Chapter 81 Conquest of Haojiang, the ability of the gambling god 081. Conquering the Haojiang, gambling on the ability of the god

In the evening, Wu Xi received a call from Zhao Lei. Zhao Lei’s voice came from the mobile phone.

“Brother, where are you? I’ll arrange a hotel for us brothers to have dinner together. ”

Wu Xi wanted to refuse, he didn’t like to participate in that kind of eating and drinking scene.

Later, I thought that there were still some things to talk about with Zhao Lei, so I opened my mouth to invite.

“Brother Zhao, don’t go to the hotel, if you don’t dislike it, come to my house to eat and get a few small dishes.”

Hearing this, Zhao Lei was overjoyed.

Wu Xi invited him to eat at home, which was treating him as his own.

“What don’t dislike, it’s better at home, I’ll go over in a while, bring some good wine.”

“By the way, let’s go over and meet and talk.”

Hanging up Zhao Lei’s phone, Wu Xi asked Shen Xuexin and the two sisters to fry a few small dishes.

An urban village chief, and another of the hottest beauties on the Internet, were busy in the kitchen. More than an hour later, Zhao Lei and a man with a rice dumpling wrapped in his head were brought in.

Zhao Lei put down the good wine in his hand and said with a smile.

“Brother, look who I brought you.”

Wu Xi looked at the person who was wrapped into a zongzi’s head as a little familiar, and he was stunned and didn’t think about it.

“This is?”

The man with the head of the dumpling smiled awkwardly.

“Mr. Wu, I am the eighth elder, the one who was destroyed by your brother today.”

Lao Ba changed the mink big gold chain small watch, and his head was also wrapped, he didn’t recognize it at all. Wu Xi was stunned and said in doubt.

“Brother Zhao, how did you bring him with you?”

Zhao Lei explained with a wry smile.

“Oh… I used to have a good relationship with Lao Ba, otherwise we would not have been able to open a gold mine together. ”

“A little misunderstanding in the previous two years has been solved today.”

“When we were all poor, we were all good brothers.”

“After I got rich, I messed around because of trivial things.”

“I almost killed Lao Ba in the end today, and we both wanted to open.”

“I don’t blame you and your brother, blame me both.”

“Thanks to the gun, the gun is a little deflected, and the old man has lost a piece of his scalp, and it’s not a big deal.”

“The misunderstanding was solved, they were all friends, I brought him over to get to know each other.”

Wang Laoba touched the place where a piece of scalp was knocked off and said embarrassedly.

“It’s all to blame me, my relatives on the gold in the black mine, and also provoke the relationship between me and Brother Zhao.”

“I am also partial to listening and believing, and I have broken the heart of my brother for many years.”

Wu Xi smiled freely, what happened to Zhao Lei and Wang Laoba had nothing to do with him.

“Just solve the misunderstanding, let’s sit down and talk together!”

After introducing each other, the Shen Xuexin sisters walked out with fried dishes. Zhao Lei opened a few bottles of the wine he brought.

“Can Old Eight still drink it? Whole point together? ”

Lao Ba did not pay attention to Zhao Lei, but looked at Shen Xuexin in shock and was speechless.

“This is… This is…”

Zhao Lei slapped Lao Ba fiercely and scolded.

“Sleeping, this is Brother Wu’s sister-in-law, your head is not good yet, do you want to be beaten again?”

Wang Laoba shook his head again and again to explain.

“No, no, Xiaoling is the first beauty in five thousand years, I am still her fan.”

Zhao Lei didn’t pay much attention to the information on the Internet and wondered.

“Five thousand years of beauty? Wu’s sister-in-law is famous? ”

Wang Laoba first stood up excitedly and said.

“Xiaoling, I’m just giving a tip of 300,000 to that old eight in your live broadcast room, can you make peace with me in a while?”

Shen Xuexin has a lot of local tycoons in the live broadcast room, and she is too lazy to remember who has given tips, she can’t remember this old eight at all, but she still smiled and said politely.

“You guys eat first, and then take a group photo.”

Wang Laoba calmed down his excitement and explained to the confused Zhao Lei.

“Are you really behind, do you know the live broadcast?”

“Xiaoling is the hottest anchor recently, known as the first beauty in five thousand years.”

“I didn’t expect it to be Mr. Wu’s sister-in-law.”

“The dish made by the first beauty of five thousand years, this meal is blown.”

Listening to Lao Ba’s explanation, Zhao Lei was also relieved.

It’s a pity that this guy didn’t provoke Wu Xiao’s sister-in-law, otherwise he would have to be hit on the head. The three of them sat down to eat and chat, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Wu Xi thought of the matter of opening a mine in the face country and asked Zhao Lei.

“Brother Zhao, I found a gold mine in the Mianguo triangle area.”

“If I thought about opening a mine over there, how do I need to do the formalities?”

“And mining machinery or something, is there a way to connect?”

Hearing this, Zhao Lei and Lao Ba showed horror on their faces. The chaos of the Triangle is world-famous.

The power that can extend its tentacles to that place is definitely not simple. Zhao Lei was proficient in human feelings and gave up the opportunity to Lao Ba.

“Old Ba, you are good at this, you tell Brother Wu about this.”

Lao Ba intends to befriend a ruthless person like Wu Xi, and knows everything.

“Mr. Wu, there is no problem with the formalities machine, I can help you with it.”

“The procedures can be done in our mine, and the local government will spend some money in the name of cross-border investment, and it will almost be done.”

“Just opening a mine in that place, I’m afraid that I will earn my life and spend my life.”

“I suggest it’s better not to go to that place, it’s too messy.”

Wu Xi didn’t expect the procedures to be so simple.

As for the question of whether to earn or spend a life, it is not within his consideration at all.

“Old Ba, this procedure and mining machinery issue will be handed over to you.”

“I also have a bit of power over there, and I’m not afraid of trouble.”

Lao Ba and Zhao Lei did not persuade again.

Wu Xi’s brain is a hundred times better than theirs, and if people feel that there is no problem, naturally there is no problem. Lao Ba assured with a pat on the chest.

“Mr. Wu don’t worry, the procedures will be handed over to me.”

Then, Zhao Lei gave Old Eight a look, and Old Eight continued.

“Mr. Wu, after discussing with my brother Zhao, we will not divide the mine.”

“Give you two layers of shares, Brother Zhao and I each have four floors, and the three of us brothers will work together.”

“Take a brother, can you see if it works?”

Lao Ba’s posture was very low, and he also helped, and did not cause losses to Wu Xi’s interests. It doesn’t matter to him whether there is an old eight partnership or not, anyway, two layers of shares are white.

“Let’s do it together, I have no opinion.”

Hearing Wu Xi’s promise, Zhao Lei and Lao Ba were relieved.

They are all afraid of Wu Xi now, and they dare not do anything without Wu Xi’s consent. Wu Xi thought of what Zhao Dezhu said, and said to Zhao Lei and Lao Ba.

“I have a brother who is an expert in mining, and he helped look at our gold mines.”

“At present, the mining efficiency is too low, and after his transformation, the annual output has increased to at least 4 tons.”

“Double the output in the mine, even if I take two layers, you two will earn more than before.”

Zhao Lei and Lao Ba showed surprise on their faces.

“Double it? Really fake? ”

“If it can really be doubled, the three of us will be divided equally.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Wu Xi’s mouth.

“I’ll know then”

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and before leaving, Shen Xueling took a photo with Lao Ba, which split Lao Bale’s scalp with a smile. claimed that the next live broadcast will definitely give Shen Xueling a show.

Wu Xi sent the two to the car at the door. After getting into the car, Zhao Lei said with a smile.

“Brother Wu is good, right? It’s absolutely okay to befriend someone like him. ”

Old Eight muttered with a grin.

“I don’t know if Mr. Wu’s sister-in-law has a boyfriend.”

Zhao Lei took a deep look at Lao Ba and said leisurely.

“I feel that Brother Wu and his sister-in-law have an affair.”

“You’d better be careful, don’t let people come at you again.”

Old Eight shivered and wanted to pee a little.

“Brother Zhao, I’m joking, I don’t dare to borrow my two guts.”

“Goddess Xiaoling is being pursued by the prince of the Qianda Group and the emperor of the demon capital Shanghai, how can I have that qualification.”

On the other side, Wu Xi arranged for the brothers to go to Haojiang in batches.

He ended up setting off with more than a hundred brothers.

This trip brought 8,000 brothers, and the ticket money alone cost more than 10 million.

It’s just a one-way ticket, not counting the ticket for the brothers to come back, and the cost of eating and drinking in Haojiang. If you get less money, you may lose money.

In the airport lounge.

Next to Wu Xi sat Niu Er, Liu Rong, who lost tens of billions, Chen Fei, a top gambler, and Zhao Dezhu, who arranged the mine. If Niu Er followed to Haojiang, he could also protect Wu Xi’s safety, and Zhao Dezhu went purely to beat soy sauce.

However, Wu Xi was ready to let him and his brothers go directly to Myanmar directly from Haojiang after they finished their errands in Haojiang, so he also took him with him to remind passengers to board along with the airport announcement.

Wu Xi and the others got on the plane.

Sitting on the plane to Haojiang, Liu Rong had mixed feelings. He has been on this flight countless times.

But what made him so excited was this time.

Two years ago, he was the CEO of Gionee Group and a well-known entrepreneur on the rich list. A trip to the Hao River, falling from the top of the clouds to hell.

Not to mention the loss of all the possessions, there are still tens of billions of foreign debts. Today, he wants to win back everything he lost two years ago.

Liu Rong’s mood was very nervous, and he couldn’t help but say.

“Big brother, can we really win it back if we go?”

Wu Xi pointed to Chen Fei next to him.

“Don’t ask me, I won’t bet, you ask him.”

Chen Fei’s mood was also very excited, not even inferior to Wu Rong.

A few years ago, he was the brightest gambling god in the world. All casinos around the world revere him as a god.

But he was blackhanded, picked off his limbs, and worked as a beggar for several years. This battle to Haojiang was also the first battle in which he returned to the top.

After Liu Rong finished asking Wu Xi, he asked Chen Fei cautiously.

“A Fei, are you really sure?”

“After working in the casino for so long, I haven’t seen you gamble.”

When Liu Rong and Chen Fei, two gamblers, were idle in Jiangcheng, they were sent by Wu Xi to Sun Bao’s casino to mingle and knew each other very well. Chen Fei glanced at Liu Rong contemptuously.

“What kind of goods in the casino are also worthy of me to sell?”

“I really don’t know how you do it, tens of billions can be lost.”

“There is nothing wrong with saying that you are pure and unjust.”

Liu Rong smiled awkwardly and said hopefully.

“A Fei, it’s all up to you anyway, you must win.”

Chen Fei smiled confidently.

“I’ve never lost at a gambling table in my life.”

Since having the support of his eldest brother Wu Xi, Chen Fei has regained his self-confidence and eliminated the haze of begging for several years after his limbs have been scrapped. Chen Fei, who was in a good mood, smiled at Wu Xi.

“Big brother, do you believe that I know what the flight attendants wear on the entire plane, and their preferences?”

Wu Xi was in a good mood and wanted to see Chen Fei’s ability.

“If you don’t believe me, you’ll talk about it.”

Chen Fei pointed to the flight attendants on the plane and said one by one.

“That flight attendant has a dignified surface, but she wears red underwear, absolutely sullen type, it’s OK to get her a strong kiss.”

“That flight attendant definitely has a husband, but she must have had a conflict with her husband recently, and now is a good opportunity to take advantage of the void.”

“That flight attendant had a black mole on her back, about 1.5 inches above her waist.”

Chen Fei’s words stunned Wu Xi and the others. If this is true, this horse is too divine. Liu Rong said with a confused look.

“A Fei, how do you know?”

Niu Er’s eyes were bright.

“Hey, you kid won’t have that clairvoyance function, right? Can you see the black mole on your back? ”

Ah Fei looked inscrutable.

“If I don’t have this little skill, can I still be called the God of Gambling?”

Wu Rongniuer, including the old man Zhao Dezhu, were all loaded by Chen Fei. It’s too horse show!!!

“Tell me how you know.”

“A Fei, Brother Fei, tell us.”

“What’s the pretend, I can see what’s in the stone, can you?”

Seeing that Chen Fei still wanted to continue pretending, Wu Xi said impatiently.

“Say it quickly, don’t pack a few more.”

Chen Fei dared to pretend to be with others, but he did not dare to disobey Wu Xi’s order, and said with a smile.

“I found at least five small red thread fibers on the body of that red underwear flight attendant that ordinary people can’t see.”

“So I concluded that she must be wearing red underwear, and stuffiness is my experience for many years.”

“The flight attendant who had a conflict with her husband, her hand and ring finger obviously had traces of a ring.”

“And that trace is still obvious, definitely married.”

“She took off the ring within a month, she must have had a conflict with her husband, but she definitely didn’t divorce 020 in such a short time.”

“As for the reason for not getting divorced, it must be because her husband is rich, and the clothes inside her expose her husband’s family background.”

“Divorce and division of property by rich people is a big trouble, and it can’t be done in a month.”

“As for the last flight attendant with a black mole on her back.”

“Don’t hide it from big brother, I’ve slept with her before.”

After listening to Chen Fei’s explanations, Wu Xi and the others understood what was going on. Although they understood what was going on, several people still sincerely admired Chen Fei’s observation.

You can see the red fiber tissue that ordinary people can’t see with the naked eye, and the eyesight is terrible. If this happened in the casino, what cards were held on the other side would not escape Chen Fei’s eyes.

After all, nothing is non-reflective. Liu Rong extended his thumb to Chen Fei.

“Brother Fei, Niubi, it’s all up to you.”

Wu Xi can be regarded as having seen Chen Fei’s ability. Sweeping the Hao River is not a big problem. Chen Fei smiled evilly at Wu Xi.

“Big brother, do you dare to go to that red underwear flight attendant to verify.”

Liu Rong also showed a bad smile on his face, confirming that there was naturally no need to say anything. Wu Xi was a little moved.

“This is on the plane, how can it be confirmed?”

Chen Fei and Liu Rongdao, who have seen the world.

“Big brother, what’s on the plane, you can do anything if you have money.”

“Big brother, you are so rich, you can go to space if you want.”

Wu Xi took a deep look at Chen Fei and Liu Rong.

“Is it really okay?”

“If something goes wrong, you’re both out of luck.”

Liu Rong shrunk his head and prodded.

“Big brother, I can’t promise, don’t take me.”

Chen Fei affirmed.

“Big brother, don’t worry, you still don’t trust my judgment?”

“Something is really going to go wrong, you screw my head off.”

Hearing Chen Fei so sure that he even pressed his head, Wu Xi believed his words. It was the first time in his life that he had flown on a plane, let alone on a plane.

Men, understand everything.

Saying that you don’t want to experience one is definitely false. Chen Fei whispered.

“Big brother, you promised to lend me 20,000 yuan, and I’ll help you get things done.”

“That red flight attendant is definitely a superlative, big brother enjoys.”

Wu Xi nodded in agreement.

“Okay, no cash, get off the plane and transfer it for you.”

Chen Fei walked to the restaurant with a smile and had a conversation with the flight attendant. After a while, Chen Fei beckoned to Wu Xi with a wicked smile. Wu Xi got up excitedly and followed.

It has to be rich people who can play.

Wu Xi and Chen Fei were taken to two storage rooms by two flight attendants. Chen Fei returned to his seat after a while.

Seeing that Wu Xi’s position was empty, he wondered.

“Big brother?”

Niu Er was full of envy of Chen Fei and did not have a good airway.

“Big brother, go with you, you step on a horse and ask us?”

“Your kid is comfortable, and the eldest brother doesn’t care?”

Chen Fei smiled embarrassedly.

“Brothers, we are poor now, and when we win money from Haojiang, I will each invite you once.”

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for reviews, ask for monthly passes, all kinds of requests.


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