Chapter 143: Deep Blue Broly is defeated

Where the qigong wave and the small white energy ball collided, bursts of white glare appeared.

The glare forms the final link of the fireworks, and as the glare disappears, the dazzling fireworks sent by the dark blue broly also come to an end.

“These two people are also too strong!”

Gohan looked at the fireworks exploding in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh. At this time, the wound on his body was still faintly painful, and he had been beaten by Broly before.


Klin responded to Gohan, “But the first person who appeared to appear with you, claiming to be Broly’s brother, is significantly stronger. And, the depths are bottomless! ”

Klin looked at Broly, who was standing still on the ground with a shocked face, and felt very panicked in his heart.

If this guy is the enemy of the earth and only comes to destroy the earth, then the earth has become a scattered dust in the universe at this moment.

What the hell is the origin of this guy, what is the purpose of coming to Earth… It is better not to be an enemy, otherwise no one will be able to compete with it.

Klin glanced at the scarred Monkey King next to him again, and couldn’t help sighing.

“Thank you to my brother Broly for giving Earth a dazzling bucket of fireworks! Wow, it’s so beautiful, it’s worthy of my brother Broly! ”

Broly was still making jokes about Deep Blue Broly.

But the people around did not dare to laugh, which should have been a very serious matter.

If Deep Blue Broly’s blast meteor hadn’t been blocked and flew towards them like this, no one would have survived.

The surrounding buildings are probably already in ruins.

It’s scary to think about it, who still has the heart to listen to Broly joking.

Deep Blue Broly too, he was not in the mood to listen to Broly joke at all, at this moment, he only had one thought.

That is, let Broly die without a place to be buried, and the worse the death, the better.


At this time, Deep Blue Broly became more and more angry the more he thought about it, and his thoughts were completely occupied by anger.

The aura of anger grew stronger and stronger than before.

His entire body turned red, and the breath surrounding his body also turned red, like a red flame burning.

“Wow, the strength has improved compared to just now, Deep Blue Broly, it is worthy of being me in another time and space.” I’m getting more and more optimistic about you! ”

It’s still not as good as me, Broly thought.

In Broly’s opinion, Deep Blue Broly is a younger brother, but in the eyes of these people around, Deep Blue Broly has completely become the most powerful boy on this street.

It’s like the existence of the final boss.

Including the most powerful boy on this street, Sun Wukong, also thinks so.

This is the gap between strength and vision!

“I’m going to kill you, Destruction Beam!”

Deep Blue Broly’s whole body was red, and his eyes became even redder at this time, as if they were full of blood.

In this red scary eye, a red beam suddenly appeared, shooting towards Broly.

The speed of the red beam is very fast.

“Oh, it’s starting to look a little bit, brother.”

Looking at the flying red beam, Broly was not panicked at all.

He stretched out his hands and took the red beam of destruction from the dark blue broly.

“Congratulations on acquiring a new skill, Beam of Destruction!”

The voice of the system rang in Broly’s head.

“Not bad, this trick looks powerful. But this second, it’s become my skill, haha. Thank you, brother. ”

Broly was still a little happy, after all, he learned new skills, and this battle was not fought in vain.

That’s one of the reasons he plays with Deep Blue Broly.

He wanted to see what skills Broly in Deep Blue Time had that he hadn’t mastered yet, and then absorb them.


Deep Blue Broly became even more angry, and his eyes began to emit red beams of destruction again.

The beams of destruction struck towards Broly one by one, very fast.

Broly wasn’t flustered, he had learned to destroy beams.

At this time, Broly’s eyes also began to emit a beam of destruction, and the direction of the destruction beam was the direction where the dark blue Broly’s beam of destruction flew from.

Broly was obviously faster, although he started a little slower than Deep Blue Broly, but he was faster, and all the beams of destruction were aimed at the Dark Blue Broly’s Beam of Destruction.

The same energies collide, and finally, cancel each other out and disappear into the void.

“This person, why can he be so strong, this is also too strong!”

Deep Blue Broly was both angry and surprised.

Anger soon overwhelmed reason, and his anger had reached the extreme by this time, and reason basically no longer existed.

Therefore, I am not surprised at all, and now I only want to kill Broly in front of me.

“Well, Broly on the other side looks a little scary! Like a monster…”

Klin was very scared, and the aura that Deep Blue Broly exuded all over his body seemed to be able to devour everything.

It was a killing intent that was extremely angry.

“Oh, what the hell is that!”

Passers-by were screaming, much more frightened than Klin.

Deep Blue Broly has surpassed the perception of ordinary people, he is no longer a human, he can only be described as a monster.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you, it doesn’t look right with you, you scared away all the passers-by who were watching.”

Broly pretended to be concerned and shouted at Deep Blue Broly.

“Me! Want! Kill! Finish! You! ”

Deep Blue Broly roared, and the sound was as creepy as if it could penetrate people’s eardrums.

He has now completely lost his mind, just a shell driven by anger.

He roared as he rushed towards Broly.

“After turning into a beast, is the bestiality prosperous? Is this the animal instinct? ”

Broly seemed a little tired of playing, and looked at the dark blue Broly who rushed over, feeling very bored.

“Since you want to win by brute force, then I’ll let you see what real strength is!”

Broly set up a fighting stance and prepared to meet the deep blue Broly who pounced.

“Well, see you really this time, Deep Blue Broly.”

Broly closed his eyes, feeling very calm.

Deep Blue Broly pounced.

At the moment when the two collided, Broly punched.

He hit Deep Blue Broly in the nose.

Just one punch, Deep Blue Broly fell before he touched Broly.

“Boom!” It was the sound of Deep Blue Broly’s massive body embracing the earth.

As Deep Blue Broly fell to the ground, he lost consciousness.

The people watching the battle were stunned, and they didn’t know what had happened.

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