Atashi was originally an adventurer. I traveled a lot with a big guy called the other Yardeloud.

I have all sorts of fun memories of encountering all sorts of demons, engaging in war, unearthing treasures I've never seen.

But an adventurer can't keep his romantic profession going forever. We decided each other to get a decent job, separating 25, and the Atashi and their party dissolved. Yardeloud joined the High Knights and, speaking of Atashi, took up a position far from the glorious past of what he called a service clerk in the city's guild.

I know what kind of job a woman would put on. Especially since Atashi has affection but his head is not good enough, he didn't put it in a position requiring an education. Still, the job of dealing with active adventurers suited Atashi's sexuality and she enjoyed working every day.

The Atashi race has a large body. Atashi is taller than the average man in this country, so he took the liberty of taking a position like a caution stick in this dining room. I think pretty girls need to protect you, and I thought you were getting so close, so the job here is great in a romantic way. If you're going to be a lover, you're definitely a pretty girlie, aren't you?

One day like that, a boy with a thin line came for an interview. Bring him up to the knight to escort him to some rich road trip? I thought, when I looked closely, we both wore earrings, and the relationship seemed different. That's why I don't know if you've followed me this far or brought me here, but it's a dong pull with me. I'm beautiful, but I'm a boy, and I've got a kid outside Atashi's jurisdiction to hook up with my master and prepare some water for now. I heard you were doing me a favor via Yardeloud, but I didn't think you'd bring such a beautiful kid. I wonder if I'd pass if it was just my face, I wish I was a girl. Unfortunately, according to the three people in the interview, the boy's voice can be heard.

I was seriously surprised when I said that I had sold my body even though it was an incredibly polite answer. I wonder if it's a translation ant... the master seems to like it, and the hiring is confirmed. I'm glad to see more eye care.

"You're both understaffed, you're welcome to both."

What do you mean, master?! Don't lose to your kitchen pushing husband! Beauty is something we all share!

"Huh?! You're such a beauty, you don't have a kitchen!

Atashi breaks into three conversations in order to be in charge of the hall at all costs. Like that, it was established that a boy named Azsa would enter anew. Azsa was so cute when I offered her the most popular alcoholic beverage because I said the master would luxury her rarely.

I guess that's going to be a big deal this evening, and Azsa, who's in a good mood, and I'm twitching with you. If I dropped off my husband, it was almost closing time. There are no more customers, only waiting for time to pass. If I hadn't picked it out in the back, the master who was cleaning it up called me out.

"Tanya, why don't you be Azsa's educator?

"Uh-huh? You got a knife? You've got a lot of good kids to teach."

"You guys seem to be compatible, so I want you to put them together."

"Ma'am. Azsa, you're beautiful, and I'd rather keep an eye on the clerk."

"Tell him on the lookout."

Azsa, you can't look around the whole hall. I don't mean to impress customers, I mean to keep an eye out for bad kids. But it's hard to say no if the master asks you to. I felt a little sorry for the reluctantly nodded Atashi when he smiled back at me that I had asked him to do it.

"It's nice to meet you properly, isn't it? It's called Tanya. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Azsa. Best regards,"

The first day, when I greet Azsa, who was instructed to follow me under Atashi as soon as possible, I get a very polite reply. Atashi, I've never been so bowed down...! Even though it wasn't worth it, it didn't seem like it was pinned and I was tilted.

"Azsa, have you ever worked?

"I was working, but this is the first time you've said this to me."

"Oh. How about reading and writing?"

"Then we'll be fine."

As it seems, upbringing is a double circle. It doesn't seem like he's as pride as Mendoza is, and I'm glad he remembers to work soon.

I can't explain it well with my mouth, and I guess it's quicker to actually be a customer and have a look at what it's like. When Atashi suggested it, Azsa snorted at me that it was too early. I don't have any customers in the hall because I have people in my spare time. Azsa, ask you to stand at the entrance and act as a customer.

"Welcome ~. Am I alone?

"Huh? Uh, yeah... yes"

"Yes, I'll show you."

Show them to their seats as usual and let them sit. Are you sure? When I heard, Azsa, who opened the menu, got a little lost and then pointed to the soup. I gave it to the apron. I wrote the table number on the slip and the menu, and then I grinned.

"I'm not waiting for you."

I'm looking up at you with some kind of pocan face, what's wrong with you? Different than you expected? I think I'm going to quit because I'm a pain in the ass - and I don't want you to quit because you're a beauty. I'm going back to the kitchen and I'm going back to the hall with a plate and a glass of water in the basin. Azsa, I'm waiting for you. I thought you should grow up with your spine stretched out.

"Thanks for waiting ~!"

The moment I put the plate on the table, Azsa, who was sitting in good manners, suddenly got up. When I stared at him surprised at what was going on, he opened his long, sliced eyes as wide as it could have been.

"You! Are you willing?!


"You're being ridiculous, you're making rough moves, you're cooking zero!

"A, Azsa, you?

"Still an experience?! You're getting paid, you're getting paid for this labor! Do your shameless work!

I was stunned... I thought you were a big doll person... Well, I did get a little rough on words the first time we had a conversation, but he was such a hot guy... kind of makes me feel intimate.

Looks like that was on your face, what are you laughing at! And Azsa, who stares at me with an eye for the sky, makes me look cuter and cuter. I can stand around well on the surface, but I can't get along with someone who's well-raised because they have different roots, and I thought they were making fun of the Atashi thing anyway, but I feel like I could do well with this guy. I see a master. I have eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"I'll show you an example. Remember that."

"Ha ha. Tanya, you're good at that! Nice to meet you, uh!

Afterwards, he was tapped into saying what the customer service business was until Atashi made a weak noise. It's amazing how rare it is for you to have a weak tone. Taking this event as a border, Azsa, your stock in the Atashi has soared - much higher.

"Tanya, he's here again..."

A cute girl from a coworker called out to me and looked into the hall and there was a disgusting man sitting there. I've just had parties with you before, but you're mistaken about something. I think he's boiling his head about being my woman because he's an amazing person. I'm sure it's because you broke up with the wizard you were working with before that. I feel really nauseous for a geezer trying to eat as soon as I think of her.

"There's no way Tanya's gonna lose."

When she exhaled to keep her frustration off the table and then smiled to reassure the girl and winked back, the girl who seemed anxious laughed as if she was relieved. Yeah, I knew this kid was cute... I don't feel like he's lying around. I was staring at the girl with a sneer. It was Atashi, but Azsa with water in the basin. When I noticed you walking through the side, I spoke out in a panic. Azsa, looking back with the usual faceless expression, you seriously don't know what that means, what? I returned it flat.

"The guy at the table with the water is dangerous. You can't go."

"Ah? He's obsessed with Tanya, isn't he? It's safer for me to go. You're the one who stays there."

I'm out of the hall waving my leech, Azsa. I stare behind you. Azsa, it really counts as much as you've seen that guy, and Azsa, have you ever seen him yourself? That's about it... how do you know?

I regret something, even though I desperately hid it from him because I didn't want him to think he was weak enough not to be able to get rid of such a geez man. Next to a tough tooth-biting Atashi, the coworker girl leaked a sweet sigh.

"Azsa, you look great..."

I didn't expect you to like Atashi's pushy girl... don't insult me, Azsa you...!

The man who quickly showed an interest in you, Azsa, who went to get your water out, starts giving a little bit. I'm looking at you stroking your ass. I tried to get out as irritated, and Azsa, your gaze turns this way. I was stunned when they told me not to come out and just my eyes. I told you not to come out to Atashi, Azsa. This is your first time...

Take it all the way to the order, Azsa, until you serve the food. You take it, and Atashi helps with the kitchen while that man is there. I finished my meal, and there was a case where I thought I was finally going home. A man started making noise out loud.

There are no regular people with strong arms only today, and other customers are looking at the guy like he pulled. The man himself is strong, so it is the right decision to watch, knowing that the people who are here will lose due to poor strength. Don't even look at your strength. You'll just die if you go in there, and it's the most important thing for adventurers to identify.

"Tanya, I know you can get it out! I know you are!!

The sound of the dishes cracking and yelling is loud. Because of that sound, some of the girls who have evacuated the hall are going to cry. Sometimes it's already here, I'll bust that guy! When I tried to get my athletes out with momentum, they grabbed my arm hard.

"What?! Don't stop me!

When I look back frustrated, there's Azsa looking up quietly. Even though I'm about the height of Atashi's chest, I'm only half as intimidated and a little on the run.

I'm coming. Stay here.

"No, I can't, uh, not deal with you!

"Fine. Tanya, stay here."

"I could get beat up. Okay, very,"

"Then I won't be able to let you go!

Azsa raised her voice so that she could cover her voice. [M] I don't know what they're saying for a moment, and I stare. Why are you so far away, and this guy tries to protect me about Atashi...?

"Grow up."

Rarely did I laugh and say that, Azsa, walking toward the man, silently dropped off your hindsight. The man, who came close but soon noticed, rumbles and threatens you Azsa as he slaps the table. But Azsa, you didn't even move with a slightly troubled sales smile.

"Customer, it will be an inconvenience for other customers, so more than that…"

"I'm telling you to let Tanya out! I didn't call you!!

Sir, please calm down.


Hold the glass that was on the table and hang the contents to Azsa. I can't believe you got big wet from face to chest area, but you didn't take one physical move... what? You look smart, and you're supposed to grow up... why? It's stupid, that guy...!

I want to leave now and beat the guy who watered you down, Azsa, but don't come out and tell me, I'm on my feet. Azsa, I don't want to waste your actions, I eat my teeth and desperately put up with you. The shoulder of such an athlete was suddenly slapped, and I looked back, and the master was laughing.

"I put up well. I'll clean it up with Azsa and me later. Just wait a while longer."


"Look, the battle for him is about to begin."

When I put my gaze back in the hall, there was a look of you, Azsa, grabbing the chest barn. It was in the hall to rush over, but before Atashi rushed, Azsa, your voice sounded in the quiet hall.

"We have remembered the customer well. Numerous problematic actions, acts of violence against employees who are doing exactly what they are doing, cannot be escaped at the earliest opportunity."

"What are you talking about, you! Come on, man!

"I will report to the Alliance Master"

Azsa, who is desperate but doesn't change her complexion or attitude, you are creepy through awesome. The man seems to have felt the same way, raising his arm to beat him up. It was dangerous, and the master who had come out of his arm at some point stopped him.

"Whoa, what's this arm? What were you gonna do to our beauty?

If you apply your strength to twist it up, you will loose your strength at once because of the pain and free Azsa you. Flirting Azsa, near your fall, I could take it.

I can't see the man who wakes me up anymore, I hugged my black head so hard that it was stuck in my chest.

"Ah, honey! Good for you...!

If I held back the bumpy rumble, I heard a frog crumble and grown up. Sounds like a customer called for a knight at some point, and a man is taken. When I think I'm safe now and I let you go, Azsa, think about it additionally or subtractively! That pissed me off.

When Ehehe was laughing and delusional, a man was shouting out Atashi's name near the entrance. Ugh, I wonder why he's still here.

"You fucking bitch! You're gonna regret this! A slum-born bottom woman like you isn't worth living!!


"What's wrong with sheltering such a woman, such a guild. Wish from this side!

My voice clogged. I regret it, but I can't say anything back for the truth. The Adventurer quit. I know best that you're not worth anything. I was used to making fun of you just for slamming out, but I can't allow you to disparage me to this guild. I knew I'd hit him! He said there was blood on his head, but at that moment he grabbed his wrist hard. Looking back, I knew it was you, Azsa, and I'm upset why you always stop.

"Stop, I don't need to fall to that level until you do."

The words made me happy. When I looked around, the children of my colleagues, who had come out at some point, stood up to protect my athletes. Azsa, if it weren't for your words, I would have thrust these kids... you were so desperate to protect me, my consciousness was focused on men and I didn't see them at all. When blood goes up on my head, I can't see around too much. 'Cause I remember the words that Yardeloud said so persistently. You haven't changed anything, Atashi...

In the hall where the summoning man is taken to be drawn, quiet. The master told me to stay back and obeyed the boulder. The limit is to laugh and answer the worried and vocal kids that it's okay, and I'm not going to be able to do my job.

When I get back to the break room and sit in the chair, I feel tired at once. All of a sudden, I was stuck trying not to look at the adventurer after he quit. I really hate my impudence compared to Yardeloud. I thought you were tickling in here because you're a woman, but it feels like they told you that's an excuse.

This is a dent... I don't know if I have to switch to laugh and work tomorrow... I leaned down in a sigh, and I heard a knock. There's only one of us who knocks. I didn't want to see you now and you were silent, but don't hesitate to open the door and Azsa comes in. He seems to be the one who doesn't hesitate to pay attention. Azsa, when you sat in your chair to face each other silently, too, you left a cup at the table. When I raise my face to the gentle smell of flutter and fragrance, I find tea that I have never seen.

"It's from your favorite child. It's a calming herbal tea."


"I couldn't do anything for you, so he wants you to at least drink this."


Why are you being so nice to me when Atashi was the only cause of all the noise... I couldn't believe it, Azsa. When I stared at you, I was laughing at Ni with my cheeks on. Ugh... something's going to cry. I take the cup and put it in my mouth and it smells soothing and good. I'm not sure about the delicate flavour, but the gentleness is creamy and warm.

"You come on... tell me to revalue myself a little bit more"

If you're taking a slow herbal tea, quietly, Azsa, you talk it out. I couldn't get my eyes together and stared at the soft green tea surface, but Azsa you go on without worrying about Atashi.

"Why do you think it's worthless?

"... you heard even Ah Chan. Atashi, slammed..."

"What's wrong with a slum?"


"What exactly isn't working?

"Because it's a slam. They're savages. They're the only ones who can take it."

"That's because that's all I know. Because that's the only way I know how to live, so I will. But what about you? You know a lot more about adventurers than I do about the world and living in mediocrity."

"That's not true."

"Don't lie. Some local guy doesn't give instructions because he can't eat anything, or he's an adventurer dyeing his hands at crime, so don't come near him and pay attention."

"Huh? Did that happen...?

"You're doing it unconsciously, that's what you're paying attention to. That's all you can do with experience. If you can't do that, why do you think it's worthless?"

I just told you because I knew, and you were so appreciative...? Isn't that all you're saying is that it's worth it to do a more difficult request, to do a level job like you, Azsa? I can't believe it, but Azsa, far smarter than Atashi, you say, so I'm sure it's true.

"I can stand it now, and you're growing up, you"

"... Grow up, I wonder if it's done...?

"I was at my full disposal when I got in, but you've been listening and dealing with it properly here lately. I think you've changed.

"Ugh... Ah, you're so sweet all of a sudden..."

"Huh?! I'm always nice."

Azsa, who returned to her usual twisted attitude, lost her strength at once. Wipe the tears with your fingers that made you happy and just a little bit out. I'm worried about the makeup breakdown... When I thought about it, I heard the chair pulling across the street and was gently stroked in the head.

"I work hard, Tanya. Thanks for everything."

I've never had a head stroke before, but I'm surprised.

Where you are weak, Azsa, you are cunning to be so gentle. I can't believe you like girls, but make me wish they were this guy... horrible man.

"... thanks, uh"

If I looked up, I'd see eye to eye with you, Azsa, who was smiling gently. Now I know why that sturdy knight sneers at you, Azsa. I can also snort that I'm worried about putting it to work alone. I have to take care of this and protect it. When I was renewing my determination to protect myself, I got a big sneeze out of the person at the time. With that said, Azsa, you stayed wet!

"Oh, I'm sorry, uh, you're getting dressed! Tanya, come back."

I was a rat trying to rush up and leave the room, but they call me by my name and I look back. There was Azsa with the nibbling face for some reason.

"Herbal tea child. He said he didn't want to soak it in the weak spot. What's with the pulse?

Foreword withdrawn! Azsa, you're not the first guy I thought Atashi liked, you're Atashi's super precious big best friend!

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