"New member?"

The people of the Free Alliance were rescued by Ryan himself. Ryan knew everyone in the group, but he didn't know the man in front of him, so there was only one possibility, that is, he had just joined not long ago, and Ryan also found that this man had some fishman characteristics.

"Well, you and Lord Tiger are my idols!" Sharpi said excitedly, like a fan chasing a star, seeing his idol.

"Where is Tiger now?" Ryan asked. When he was in the Water City, Ryan told Tiger that the East China Sea was the most important sea area in the four seas and asked him to guard it personally.

"Lord Tiger is in the place with the most slaves in the East China Sea - the Kingdom of Goa."

As one of the old kingdoms of the member countries of the World Government, the Kingdom of Goa is pretty good in terms of scale and strength throughout the world. Ryan remembered that the Kingdom of Goa had a high number of seats during the World Conference.

And in the East China Sea, the Kingdom of Goa is also the most powerful country. Tiger is determined to do something big and picked the hardest bone.

"How is the Freedom Alliance developing in the East China Sea?"

Although the purpose of establishing this organization at that time was to allow the rescued slaves to find things to do, rather than to bring disaster to the world like the future Golden Emperor.

But after all, this is an organization established by Ryan himself. As the leader of the Freedom Alliance, he should still care about it.

"Under the leadership of Boss Tiger, our Freedom Alliance has now spread all over the East China Sea!"

As a talent, Ryan defined Shapi in his heart, and did not forget to praise the small leader in front of the big leader. As long as this person does not die, he will have a bright future in the future!

"Master Ryan, can you invite you to our base in Rogue Town to take a look? The comrades are very eager to listen to your teachings!" After saying that, Shapi looked at Ryan with anticipation.

Comrade! When Ryan heard this word, he knew that Tiger strictly followed what he wrote to him.

Ryan thought about it and he was not in a hurry for a while. It would be good to go and see after finishing his work, so he agreed.

"Then wait for me here, I'm going to do something!"

There is really nothing worth taking risks in Rogue Town. The only thing that interests Ryan is the one who gave Xuezou and the third generation of Kitetsu to Zoro.

It's also a good opportunity to find two weapons for Kidd.

Ryan took Kira to the weapon shop owned by Ippon Matsu, where a man with an eagle-like hairstyle was wiping the knife in the store. The hair on the top of Ippon Matsu's head was his last stubbornness.

"Boss, buy a knife."

"Okay, I tell you that the weapons here are the best... in Rogue Town."

When Ippon Matsu saw Ryan, he couldn't speak properly. He often paid attention to news and current affairs, so of course he knew who the man in front of him was!

The bloody swordsman-Ryan, a man who dared to challenge the World Government, is also one of the few great swordsmen in the world.

The love for swords made Ipponmatsu suppress the fear in his heart and look at the sword on Ryan's waist. It is said that the sword of the bloody swordsman is a rare double-edged sword, which is no worse than any of the twelve supreme swords. This makes Ipponmatsu very curious and wants to see it.

"You can pick whatever you want."

"Xuezou, Sandai Kitetsu, don't lie, I know you have it here!"

Ipponmatsu was shocked by Ryan's words, but after thinking about who the other party was, he regained his calm. There must be a lot of secrets in front of such a big man.

"Are you going to use it? I think your own sword is very good!" Ipponmatsu stared at Ryan's sword and said.

Ryan pushed Kira in front of him and replied: "No, he wants to use it!"

"He?" Ipponmatsu showed a mocking look on his face, and his disdain was undoubtedly revealed. In Ipponmatsu's view, giving Xuezou and Sandai Kitetsu to Kira was a complete waste of natural resources, but Ryan didn't say it clearly on the side.

People with social phobia are often very sensitive. Seeing this, Kira quickly declined and said, "Master Ryan, this is not suitable."

"No, it is very suitable. I think these two swords are very suitable for you!"

After saying this, Ipponmatsu smiled and handed Xuezou and Sandai Kitetsu to Kidd. Although Kira said it was not suitable before, when he got Xuezou and Sandai Kitetsu, his face was filled with a happy smile.

You should know that Xuezou and Sandai Kitetsu are among the top 100 famous swords in the world, not to mention that his most respected master Ryan gave them to him.

"How much?"

Ryan's expression was very calm, and he fully demonstrated his arrogant temperament.

"I don't want money, can I see your sword?"

Ipponmatsu is a man with dreams. Money is not as important to him as being able to observe the swords comparable to the Supreme Great Sword. Otherwise, he would not have given these two swords for free at that time.To the poor Zoro.

Ryan threw the wooden horse bull to Ipponmatsu without saying a word. Ipponmatsu, who got the sword, gently stroked the wooden horse bull with his fingers as if he was caressing his lover.

"Good sword! This sword is the only one I have ever seen in my life."

Ryan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. The wooden horse bull is a famous Chinese sword. Now it is no less than the supreme big knife. After it is refined with armed color domineering in the future, the quality can be improved to a higher level.

After watching, Ipponmatsu reluctantly returned the sword to Ryan. Looking at the backs of Ryan and Kira leaving, Ipponmatsu couldn't help but smile.

The disciple of the bloody swordsman-Ryan, Xuezou and the third generation of Kitetsu handed over to him can be regarded as finding a home. Good weapons should not be left in the store, but follow his master to gallop on the sea. Although the elderly Ipponmatsu can no longer go to sea due to family reasons, no matter what age he has reached, he still retains the youthful heart.

Looking at Kira who had been playing with his two newly acquired swords, Ryan reminded him: "The Third Generation Kitetsu is a demon sword. Don't use it easily before you can fully control it."


Although he felt a little sorry for Zoro, Ryan felt that Zoro should, probably, perhaps, understand his good intentions.

After returning to the square, looking at Kira with two more swords in his hands, Kidd admitted that he envied him, but his weapon was a big wrench. Did he ask the ship to get him a supreme big wrench?

Kidd quickly rejected his idea because he didn't want to be beaten yet.

Under the leadership of Sharpe, Ryan and his group came to the base of the Freedom Alliance in Rogue Town.

"Comrade Sharpe, you are here!"

"Lord Ryan!" When seeing Ryan behind Sharpe, one person exclaimed. Ryan knew this person. He was one of the old Freedom Alliance members.

"What, Lord Ryan is here!"

The words startled a thousand waves. The originally quiet base was boiling at this time. Soon, all the people of the Free Alliance in Rogue Town gathered together, a total of 23 people.

Everyone lined up in an orderly queue, looking at Ryan excitedly, waiting for his instructions.

And Ryan saw a person who surprised him in the crowd.

A man with a striped turban on his head, a somewhat ferocious look, exuding an aura of keeping strangers away, and ordinary people would feel scared when they saw his face.

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