Night Flowers pull blue blood's skirt, let him close to himself, teach opportunism.

Blue blood saw the night flower to open one eye, unwillingly stand up the body.

"The jade emperor has heard that there is a fairy palace in the world. Someone is cheating in the name of an immortal. I'm here to remind you not to believe the witch again."

The crowd was in an uproar. Originally, he didn't believe in blue blood, but he just "flew" to the roof. That was what people saw with their own eyes, but the goddess could also fly. How could it be false.

"Bewitch the public." During the day, the pair of Golden Boys and girls came out of the crowd, pointed to the blue blood and said, "what can you prove that you are immortals, we are not?"

The night flower frowned, reached out and took out a small porcelain vase, "blue blood, let me down."

Blue blood to her words, obedient, embrace her waist from the roof jump.

The night flower smiles and shakes the bottle to the two people, "I brought the holy water of the heavenly palace. As long as you get a little bit of it, you will show your original evil face."

With that, the night flower looked around at the crowd with pity, "some of you have been enchanted, so, when my holy water comes out, some people's faces will also change. Don't panic. As long as you go back and repent silently, don't do bad things again, you will change back to your true colors."

The night flower opens and hands the porcelain bottle to blue blood. Blue blood uses her internal power to shock the potion to the golden girl and the crowd close to them.

This medicine has no toxicity, but it can make a person's face swell like a pig's head. It's a necessary medicine for people in villain's valley.

Blue blood also does not want to talk with a group of people, pick up the night flowers to leave.

Behind came a whine, night flowers sigh, ah, suddenly become pig head, no one can stand, not to mention the original handsome people.

Blue blood doesn't care what kind of ghost those people will become. He looks down at the smiling night flowers and frowns.

"Where are we going now?"

Although he knows that yehuakai is not a spoiled girl, he would rather choose an inn than sleeping out with yehuakai.

Night Flowers yawned, "blue blood, I'm so sleepy."

Blue blood took a look at her, reached out to put her down, pulled out a cape from the package, wrapped her, slightly bent her legs, "come up and sleep."

Night Flowers impolitely climbed on his back, against his shoulder - fell asleep.

Blue blood with night flowers, night for him, with the day is no different.

Listening to the peaceful breathing sound from the villain on the back, blue blood only feels that the whole person's heart is so calm.

The town can't stay any longer. Blue blood is rushing all the way, hoping to find a shelter soon.

There is a light in front, blue blood see, speed up to light.

Twelfth, why is the difference so big

When I came near, I found that it was a big courtyard. A strong man opened the door. He looked blue blood up and down and let blue blood in.

The sound of pain and happiness came from the darkness.

The night flower opens and hears vaguely: "is anyone ill? I'm a veterinarian. I don't treat people. "

Blue blood face flashed gentle, "good, no treatment."

The strong man looked at the blue blood. Everyone knew what the voice was, but it seemed that he didn't know it. Unlike other men, when he heard the voice, he looked ambiguous and calm. On the contrary, the strong man felt guilty for a moment and seemed to have done something shameful.

"Here's the money for your stay." Although blue blood does not want to deal with people, but also understand that money can make the devil push the mill.

The strong man pushed away blue blood's hand, "young master, my master is the most hospitable. When I know that young master is coming, I will treat you warmly. How can I collect your money?"

Blue blood frowned. He didn't like to socialize with others. He forced the silver to the strong man. "We just stay overnight and leave tomorrow morning. Don't bother your host. Just find a guest room."

The strong man refused, but he took it impolitely, put the silver into his pocket, and led blue blood to the guest room.

Blue blood declared, "two rooms."

There seemed to be a lot of people in their guest room. The sound of pain and happiness faded away. Blue blood frowned, put the night flowers on the bed and covered the quilt.

"Come with me, young master." The strong man said with a smile. With that, his eyes inadvertently lost a look on the night blooming face, showing a strange look on his face.

Blue blood after hearing those strange sounds, the bottom of his heart has been uneasy, the man's eyes to see the night flowers let his heart alert, he said faintly: "don't bother, this house is big enough, this one is good."

The strong man was stunned. He said he wanted two rooms, but he didn't want them. Forget it, he didn't care.

"So, I stepped down." The strong man said with a smile.

Blue blood saw him leave, went to the small Kang by the window and lay down.

The strong man went straight to the main hall.

"Fatty yuan, what are you doing? Is this where you should be? " The handsome men and beautiful women in front of the hall scolded him.

The strong man didn't like it. He was used to being scolded at first sight. He said with a smile: "I'm a fairy. There are just two people staying here. I look at my figure and appearance. It looks like the one that the goddess met in the daytime. I'm here to tell you."

Two people looked at each other, pointed to Yuan fatty, "you wait."

The spring scenery in the hall is beautiful, and the laughter from time to time makes people blush and heartbeat.

The golden girl told yuan pangzi what he had told him. There was a moment of silence behind the curtain in the hall.

"Interesting, interesting." A slender snow-white hand stretched out and beckoned to the golden girl.

Golden boy and jade girl go in, open the box beside, take out a whole set of clothes, go forward, obediently shake open, a man lazily stand up, open arms let two people wait.

"Palace master..."

Brocade is stretched out a hand, pull the man's skirt, a beautiful girl from brocade is stretched out a hand, attachment of looking up at him.

"Darling, wait for me to come back." The evil spirit man chuckles and says sweet words, but his hands don't hesitate to break the woman's hand.

The evil spirit man follows two people to go out, Yuan fatty has been uneasy and so on in situ, sees the evil spirit man to come out, originally also calculates the tall body low to the dust, "the palace Lord."

Yuan said humbly.

"Well, well done. I'll give her to you tonight." The evil man pointed to the jade girl behind him.

As soon as her face turned white, she lowered her head. She knew that she wanted to climb up to the palace master's bed again, which was basically a luxury. She just didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Yuan pangzi happily led the way ahead.

"This is it."

Yuan pangzi pointed to the room where blue blood lived.

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