Broly in the Marvel Universe

12 Sometimes you can’t escape fate

"Alright it doesn't seem like you guys need me. I'll see you."

I instant transmission back to my apartment in New York.

"Skye lets go. In a few hours this place will be a battleground."

"What are you talking about."

"Long story short... aliens coming to take over. Starting here."


"Just hurry."

"Alright, alright"

I pick her up and I instant transmission her back to my vacation home in the California hills.

"I haven't seen you in a day and the first thing you do is take me to a vacation home. If I didn't know better I'd think you were setting a mood."

"Maybe I was."

"Oh really"

"I don't have to be back anytime soon. You want to do something."

"Maybe I do"

*2 hours later

"I'm heading back"

"Do you have to go"

"I have to see what situation they're in."


I lock into Bruce's ki signature.

'Wait Bruce has a ki signature.'

I look back at skye and sense ki from her.

'That means...'

He instant transmissions to Bruce and sees him turning into the hulk.

'What the fuck. This shouldn't be happening. I helped Hawkeye.'

I look towards BW and say

"Looks like you are in a tricky situation... you should probably run"

While I pull the pipes that were on her leg off

"What about you"

"It's alright. Saving gorgeous women is my strong suit."

She blushes ever so slightly

"Can you beat him"

"I don't know, I've never fought him in hid peak condition... just go, don't worry about me."

BW Runs and the hulk finishes his transformation and looks at me.

"Hulk don't make me beat your ass again."

Hulk runs towards me and I move out of the way like a matador. Then I climb on his back as he's running. We make our way into the hanger and Thor comes out of nowhere and engages the hulk. So I get off his back and watch Thor and hulk fight. Then I think about Black Widow and go to find her. I find her hiding near some pipes and say.

"You're Safe now"

"Have you fought the Hulk before."

"I have beaten the hulk before"

"The battle in Harlem. That was you?"

"Yeah, But the hulk was weaker then. I don't know why, but it was much easier to beat him then."

"Who are you."

"Like I said earlier, my name is Jordan Miles. I'm an alien, and after all this Loki shit is over. I'm hoping I could be your man."

"That's very unprofessional of you"

"Professional? I stoped being professional when a giant green rage monster charged at me. Now let's go."

I pick BW Up and we hear Fury confirm Coulson's death over the comms.

'I forgot about coulson'

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