched out his little finger and made a pinky promise with the two. This was the second time Ryan made a pinky promise with someone in this world.

Ryan's first time was to Red-haired Shanks when he was nine years old.

"Do you need me to lead the way?" Philme asked. As they got along for these days, she also regarded Ryan as her junior.

"No need!" Ryan shook his hand, indicating that he had a map.

"Guys, it's time to set off!"

Everyone looked up at Ryan, and a faint smile appeared on their faces.

-------------------------------------------------------------------In case you misunderstand me, let me first explain that this is not water. Many things require the protagonist to see them with his own eyes and experience them personally in order to grow.

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