“Is this Gula, this bastard, trying to destroy the planet?”

Sun Wukong, Vegeta and the others stared very heavily at the extremely huge destructive energy ball on the tip of Gula’s fingertips.

This terrifying energy, as long as a trace leaks out, is enough to blow them to pieces.

“Broly, you must come next!”

Sun Wukong looked at the purple-gold back that was facing away from them, and silently chanted in his heart.

It seems that after this series of things, he has a blind belief in Broly.

Even in the face of this situation, he felt that there must be nothing wrong with Broly.

“Yo, playing waves again? You’re not qualified enough, it’s really troublesome. Turtle Pie Qigong! ”

Gura’s ball of destructive energy had already shot out and smashed towards where Broly was standing.

However, Broly’s eyes were fierce and he didn’t take it seriously at all

Step forward with one leg, bend slightly, form palms with both hands, and stop at your waist.

Terrifying blue energy was born between the palms.


The turtle sent qigong to the destructive energy emitted by Gula and dried up.


The ground beneath Broly’s feet cracked instantly, and the potholed ground collapsed again.

A giant pit of ten zhang was formed.

And Gura’s destructive energy bomb is still falling at a uniform speed.

“Die, Saiyan Monkey! You’re all going to die! ”

Gula went crazy.

However, Frisha and the Kurdish king behind him remained motionless, and they decided to take another look.

If Broly’s side doesn’t work, they will directly kill him.

Or let Gula be killed by Broly!

“It’s just to play with you, you still take it seriously!”

Broly shouted, and the golden qi around his body instantly soared, forming a purple-gold aura that was a hundred meters high.

Where the flames passed, all the rubble turned into powder.

The Turtle Sect Qigong in his hands suddenly dissipated, apparently Broly gave up this method.

“Did you give up? Saiyan Monkey! ”

Gula was excited.


Klin and the others were shocked, not understanding why Broly suddenly “gave up resisting”.


I saw Broly raise his hands, and he actually caught it directly and steadily.

“I lean, what’s the situation!”

Gula was shocked, he didn’t believe it, someone was actually able to catch the destruction energy bomb with his hand!

With a “poof”, the falling speed of the powerful destructive energy ball decreased sharply, stopped, and finally was stopped alive.

“Give it back to you!”

Like playing football, Broly directly kicked the huge destructive energy bomb out of space.


Gula in the sky quickly dodged, and the energy bomb grazed his body and flew over.


Like fireworks, it exploded brilliantly.

The huge explosion power even shook the entire planet Namek

The sea water instantly flooded countless lands, and magma continued to emerge.

“This… Damn it! ”

Gula was shocked.

Even if it was himself, it was impossible to catch his destruction energy bomb and prevent it from exploding.

Frieza and the Kurdish king looked at each other and both saw a sense of rejoicing.

Good thing, we didn’t shoot!

This guy is really a pervert, he can actually make such a violent destruction energy bomb kick back, and it won’t explode.

At the same time, Broly’s figure disappeared like a ghost and appeared in front of Gula.

But Gula is still in a state of confusion, and he has not yet come to his senses.

And Broly’s breath is still steady, and there is no feeling of lack of energy at all.

There is no pressure on this situation at all.

Gula had already been rough and consumed a huge amount of physical energy.

The Saiyans possess almost endless energy, and this small scene has no loss at all.

Broly palmed his hand forward and aimed at Gura’s body.

A terrifying energy gushed out from the palm.

“Then you are ready to die!”

Gula was sweating profusely, and this time he was really afraid.

No, why didn’t this guy play his cards according to common sense.

Isn’t he a Galaxy Patrolman?

Arresting criminals is what he should do!

Sweat continued to slide down his forehead like a stream, and Gula looked at the two fingers above his eyebrows, and his heart was terrified to the extreme.

“Please… Please, let me go, I can give you all the planets. Be your servant! ”

Gula trembled and frightened, and his eyes were filled with malice.

“Let you go? I let it go last time, but in prison, you haven’t changed at all! I heard that later at the Galaxy Patrol headquarters, you started the most ruthlessly. ”

Broly was unmoved, this Gula nature is difficult to move, he will not be stupid enough to really let him go!

“I swear, the Galaxy Patrol headquarters was an accident, please, forgive me!”

Gula lowered his noble head, he regretted why he was stubborn at the Galaxy Patrol headquarters.

It’s just that the palms of his hands secretly condensed, and the two terrifying energy bombs gradually grew larger.

“Forgive you? That’s not my thing! All I want to do is send you to King Yan Luo now!” ”

How could Broly not detect the energy bomb in Gula’s palm, this guy will not change!

The death beam at the fingertip instantly pointed.

Only an extremely unwilling roar was heard, and Gula’s head was directly shot through, and then his body was directly blasted into dust.

“This Gula is dead?”

Vegeta suddenly had an unreal feeling, which was too simple.

All the way down, it was Broly who pressed him to beat, but it made him feel that Gula was weak.

“No, it’s not that Gula is too weak! It’s that Broly is too strong! You see! ”

Sun Wukong said with a serious face.

Vegeta looked around and suddenly realized that the planet of Namek was on the verge of collapse.

Looking at the past, there is almost no mountain peak that is too high, and there are potholes everywhere.

Suddenly, he saw a figure that was both familiar and abhorrent.

Frieza was in the middle of hesitation at this time, and after seeing the battle between Broly and Gura, he knew that he was not the opponent’s opponent at all.

Although he secretly cultivated to the silver state, he didn’t know that he was at most equal to Gula.

But even so, he was still beaten by Broly without fighting back, and what ability did he have to confront Broly.

Frieza had the intention to surrender, but for the sake of face, he was embarrassed.

So I have been in a dilemma.

The Kurdish king on the side is the same, he has long experienced the horror of Broly, and now he is even more frightened.

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