【""When did you two get together? Why didn't I notice it?" Huang Jinnian asked angrily.】

【"Sure enough, if you can't think, it's much easier to deal with. Alas, your ugly behavior is really embarrassing for the Giant Sun Immortal Venerable."】

【Fang Yuan sighed, his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a disdainful smile】

【The two of them joined forces just now】

【Before, Hei Loulan roared,"Demon, you are eloquent and cunning like a fox! Hateful, what kind of poison did you use on me just now? I will make you pay the heaviest price, give me your life!"】

【Fang Yuan did not use the Gu worm at all, but Hei Loulan said that Fang Yuan used the Gu worm.】

【This is the codeword】

【Whether it is Fang Yuan or Hei Loulan, they are all meticulous, suspicious, ruthless and ruthless heroes.】

【The two of them worked together all the way, experienced the struggle in the royal court, and got to know each other better. They both knew that they were ambitious and unwilling to be inferior to others.】

【Because of this, Fang Yuan was willing to take a gamble. After all, with the powerful phantom guarding him, the risk was not great.】

【The two big liars cooperated sincerely. Hei Loulan seized the opportunity and successfully plotted against Juyang's will and took away all the immortal Gu.】

【"I won't accept this, I won't accept this! I'm the strongest, but I was ambushed and ended up like this. You won't have an easy time either. My original body has left many tricks. Once the Eighty-Eight-Cornered True Yang Tower falls, the other tricks will be activated."】

【"Zhenyang Tower will be rebuilt again, and you will be hunted down to the death. I didn't lose to you. If I hadn't dealt with Ma Hongyun and had bad luck, how could I have lost?! In the final analysis, I lost to luck!"Huang Jinnian shouted hysterically】

【Bang Bang Bang】

【The next moment, it exploded and destroyed itself!】

【After all, it was left by the Giant Sun Immortal Venerable. Even if there were few thoughts, there was still a decisive】

【It was worried that the secret it was carrying would be leaked, so it chose to self-destruct.】

【The speed of self-destruction of thoughts was extremely fast. Even if Fang Yuan wanted to stop it, he had no corresponding means. Unlike the blood path, force path, and slave path, his attainments in the wisdom path were still very shallow.】

【Unless the will of Juyang is coaxed into his own immortal acupoint blessed land, like Moyao's will, it can be easily suppressed.】

【In this way, the strongest being who dominated the Royal Court was finally wiped out at this moment, without a trace left.】

【Hei Loulan exhaled a breath of turbid air, looked at Fang Yuan with a calm gaze, and said solemnly:"Next, it's time for the two of us to have a good talk. I believe we have the basis for cooperation."】

【Fang Yuan nodded and sneered:"Besides, the Immortal Gu Dingxianyou that you took away was originally mine."】

【It turned out that the Wuxiang Fist that took away Dingxianyou was broken by Juyang's will. After Juyang's will took it away, it forcibly suppressed Fangyuan's consciousness in the insect, and there was no time to refine it. It may also be that he did not have the strength to refine it.】

【Therefore, Fang Yuan did not sense the existence of Ding Xianyou. He had lost his target before and thought that Wu Xiang Quan had already flown away.】

【"I know, this is one of my conditions. Now I have suppressed your Immortal Gu, but time does not allow me to forcibly refine it. I need you to lend me this Dingxianyou!"Hei Loulan said shockingly】

【Fang Yuan said calmly:"Why should I lend it to you?"】

【"Humph, the Gu is in my body, and there is no immortal travel. How can you get out of here? Only if we work together sincerely can this be possible."Hei Loulan said】

【Fang Yuan laughed:"Who told you that I have no other way to leave here?"】

【Hei Loulan's pupils shrank, and he looked at Fang Yuan deeply:"The Datong Wind Curtain separates the heaven and earth, and the Cave Earth Gu and the Sky-reaching Gu cannot be used. You actually have other means...But you haven't used it yet, hey, obviously this method also has disadvantages!"】

【After all, he was a tyrant, so he quickly calmed down and even launched a tentative counterattack.】

【She said it with a very sure tone, but in fact she was not sure, just testing】

【Fang Yuan laughed loudly. His army of shadows was right beside him, and he was not afraid of the self-destruction of his powerful Zhenwu body.】

【But the enemy in front of him is not an ordinary powerful Zhenwu body, but Black Loulan!】

【This guy should not be underestimated. He has fought with Fang Yuan many times in the Eighty-Eight Corners Zhenyang Tower, and they are evenly matched. He has also caused Fang Yuan countless troubles.】

【Now, she is still a mortal, but she can suppress four Immortal Gu in a row, which surprised Juyang Will.】

【If Fang Yuan didn't use Ding Xian You, she would be dead. If she fought back desperately, Fang Yuan would still be afraid.】

【Without the interference of Mo Yao's will, Fang Yuan returned to his original nature. He calculated the benefits and immediately asked the most concerned question,"So what can I get?"】

【"Immortal Gu secretly transferred." Hei Loulan replied calmly, but he was relieved in his heart.】

【"Oh, I'd like to hear more"】

【"I will help you get this Gu. In the hands of Gu Immortal Jiang Yu, this Gu can isolate the breath, obscure the secrets of heaven, and prevent calculations. My powerful Zhenwu body is sealed by the power of the Dark Crossing Immortal Gu."】

【"You have committed such a heinous crime, Beiyuan Gu Immortal will definitely track you down and cause trouble for you. Not only them, but also the arrangement left by Juyang Immortal Venerable. But with the Dark Crossing Immortal Gu, your location will not be calculated."】

【"Interesting, what else?" Fang Yuan stroked his chin.】

【Hei Loulan smiled slightly:"We are all smart people. Frankly speaking, I have a deep blood feud, so I will not blow myself up and die with you. But I guess you don't want to see me being forced into a desperate situation and drag you down with me, right?"】

【"Humph, it's not like we'll die together, but it's true that it's causing me trouble!" Fang���Snorted】

【Hei Loulan's pupils shrank:"From what you said, it seems that you haven't fully exerted the power of this killer move. However, I have another trump card!"】

【Fang Yuan nodded. Hei Loulan had already shown that she was able to suppress the Immortal Gu. The powerful Zhenwu body alone could not do this.】

【As long as the benefits are sufficient, why bother fighting? Fang Yuan is not afraid of Hei Loulan's self-destruction, but there is no need to push too far, as neither side will benefit.】

【Hei Loulan said again:"I will help you get the Dark Crossing Immortal Gu, and I will return it to you after I use up the Dingxianyou. I will also give you my powerful killing move, I believe it will be helpful for your new killing move."】

【"Also, I never tried to kill your senior brother, Tai Baiyunsheng."】

【Fang Yuan glanced and saw the unconscious Tai Baiyun still lying on the ground, covered with a defensive light shield. This was obviously set up by Hei Loulan.】

【He couldn't help but raise his opinion of Hei Loulan even higher.】

【Hei Loulan is not simple, she actually kept Taibai Yunsheng alive until now. Obviously, she has long been dissatisfied with Juyang's will and has made plans.】

【More importantly, she mentioned so many conditions, secretly crossing the Immortal Gu is the key point, the fixed immortal travel is the secondary key point, followed by the powerful killing move, and finally the Taibai Cloud Rising. This order also shows her understanding of Fang Yuan.】

【"What about your request? Fang Yuan pondered.】

【"Protect me to become an immortal, and at the same time help me, so that I can kill my father with my own hands!"At this point, Hei Loulan's eyes revealed a deep hatred.】

【Fang Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows】

【He didn't ask why, and he didn't need to ask why.】

【""Haha." Fang Yuan laughed loudly, scanning the surrounding Datong Wind Curtain, and finally set his sights on Hei Loulan.】

【The seal of the secret crossing was torn open, and the true face of Hei Loulan was revealed. She was no longer the bloated and violent bear Hei Loulan, but a beautiful woman with a hot body, sword-like eyebrows, heroic eyes, and domineering and strong power.】

【"Interesting! Then why don't we cooperate for a while? Fang Yuan exclaimed and agreed.】

【The benefits of cooperation make them excited】

【Anyway, Dingxianyou is in the hands of the other party, and Fangyuan can do nothing about it. Why not try to cooperate?】

【Next, Fang Yuan put forward his own requirements and reached a preliminary consensus with Hei Loulan.】

【The Datong wind curtain is shrinking, almost to the extreme】

【A large number of poisonous insects were piled up in a small space, crowded together. More poisonous insects had been swallowed up by the Datong Wind Curtain and became part of it.】

【And the Disaster-Free Hand finally disappeared completely.】

【"We don't have enough time today, let's talk about it tomorrow." After the agreement was made, Hei Loulan activated Dingxianyou, and the green light enveloped her body.】

【She is not a Gu Immortal, but she can activate the Immortal Gu!】

【Before leaving, she looked at Fang Yuan deeply and asked casually,"What is the name of your killer move?"】

【""Ten thousand of me." Fang Yuan replied】

【Hei Loulan nodded and memorized the name deep in her heart. She knew that sooner or later, this killer move would become famous.���domain!】

【The next moment, Dingxianyou was activated, and Hei Loulan's figure disappeared from the spot.】

【As soon as she left, Fang Yuan immediately destroyed the environment here to prevent her from coming back with Dingxianyou.】

【The Datong wind curtain was coming from all directions, and the place where they settled was only the size of a small house.】

【A large number of Gu swarms have been swallowed up by the Datong Wind Curtain, but a small number are still flying around.】

【Fang Yuan releases the Starlight Gu and opens the Star Gate】

【But he did not leave immediately, instead he stared at the flying poisonous insects with a deep gaze.】

【He wasn't sure, but he still wanted to give it a try.】

【After a few breaths, a poisonous insect flew to his eyes.】

【Ninth turn, wisdom Gu!】

【""Hahaha!" Fang Yuan's loud laughter echoed in the small space.】

【Seeing the Nine-turn Wisdom Gu throwing itself into his arms, Fang Yuan couldn't help but hum softly:】

【"The open and covert attacks are interwoven, and the overt and cunning plots are used as calculations"】

【"When misfortune strikes, the heart changes, and a narrow escape is achieved"】

【"The immortal is half dead and has no life left, I am alone and have no worries"】

【"A pile of dry bones, a pair of demons will come together, and from now on, there will be endless mysteries!"

Seeing Fang Yuan reciting poetry again, someone in the barrage finally couldn't hold back any longer.

"Giant Sun Immortal: Hahahaha, that’s it, good job, kid!!"

"Juyang Immortal: My dear father, just run away with the wisdom Gu, why are you still reciting poetry?"

"Juyang: Yes, that's right, well done, I'll give you a Nine-turn Wisdom Gu as a reward!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"Red Lotus Demon Lord: Thank you Juyang for the Wisdom Gu reward!!"

"Juyang Will: What the hell? Not only will I not be allowed to use the immortal way's killing moves, I will not even be allowed to use the mortal way's killing moves? What about the immortal essence? Give it to him too?! Isn't this acting too fake?"

"Juyang Yizhi: Dad, please leave quickly. If you don’t leave now, I can’t continue acting!"

"Fang Yuan: Haven't you heard that there is always a way out for everyone? Ju Yang: Oh, right, right! Just pretend, who can pretend better than you?!"When the heavens and the worlds saw Fang Yuan reciting poems and pretending to be cool again, everyone's scalp tingled.

"Damn it, the Great Love Immortal Venerable is indeed an Immortal Venerable, he can even survive this!"

Xiao Yan was shocked, and then he said:

"The giant sun's will was directly destroyed, and the Nine Revolutions Wisdom Gu was also obtained by Fang Yuan. It was really terrifying!"

"This time, Fang Yuan is going to take off completely."

In the perfect world plane,

Huo Linger pouted and said:

"Fang Yuan is lucky to be alive."[]

Shi Hao smiled and said:

"He has been cursed with death, how can he have any luck?"

"As he said, he survived because of himself."

"Now that he has the Wisdom Gu, his future wisdom will probably be even more extraordinary.

""Nine revolutions! Wisdom Gu!!!" the little fox fairy screamed.

The impact of this scene was too great for her.

Fang Yuan was also very excited. He didn't expect that he would get a Nine Revolutions Wisdom Gu in the end!

That was a legendary Gu worm in the human ancestor's biography.

But then, Fang Yuan thought of his immortal zombie body, and his face slowly sank again.

Even if he had the wisdom Gu, he would have no chance of moving forward without the immortal zombie. His road to immortality might be cut off.

【Fox Fairy Blessing Land, Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and woke up again】

【What came into view was the radiant pink light and the crystal clear mountain walls. Fang Yuan was in a trance for a moment before he realized that he had passed through the star gate and returned from Beiyuan to the Fox Fairy Land.】

【However, the journey to Beiyuan was exhausting, extremely dangerous, and a life-threatening journey. Even though Fang Yuan was a six-armed celestial corpse, he was still filled with fatigue.】

【After returning to the Fox Fairy Land, he made some arrangements and then fell asleep.】

【I didn't know how long I slept, and then I woke up slowly.】

【Too tired, even now, Fang Yuan just wants to lie down and doesn't want to get up】

【"My body is full of dead air, and I have completely transformed into a zombie. My body knows no fatigue. But my soul is still the same soul, and it has its limits and can be damaged."】

【A thought flashed through his mind, and Fang Yuan slowly sat up.】

【Peace of mind, a refreshing feeling】

【Sleep can also calm the soul】

【Fang Yuan exhaled a breath of foul air and stretched his limbs a little. He felt as if his whole body was rusted, making him feel heavy and inflexible.】

【He was not surprised, because he knew that this was the aftereffect of his using the killing move, which caused his soul to be greatly consumed. Therefore, it was difficult for him to control such a strong zombie body.】

【""Where is the earth spirit?" Fang Yuan asked. His voice became very hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of sand and broken ice rubbing violently together, giving people a dry and cold feeling.】

【"Master!" The next moment, the voice of the Earth Spirit Little Fox Fairy rang in Fang Yuan's ears.】

【The voice was still sweet and melodious, but now it was mixed with worry and sadness.】

【Fang Yuan turned around and saw the little fox fairy with red eyes appearing on his left.】

【"How long have I slept?" Fang Yuan nodded and asked】

【"Master, you have slept for two days and three nights.】

【Fang Yuan was in a trance for a moment. Two days and three nights is the time in the Fox Fairy Blessing. Five days in the Fox Fairy Blessing is one day in the five regions of the outside world. In other words, from the time Fang Yuan left the Datong Wind Curtain and returned to the present, the time in Beiyuan was less than one day.】

【Fang Yuan felt at peace】

【He had not slept. He had previously discussed with Hei Loulan and confirmed a temporary cooperation. He would return to Beiyuan soon.】

【Seeing Fang Yuan silent and silent, the little fox fairy thought he was sad, so she opened her mouth and comforted him,"Master, Master, don't be sad. You have become like this, although it is very ugly, but there must be a way to change back.""】

【"I believe that one day, you will return to your original state. Master, you must cheer up!"】

【Fang Yuan laughed in silence, stretched out his arm, and touched the little fox fairy's head.】

��The little fox fairy dodged for a moment, but in the end, he let Fang Yuan's terrifying zombie hand fall on his head.】

【She lowered her head and said nothing.】

【Fang Yuan rubbed it gently, and the little fox fairy finally couldn't hold it anymore and burst into tears:"Master, although your palms are cold, I still like them very much!"】

【After saying that, he hugged Fang Yuan's thighs and cried】

【The little fox fairy is still so cute, like a five or six-year-old girl, pink and innocent, petite and exquisite. She is wearing a colorful dress, and the snow-white fox tail behind her is now draped on the ground, showing her lost mood.】......Dividing Line......

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