The blue energy, carrying a terrifying destructive aura, quickly grew in front of Broly.

“Don’t… Stop, stop! ”

A terrified voice came from Beji Sharu’s mouth, who was obviously frightened by Broly in front of him.

However, this time, the voice turned out to be only Shalu’s voice.

Full of fear, pray!

“Broly, please let Vegeta go this time. We can get the dragon to separate Vegeta! ”

Monkey King suddenly pleaded, he couldn’t bear to see Vegeta also affected.

“No, he has to pay for his wrongdoing. Not everyone can make him willful! ”

Broly glanced at Sun Wukong lightly, but still refused his request.

Protagonist? Do you think you are still the main character?

Here I am the protagonist!

“Disappear for me!”

Broly drank sharply, and the turtle faction qigong in his hand shot directly towards Beji Sharu.


Beji Sharu’s pupils constricted, tightened again!

Looking at the devastating Turtle Sect Qigong, fear and despair completely spread in the bottom of my heart.

After the smoke has cleared.

“It’s so easy to end? It can’t be, it feels too relaxed. ”

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds after the smoke dissipated, Klin shrugged, and he suddenly had a feeling that it seemed that he didn’t have to do it himself, which felt good.

“Not too easy, but Broly is too strong, otherwise we would have lost this time. This guy is so strong! ”

Sun Wukong calmly analyzed, although a little unwilling, but Broly’s strength still made Sun Wukong very impressed.

Although Vegeta died, Sun Wukong did not blame Broly, after all, if it were not for Broly, the earth would really be hopeless this time.

Although Vegeta lost her life because of her conceit, the crowd did not discriminate against Anna.

Also very friendly and caring for little Trunks.

Adults make mistakes, children are innocent, and people know this deeply.

As Beji Sharu’s smoke dissipated, the Broly game ended.

After Beji Sharu’s death, peace was restored to Earth.

Since the battle is played in the form of a Broly game, again in the wilderness, Broly controls it well, and the final battle does not cause much damage to Earth.

The reconstruction of the affected areas, thanks to the strong help of Bulma, was also carried out very quickly.

“It’s finally over, under your powerful power, Beji Sharu is also so vulnerable.” At home, Number 18 looked at Broly with envy and said.

“Of course, I didn’t take Beji Sharu seriously at all. A few dozen more Beji Sharu are not my opponents either. Ha ha! Broly smiled softly and hugged No. 18 in his arms.

“Yes, husband, you are amazing.” No. 18 echoed, and she also put forward her own thoughts, “Seeing you so strong, I also want to be able to become strong, worthy of you…”

Broly glanced at No. 18 in his arms and said with concern: “Don’t worry, with me, I will protect you.” Fight these things, you don’t have to worry about it. How nice it is to look at home well. ”

“That being said, I always feel a little ashamed. We artificial humans were originally produced for fighting, so the idea of getting stronger has always been in my mind, lingering. Number 18 looked a little lost, and the desire to fight was deep in her genes.

“Since you said that, I do have an idea.” Broly looked at the serious number 18.

“How, do you have any methods? I went to the Spirit and Time Cabin with the 17th the other day, and we exercised there for a long time, and although the results were good, it was still a bit slow. No. 18 was looking forward to what way this powerful man could come up with to become stronger. Although he can’t become like him, he is definitely more powerful than other methods.

“Fit.” Broly simply said those two words.

“Hate… People are talking to you seriously. Number 18 burrowed into Broly’s arms and began to coquettish, prodding Broly with her fingers and caressing her face.

“Haha, just kidding.” Broly suddenly remembered that in this world, no one had ever used fusion, and generally speaking, when Majin Buu invaded, Gokuten and Trunks would fuse for the first time.

“The correct way to say it is called fusion. That is, several people of similar size and strength fuse into one person through the way of integration, and then this fused person will far exceed the strength of the original several people. Broly gave a brief explanation.

“Really, I’ve never heard of this technique.” Number 18 was obviously a little surprised after hearing this, she seemed very interested in fusion.

“How could I lie to you, little fool. If you really want to get stronger, try this. It just so happens that there is a different space-time No. 18 and a future space-time No. 18, and I think that if you fuse with the two No. 18s in another space-time, it will definitely become very powerful. Broly looked at No. 18 with a fond look, such a delicate artificial human, it was a pity to use it to fight.

No. 18 was very happy after listening to it, she seemed to have begun to fantasize about what she would look like after becoming stronger, and her face was full of happiness.

“I’ll take a few of you to learn fusion tomorrow, so look forward to it.” Broly looked at No. 18’s happy look and made up his mind.


No. 18 of the other time and space was very shocked when she heard about the fusion technique, she used to only believe in science and technology, and felt that only serious cultivation could improve her strength.

But she was also excited to learn that there was an ancient secret technique that could obtain more powerful power through the combination of three number 18s.

“Is it okay, Alien Space 18, you also want to become stronger.” No. 18’s eyes lit up, looking at No. 18 in a different time and space with anticipation.

After hesitating for a while, Xeno-Time 18 agreed to her request. After all, she also wanted to see what she could achieve through fusion.

The future 18th had seen this fusion technique in the future, so he also readily agreed to Broly.

“Okay, in that case, let’s start the special training!” Broly clenched his fists and reached into the sky, making an excited look.

Although several No. 18s were excited to gain great power, Broly just held the attitude of playing with his wife, and he was very comfortable watching No. 18 happy.

As long as she’s happy.

After all, even if three different No. 18s fused, they would not be able to reach the power that could threaten Broly, and that was certain.

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