I instant transmission to Stark where he is currently tinkering in his lab.

'Thank god he wasn't naked'

"Yo... stark"

"Is that the tailed wonder himself."

I chuckle then say

"Yes, it is I the monkey king... so hows it going stark. You have free time."

"Ummm, I should. What do you need."

"Well, I needed a ship..."

He looks at me confused

"That can travel in space..."

He smirks

"Really fast"

"Already have an idea in mind sunshine. You planning on going to some alien girl wonderland."

"No... I was planning on heading off planet to explore."

"Ahh I understand"

He smirks again

"Are you sure you are good on interstellar travel"

"Well I had theories on it already that I never worked on. Guess I just didn't have the determination"

"Wow... to say you are always one step ahead would be an understatement... Just tell me how much you want for the project. I'll send it over immediately."

"I'll update you when the project is finished"

*1 month later

While I am laying in bed with skye, my phone rings. I get up and head to the kitchen.

"Stark? What's up"

"I finished that ship you wanted".


"Head over now"

I wake Skye up and say my goodbyes to her. Then I instant transmission to Stark. I am welcomed by a ship that looks like a Quinn jet, but 6 times bigger. It had circular glowing blue engines with floating rings coming outside of them.

"I call it the... I'm not good with names. You name it"

"How bout big glowy"

He looks at me as if I had grown a third eye.

"Well it looks like you are even worse at names. By the way I'll give it to you at a discount... it's only 2 billion."

He smirks testing out the waters. However I think that's a complete steal.

" I'll text you my assistants number. Just call her and she'll send you the money right away."

"Oh... ok."

I walk into the ship. And it is a wide room with futuristic patterns everywhere. It has doors 7 doors that lead to a bathroom, a kitchen and 5 bedrooms.

'What do you expect me to do up here stark'

I go and sit in the captains seat and type in the coordinates for Xandar. The ship immediately floats up then turns its nose upright and speeds off upwards breaking out of the atmosphere in minutes. Once it leaves the pull of earth. A robotic voice plays on the speaker.

[Going into warp drive in 3...2...1..."

I look outside the window and I see bright lines fly across the glass.

[time till arrival 2 hours]

"Stark... your genius never ceases to amaze me"

I go into one of the 5 bedrooms and take a nap on the comfortable queen sized bed. I wake up to a robotic noise that says.

[you have arrived at your destination]

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