Chapter 61 MLM contributes 1 billion [Second Seeking First Order]

061. MLM contributes 1 billion [second more first order]

The MLM personnel who were seriously brainwashed in the audience were excited.

There are even those who are bold enough to rush forward to rescue the great teachers who can bring them out of poverty and prosperity. For this kind of brainwashed brain damage, the reason is simply incomprehensible.

Just beat it up and be honest.

Wu Xi, who was protected by a group of good brothers, said casually.

“Whoever dares to make trouble and shout, beat me to death.”

More than 200 good brothers severely beat the MLM personnel.

As long as you dare to make trouble, you will be slapped in the face by a fan, or punched and kicked. Screams rang out in the hotel conference room.

Although the number of weak chicken MLM personnel is larger, most of them do not have the courage to fight back.

Compared to a gentle MLM mentor, Wu Xi with a group of good brothers beating people is more like a pyramid scheme. The means are crude, but the effect is also obvious.

After a severe beating, the MLM staff obediently squatted on the ground, their eyes showing fear, meek like a flock of sheep, and did not dare to say anything to rescue the mentor.

Wu Xi walked up to the podium and spoke nonsense with a straight face.

“Do you know why I left my mentor and Mr. Panden here?”

The eyes of the MLM staff who had been severely beaten in the audience showed doubt.

Brainwashed badly, they have not yet reacted that they have been deceived. Wu Xi continued to fool.

“Because I’m a selfish person.”

“I want to keep my mentor and Mr. Panden here and only bring us to make a fortune.”

“Whether other poor people are rich or not has nothing to do with us.”

“Now everyone understands my good intentions, right?”

After listening to Wu Xi’s explanation, the MLM personnel suddenly realized. This explanation makes sense.

Many MLM personnel agreed with Wu Xi’s words in their hearts.

They don’t care if others get rid of poverty and get rich, as long as they can get rich themselves. Even vaguely do not want others to get rich.

If everyone becomes rich, what is the use of money?

“I want to discuss with my mentor how to get rich, and those who don’t want to stay here can go on their own, and no one will stop me.”

Leaving this last sentence, Wu Xi turned and went upstairs.

None of the MLM brainwashing personnel in the conference room left. Still dreaming of staying here and making a fortune.

On the other side, founder Pan Deng and his mentor are locked in a hotel room, and eight good brothers of five and three thick are closely guarded to prevent escape.

Seeing this scene, the two also understood that they had encountered ghosts when they walked at night. I don’t bleed a lot today, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of this room.

When Wu Xi walked in, the founder Pan Deng became intimidated.

“It is illegal and criminal for you to restrict other people’s personal freedom in this way.”

“Our project is state-supported, and the army will be dispatched with just one phone call.”

“You let me out first, I can talk about anything.”

Wu Xi was lazy to play with him again, and directly showdown.

“Pay 69,000 and give 10.4 million, that’s all you said.”

“If this money is given to us, we can say anything.”

“If this money can’t come down, you will have to figure out the consequences yourself.”

The founder, Panden, is still dead and hard-mouthed.

“The money will definitely come down, but that’s not a reason for you to be rude with me.”

“You let me go back to the headquarters, and I’ll transfer the money to you immediately.”

“But after this time, let’s not cooperate again.”

“Hugh wants me to take you to make money again.”

Wu Xi turned off the mobile phone that had been quietly recording videos from the moment he entered the door. The next part is too bloody to record.

“Let this one of the top ten influencers in the world understand why flowers are so red.”

Wu Xi turned around and walked out of the door, and a miserable scream was heard inside.

After about a cigarette, the screams in the room turned into pleas for mercy, and Wu Xi walked in again.

I saw the two instructors who originally looked like dogs in suits and leather shoes, their noses and faces were swollen at this time, and the clothes on their bodies were also damaged. Wu Xi said to several good brothers who were still punching and kicking with a displeased face.

“What are you doing? How can you hit two mentors? ”

“These two mentors are benefactors who lead us to make money.”

“That’s how you treat our benefactor?”

The good brothers stopped aggrieved.

It’s obviously the good big brother who let them fight, why do you blame them?

At this time, the founder and mentor did not dare to pretend to compare, pretending to be pitiful and begging for mercy.

“Money back to you, return it to you, we were wrong.”

“Please let us go, I will never do MLM again.”

Wu Xi’s face changed.

“Return me the money? Are you MLM? Meaning to scam us out of money? ”

“I don’t believe it! We also look forward to you bringing us to riches. ”

“I advise you to finally think it through.”

“My good brothers have a bad temper, if you know that you are deceiving them, you will be miserable.”

The eight good brothers in the house finally understood what was going on at this time.

Hearing mentors and great founders personally admit that they were pyramid schemers, they felt their IQ being pressed to the ground and rubbed. Thanks to them, they thought it was a project that made a lot of money, and they listened to the fooling for so long.

The good brothers saw the fire in the eyes of the two liars, and they couldn’t wait to kill them. The MLM mentor secretly cried bitterly in his heart and couldn’t think of a way to get out of trouble.

Wu Xi instructed a few good brothers who were about to be blown up.

“Don’t be too impulsive, don’t beat people to death, just fight half to death.”

After speaking, Wu Xi walked out of the room again.

After getting Wu Xi’s hint, the good brothers, who hated the two pyramid scheme scammers very much, started to move again. This time they hit harder.

The good eldest brother has confessed, as long as he does not kill him. The screams rang out again.

By the time Wu Xi returned again, the two MLM mentors were gone. The head was swollen and could not see its true face, and his face was covered with blood.

Wu Xi said with a shocked face.

“How can you beat two mentors like this, you are too cruel.”

The good brothers are silent, they haven’t fought enough.

Panden, the founder of MLM with swollen eyelids, pleaded for mercy while spitting out his blood-stained teeth.

“Big brother, I obey, 10.4 million, I’ll give you the money.”

Wu Xi patted Mr. Panden, who influenced the top ten people in the world, on the shoulder and comforted.

“Didn’t you do this a long time ago, what is the pain.”

“You wait, wash your face first.”

Wu Xi ordered the good brother to draw a basin of water, wash the blood from the faces of the two MLM mentors, and then tidy up their clothes.

“Well, now, we have earned money from the 1040 Project formally and voluntarily, but we don’t force you to ask for it.”

Looking at Wu Xi, who raised his mobile phone to shoot a video, the two mentors nodded repeatedly.

“Yes, this is the money that Project 1040 has helped you earn.”

Then, Wu Xi was in charge of filming, and called other good brothers to take turns collecting money. Thirty good brothers in a wave.

Each wave of people received a transfer of 10.4 million from founder Panden.

The good brothers who received the money would express their admiration and gratitude to the 1040 Project and Mr. Panden to the camera. After the nine waves passed, the good brothers received a full 93.6 million.

After some operations, Pan Deng, the founder of MLM, and his mentor trembled.

“Big brother, you have also earned money, can you let us go now?”

Wu Xi shook his head and refused, adoring guilt.

“Mentor, I believe in you, I apologize for the doubts I had against you before, and I have wronged a good person.”

“The 1040 project is a good project for the welfare of the broad masses of the people.”

“Mentor Panden, you are worthy of being one of the top ten people who have changed the world, and my admiration for you is like the water of the Tao River.”

“I have thousands of brothers, and I’m ready to let them all join in.”

After listening to Wu Xi’s words, the founder of MLM and Pan Deng were directly dumbfounded. They have all given close to 100 million, and they still don’t let them go? And bring thousands of people to their organization?

For the first time in 20 years in the industry, they were troubled by too many people joining the club. At this time, the two were a little doubtful of life, and they suspected that they were being pyramid schemed.

I want to say no, but I dare not open my mouth to refuse.

The taste of being severely beaten by eight strong men, they never want to try again in their lives. Wu Xi ordered the good brother who guarded.

“You guys take good care of people, you must not let these two God of Wealth mentors run away.”

Then, Wu Xi added.

“If the two instructors are in a panic, they can go out and give lectures to the students.”

“The students are studious, and they love to talk, so let them stay here and show off their talents.”

After speaking, Wu Xi walked out of the room without looking back.

Only two inhuman mentors and eight strong brothers were left behind. Coming to the outside of the room, Wu Xi immediately informed the brothers who went out to work.

Gather at the hotel after work in the evening, eat and live here, and listen to the instructors to make a fortune.

Hearing this good news, countless good brothers were excited to throw down their work and rush over now. Wu Xi warned the brothers not to be anxious, and to finish the work after receiving the employer’s money.

In the evening, there is time to attend classes and receive money.

Hanging up the phone, Wu Xi saw a group of hotel staff walking over surrounded by a bald fat man. The bald fat man is the owner of this hotel.

Although the hotel was out, there was a fight in the store, and the employee notified the boss as soon as possible. A bald fat man can open such a big hotel, and he is also a famous figure in the city village.

Hearing that someone dared to fight in his hotel, he rushed over in a fierce manner at the first time.

In this acre and three points of land in the city village, there are really few who dare to provoke him.

When he arrived at the hotel, he instantly recognized the big men guarding the door. Several of them were sent to help Shen Xuexin before.

In an instant, the bald fat man’s attitude took a 180-degree turn.

When I learned that the troublemaker in the hotel was breaking Sun Bao’s limbs, the current village chief man Wu Xi. The bald fat man was sure that inside was someone he couldn’t afford to mess with.

The bald fat man walked respectfully to Wu Xi with a group of hotel employees.

“Big brother, why don’t you say a word when you come to my hotel, I can let people prepare for it.”

“I heard that the gang at the Bao Hotel provoked you, and it was a bear heart leopard guts.”

“Where are those people? You don’t have to go out for this little thing, I’ll help you settle them. ”

Wu Xi didn’t know the bald fat man and said in doubt.

“You are?”

The bald fat man introduced with a sneer.

“Big brother, I am also a villager in the city, and I met you and the village chief when I was lucky enough to be elected before.”

“I opened this hotel, so if you have any orders, just ask.”

Wu Xi suddenly.

“Oh, this hotel is owned by you, and there is just something you need to do.”

“My people have surrounded the hotel, let your employees not be afraid.”

“See what.”

“Well, when you hear anything, you don’t know anything, just feed us on time every day.”

“The money can’t be compared to yours, can it be done?”

The bald fat man nodded repeatedly, and reprimanded the hotel employees behind him.

“Did you hear everything my eldest brother said? What he says, you do. ”

“If anyone dares to disobey my eldest brother, I will let him go around without eating.”

The hotel staff nodded yes repeatedly.

They all work part-time to make money, what the boss says, how they do. Wu Xi still has urgent matters to do, lazy and greeting the bald fat man.

“I still have business, you can go by yourself.”

Looking at the back of Wu Xi turning away, the bald fat man’s eyes were indescribably adoring. Sun Bao used to be a legend in his heart, dominating the village in the city for twenty years.

Just such a legendary figure still let Wu Xi be abolished.

The bald fat man quickly regarded Wu Xi as his idol, and couldn’t wait to lead the horse and follow Wu Xi. I can have this relationship with Wu Xi today, and some will blow when I go out in the future.

Thinking of this, the bald fat man instructed the hotel staff behind him.

“You must listen to everything this eldest brother says, and treat him more respectfully than me, understand?”

On the other side, Wu Xi found a computer in the hotel and began to edit the recorded video.

This is a key part of Wu Xi’s acquisition of prestige points.

Cracking down on pyramid schemes is definitely a matter of positive energy to enhance influence. The next time you raise the level of the gang, the sound 307 hope will all depend on this video.

Wu Xi cut out all the too bloody parts of the video, leaving only the clips that were favorable to him. For example, he threatens two mentors, and the good brother beats the mentor, and this thing must be deleted. Beating people is illegal, and he does not want to provide evidence of the crimes of his good brothers.

After some editing, the current video and the original one have become two videos that I don’t want to do at all. Wu Xi couldn’t help but laugh when he saw it.

The clip of him threatening his mentor and his brothers beating him was deleted, and the whole video became very interesting. The plot has roughly become like this.

The wife of a good brother was fooled into joining by a pyramid scheme.

The good brothers found hundreds of migrant worker brothers to go to the MLM organization to listen to the lessons. The mentor warmly welcomed the good brothers and brainwashed them with speeches.

The brothers of the migrant workers who were fooled paid money to join the association. The most incredible scene appeared.

In the end, the MLM mentors actually gave the money to the good brothers. The good brothers each earned ten and four million with sixty-nine thousand.

Hundreds of good brothers are grateful to their mentor.

…… Boy!

If Wu Xi didn’t know what was going on, I’m afraid he would have thought that these were two videos. A perfect MLM promotional video has been released.

After finishing the video, in order to gain widespread attention from netizens, Wu Xi gave the video a shocking title.

[On the first day I was MLM, I actually made money. Then, the video was anonymously posted online by Wu Xi.

Once this video was posted on the Internet, it instantly attracted the attention of countless netizens. Countless netizens posted their own comments.

: Sleeping, hasn’t 104C long been confirmed to be a pyramid scheme? Does anyone believe this?: The MLM instructor said so well, I have the urge to join when I step on a horse.: The toast of the richest man in the horse is three inches lower, which is too level.

: The president of the American University cried and begged you to stay? Crouch, how can this MLM mentor not go to heaven.: I vomited, I want to go back to my country, please bring calamity to the beautiful countrymen, don’t come back.

: The tricks of the scammers are too good, pity the victims of pyramid schemes who have been brainwashed.

Seeing the last side, hundreds of good brothers of migrant workers actually got the money, and countless netizens were shocked.: Sleeping? Really fake, pay 69,000 enough for 30 people to give 10.4 million?

: Definitely fake, I thought it was an anti-MLM video, but I didn’t expect it to be a video for MLM promotion.: Whoever believes in this has a brain disease!

: But I saw that the migrant workers really got the money, it didn’t look like a fake.: Unlike a fart, MLM had to be really so kind, and it would have gone bankrupt long ago.


The video screen sent by Wu Xi has attracted the attention and discussion of countless people. Some people think the video is real.

Some people feel that this video is completely a means of pyramid marketing propaganda, fooling more people to join. Until an attentive netizen noticed that something was wrong.

: I seem to have seen two mentors gain a lot of weight at the end. As soon as this remark came out, countless netizens followed and found abnormalities.


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