“Kakarot, your strength has greatly exceeded my expectations, but you don’t have much physical strength now. Pick me up for the last resort! ”

When Sun Wukong heard this, he looked at Beji Shalu with solemn eyes, condensing his last energy, and his state was not very good.

“Turtle! Send! Gas! Merit!!! ”

A blue ball of energy condensed in Beji Sharu’s hand, and as he finished speaking, it was pushed out.

“Turtle! Send! Gas!! Merit!!! ”

Seeing this, Sun Wukong was the same, a turtle faction qigong bombarded over, and the two carried out the last wave of confrontation.

Two blue energy balls collided between the two, but instead of exploding, they competed.

The two energy balls come and go, refusing to give in to each other, and the pillars of light behind are constantly squirming, and both of them continue to transmit energy.

Beji Sharu verified one thing, though.

That is, don’t go against the people of the Sun family.

Even though his strength is a little stronger than Sun Wukong, after Sun Wukong confronted the wave, he abruptly suppressed Beji Shalu’s qigong wave back


Sun Wukong shouted, using his last strength.

As Sun Wukong increased his last strength, the two energy balls that had been competing with each other continued to fly towards Beji Shalu.


Beji Sharu also used his last strength to resist, but he couldn’t resist it, and watched the energy ball fly towards him.


The energy ball was pushed over, and an explosion occurred, destroying everything around it by this explosion.

The explosion produced a powerful hurricane that prevented those watching the battle from opening their eyes.

“Goku won!”

Klin jumped excitedly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little excited, such a powerful opponent was finally defeated.

Broly stared dead in the direction of the explosion, as if to see if Beji Sharu was dead


After Sun Wukong pushed the energy ball over again, he sat down on the ground without strength.

But he was still happy, he won, he defeated Beji Sharu, a formidable opponent.

When the smoke and dust of the explosion cleared, a huge crater appeared in that place.

But at this time, Broly flew to Sun Wukong’s side and took out a fairy bean to Sun Wukong.

“You’re doing well, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Broly patted Sun Wukong’s shoulder and said.

“Broly? Isn’t Beji Sharu dead yet? Then leave it to me, no problem. ”

Sun Wukong looked at Broly in surprise, his eyes full of excitement.

“It’s also my turn to strike this time, just now you directly let him break through from the near death, and now you are no longer his opponent.”

Broly nodded, and then looked in the direction of the big pit: “Beji Sharu, come out, I know you are not dead yet.” ”

As Broly finished saying this, Beji Sharu jumped out of a spatial crack.

However, there were already some differences from just now, and there was a constant sound of crackling lightning on the body.

“What?! Not dead yet? ”

With Broly’s words, everyone looked in the direction of Beji Sharu.

At this time, Beji Shalu didn’t look injured at all, but his aura was much stronger than before.

At this time, Shalu’s body was shining with lightning, and it was obvious that Sun Wukong’s attack just now not only did not kill him, but allowed him to break through.

“Grip the grass, Lightning Bergi Sharu! This product is now at least the strength of Super Race 3! ”

Broly is speechless to the Monkey King, you protagonist is the same as your son in another world.

Not only did it not kill the opponent, but it made the opponent stronger and stronger.

“Do you wonder why I didn’t die and became stronger?”

Beji Sharu said proudly to Broly and the others.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Beji Sharu continued: “I have a core in my body, and as long as it is not destroyed, I will not die. Kakarot’s attack just now made me think I was going to die. But I didn’t expect that I was lucky to survive, and I broke through the shackles, and my strength became stronger again. ”

“Then come, Beji Sharu! I will definitely beat you this time! ”

Monkey King wants to keep fighting.

“Hehe, now my combat effectiveness has doubled compared to just now, I want to see how you defeat me.”

Beji Sharu was undaunted, and his strong strength gave him plenty of confidence.

Broly saw Sun Wukong’s fighting spirit, and knew that this goods would not shed tears if he did not see the coffin.

Take a few steps back and signal you to feel free.

Although Sun Wukong recovered his strength after eating fairy beans, Beji Sharu’s strength has reached his Super Match 3 strength a few years later, and he is not an opponent at all now.

In less than a minute, Sun Wukong fell directly to the ground.

The whole body is in tatters, and even the Super Saiyan state can no longer be maintained.

“Having said that you are not my opponent, Kakarot! Now it’s up to you, Broly! I will definitely kill you! ”

Beji Sharu said fiercely.

Whether it is Vegeta’s desire to challenge Broly, or Sharu’s hatred of being insulted by Broly, he resents Broly very much.

“You just double your combat effectiveness, and you have to die today.”

After Broly finished speaking, he directly transformed into a Super Saiyan 2.

Ye Tian’s basic combat power has 3 billion, which is stronger than Sun Wukong’s 1 billion, and transforming into a super Saiyan 2 directly exceeds the trillion combat power.

At the moment when Broly’s transformation was completed, Beji Sharu’s expression became solemn.

He didn’t expect Broly to be so powerful, and if he knew that Broly could become stronger, would he be scared to give up resistance.

“Broly is getting stronger and stronger, and the last transformation momentum is much worse than now.”

Sun Wukong felt Broly’s current momentum, which was much more powerful than the last time he transformed into Super 2.

Broly and Beji Sharu looked at each other.

Beji Sharu’s body shone with green aura, and Browly did not let it go, and the emerald green aura was a little more intense than Beji Sharu’s arrogance.

“Huh”, Broly didn’t say a word, a direct figure flashed, and directly began to attack.

Vegeta Sharu didn’t even look at it, turned around, and punched him behind him.

But Beji Sharu’s fist penetrated directly through Broly’s chest without hindrance.


Immediately, Beji Sharu’s face changed suddenly.

Because what he hit was the afterimage of Broly.

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