Brought My Wife Back from Another World

1 He is the one who is destined for

I, Ilias Garland, have spent six months in a country called Nippon of the Other World.

Nippon was said to be a very peaceful country. Battlefields, guilds, etc. are not the only worlds in which there is no dispute whatsoever, and it is a sort of discourse that carries a sword with it when you go out.

Even so, I grew up in the Serentia kingdom after I was born with the profession of knight, always with a knife. And I take that knight for a living. Even though it was relatively peaceful, in some cases the sword was used to hold the ground. I can't imagine saying that I shouldn't carry a sword with me when that was normal on a daily basis. In case you get attacked, why should I fight? From the inhabitants of this world, I am a suspicious person. Aren't you trying to kill me like this? At first, I couldn't help but have that suspicion.

And the first time I saw it was a world where demon stones were not the only ones, but they compensated for it with other things and lived a much higher standard of living than we did. The cultural shock is immeasurable when you see a world where you don't need to fight. What was said was not lies or exaggerations, everything was true.

Dark eyes on dark hair without getting tangled. The back length seems to be average, but overall luxurious… even people with the impression of being able to walk alone late at night unarmed, Nippon was just a dream country.

In front of me, who was escorting me in a long distance transfer test, a rampage accident happened. I pulled the arm of a technician who was about to get caught up and let him out of the line, but the transfer started before I went outside. It's late when you recognize you've been caught in a rampage, and it stains bright white in front of you. At the same time, my body becomes lazy and I start to feel chills.

When he could not stand and fell in on the spot, it was already like a destination flown in a runoff. I can't afford to check where it is and my consciousness gets hazy... cold anyway. My body doesn't move properly because of a fever I've never experienced. When you were also ready to die like this, are you okay? And he's called out, and if he turns his gaze, a badly troublesome looking young man is peeking into this one.

That was my first encounter with Azsa.

The man who said Azsa, who suddenly picked up about me, seemed to have an unavailable personality and gave him an easy lift to his room about me, an armed stranger. The next time I woke up, I was on the bed, with Azsa standing beside me.

It's a world that can't be flown back and can't even prove its identity. When I was halfway through how to live from now on, it was also Azsa who helped and supported me. He suggested living together in his room, teaching me common sense in addition to clothing and living. He also bought me a dish of a design that I was used to seeing by chance, even in Nippon, if it was any inspiration. It would take a lot of money to feed a man who can't do anything… he doesn't have one disgusting face, he breaks my heart. I had always started to follow him with my gaze unconsciously, wanting to favor him and protect and cherish him.

Remember Nippon's words so that they are not at all a burden to him, and take the chores in general so that they are helpful. Azsa had strangely mastered my language perfectly, so I would have been fortunate to not have had any difficulty communicating with him. It was thanks to Azsa that I understood Nippon fast.

Communication came in from the Magic Communications Authority of the Kingdom of Serentia one day, about three months after it was transferred to Nippon. Speaking of magic communications bureau, commonly known as Magic Tone bureau, technicians are at their peak... there's no way I can be of any use to such a Magic Tone bureau human being being as a knight at a time. Probably wanted to get a survival confirmation and update about the limit distance you could transfer. The bureaucrats were delighted that I was alive, the best subject, and unilaterally disconnected when they told me that I would be able to return in another six months. It also makes me sad to think that there are only a few days left to spend with Azsa, a half side where I feel comfortable that I have found a way to return it. By this time, I was starting to think about Azsa, so I felt like I was sinking.

I can't tell you this thought because it's going to leave me eventually. That's why there was also a limit to saying that I would continue to be patient in an environment where the more people I liked reached out to, the closer I was.

You'll never forget the first day you touched Azsa with the help of alcohol. Confused, the trembling power falls out on the caress you give. However, the slicing eyes have turned a strong gaze, even with a moisturizing and suspicious light. He was shown the attitude of accepting, but only saying that his position was equivalent, and realized that he had fallen completely to him. On top of that, the strength of my spiritual power, which did not ramble him in front of me with goosebumps all over his body, would be good for self-portrayal self-admiration.

The relationship between the bodies began, but they did not communicate their thoughts with each other. Azsa may think it's a sexual relationship, just like a bad friend. But his presence in me grows bigger, and the thought of saying that I like him every time I touch him is about to come to my mouth. I'm not happy that he changed so sweetly into my hand touching it. I fall in love with myself thinking that I feel the same way without telling you.

It turned into a hot climate called nuts and they took me on my first entertainment trip. In an establishment called an inn where I stayed looking at the flames that spread across the sky called fireworks, I actually learned that I didn't have enough words and thought differently. I tried to convey my intentions, but if they asked me not to put them into words for myself, I would shut my mouth. Even in that state, you can't defy your instincts if you're incited to have sexual intercourse… not to mention when you're forced to insert it, not to the brink. My body feels good, but my heart is bitter... and I've never acted this hard before.

I was going to return without telling you what I thought. The night before the metastasis, when I layered my body because it was at the end of the day, I was running my mouth saying that I liked it if I realized I couldn't contain it, and once I got out, I couldn't stop. Azsa laughed cuttingly at the thought she told her with overflowing tears. I guess he's still not going to say how he feels… still, he wanted to dedicate everything about me to Azsa. Even if we don't see each other again for the rest of our lives, only our hearts want to be together.

On that day, I was amazed at the loyalty I offered as a knight, and I was told I liked him too, just before the transfer, and I had never cursed my destiny more. Why, me and him were born into a different world… the white disappearing scenery, the azusa we were together every day disappeared, and my otherworldly trip closed the curtain.

"There is no guarantee of safety. Of course, it's about the other people who say they're bringing them in."

"I understand."

I don't care about the safety of the test body, etc., and I guess I just want new test results… I listen to the magic magic officer who explains the safety that has become the norm, but the important thing is to tap it into my head.

At the end of the year, Azsa spoken. Feeding only the words she wants me to take, I have worked hard over the past year. He has also been promoted from general to squad leader, and by referring to him as a survivor from different worlds, he has accompanied the metastasis tests carried out by the Magic Tone Bureau many times, winning his trust.

The result is specimen promotion of intentional cross-world metastases. Moreover, if we are at the designated time and place, we have been promised a return transfer. As the subject of the return transfer, due to the match between my hopes and the exam contents of the Magic Tong Bureau, I have even included people from different worlds. I honestly thought it would take more time to pick him up, but the research appetite of the Magic Tone bureaucrats seems awesome.

Without a guarantee of life, no one would be so desirous of a test subject, but it would only be a miracle that he immediately jumped at my desired voice and drank me to the condition that he would bring Azsa back. They deliberately fly to different worlds and bring the inhabitants there, I thought they wouldn't shut up as a country, but they say they will try to rub it off at the Magic Tone Bureau about this transfer. Sometimes the worst situations seem to help, such as when institutions in their own countries are not close to each other and are only interested in technologies in their own jurisdiction.

"That's all the explanation is. All right, metastases, start."

It's a conversation I'm used to hearing, but all this time I felt better. Also, I can see Azsa. I just think so, and I'm going to give you a voice of joy. Finally, again, he touched his trouser pockets to confirm the presence of the object of interest before closing his eyes to contain the deviant mind.

When I opened my eyes, there was a nostalgic landscape spread out there.

Nothing has changed in Azsa's room, which I haven't visited in a year, but the lord of the room is asleep on the couch while in his suit. You must have bought it at dinner. The convenience store lunch was kept on the table, and the coat and jacket were unfinished on the back of the couch. Azsa, who leaned over on her knees and peeked in, has a terrible neighborhood on her blue and white face, lean cheeks. Time progresses differently in the Kingdom of Serentia and Nippon. What the hell happened to him when I told him it had only been about six months here... I wonder if I was the reason why he made me look like this... I couldn't have watched him in silence when I thought so.

"Azsa, you're gonna catch a cold in here."

Shake your body as gently as you can. I hit him upside down to dislike it, but if he didn't wake up, I would be in trouble, so I swayed him again, and my lid lifted to my liking.

"... Huh?

Azsa, who has rubbed her eyes and looked twice, is overflowing with love. In contrast to me like that, the movement stopped completely with a face that looked incredible. He's the cutest he's ever been, but his unhealthy face makes him spicy this way to see it. It doesn't get any better just by touching it, but I put my hand on Azsa's little cheek, hoping for a little soothing.

"I've lost so much weight... and bears are terrible. Sorry to keep you waiting..."

"Uh... Ilias?

Replying to the called voice seemed even more confused. If you put it to him, it would be natural to be confused because a man who disappeared in front of him six months ago appeared in his own room late at night without any foretaste. I want to explain everything, but I don't have time to spend long. Even if I were to return and give an explanation, it would be necessary to obtain his consent first.

"Azsa, I have one question. Are the words you used to say during the metastasis still the same?

"Words during metastasis...?

"You told me to take you"

I can still easily remember him running over with a body that was flirtatious and screaming desperately because of the momentum he had in his arms the night before. It's a supportive word for me, but for him, it may be a word flushed by the air of metastasis and stubborn. That's why we need to be sure of his true intentions. It was my selfish behavior, so to speak, that picked me up. I know very well that Azsa has the right to say no, but I hope you don't. Please forgive me for trying to take you away from the world you were born and raised in. While I waited for a response, I stared in prayer.

Even now, I am happy with the answer that I have received without losing sight of it, and I will tighten my loose face again. The pockets I checked even before the metastasis returned a stiff feel, unchanged. In Nippon, he slowly fits the ring removed from his pocket into his finger, which taught him the custom of fitting the ring in his left hand pharmacopoeia as a sign of his marriage. I didn't expect the day to come when I could give this to his fingers, it was something I had made as a memory… but the ring I was able to play the role was dull and glowing with Azsa's left hand pharmacopoeia finger.

"It took me a while to get ready, but I picked him up. Azsa, let's get married."

I looked alternately at the ring and my face, and a tear was falling from Azsa's eyes, which was stunned. Nudging over and over again in a way that doesn't sound like a voice, the puffiness and tears drop zero. A generation of proposals ends in success, exhaling the breath he was unconsciously packing, wiping Azsa's eyes with tears. I'm happy, and I cry even more if I thank you, and I'm cowardly because you look adorable like that.

"I definitely wanted to do the proposal in the fashion of Azsa's world. I'm sorry I missed you for six months."

"Oh, really...! Let it go...!

"I'm sorry. I won't let that happen from now on. If they say they don't like it, they won't let you go."

I miss the usual response and my face is loose. It was when he laughed back happily at the light mouth that came out reflexively. At the time as instructed, the magic formation of the metastasis rose to its feet again. Azsa, surprised by the wind blowing up, looks anxiously at me.

"On time. Azsa, we're flying."

"Ko, what can I do with this...?!

"It's okay, you just have to hold onto me"

He panicked at me when I stood up, closing his face to control him where he tried to move out, and hugging him all at once as he inserted his arms into his back and back of his knees. If Azsa's arm is turned to his neck reluctantly as directed, he's ready.

"Thank you, Azsa. I'll be absolutely happy."

"What are you talking about? I made Elias happy."

I was glad and thankful that you abandoned your life in Nippon and chose the Serentia Kingdom with me, but on the contrary, they said it back and I laughed unexpectedly. Azsa-like responses are really preferable. It was a flash of disrespect, and I looked up to him. Again, this is the only person I have.

I strongly wanted to make this man, who would come with me all alone, happy for the rest of my life.

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