【Time passed, and several years passed in a flash. Long Gong appeared again and formally accepted Hong Ting as his apprentice. He traveled all over the world and taught him personally.】

【When Hong Ting was twelve years old, Lord Long opened his mind and he officially embarked on the path of Gu cultivation. Because of his extraordinary talent and strong foundation, his cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds.】

【"Master, I have learned that Xue Tudao, the evil man who massacred the village, is on a nearby hilltop!"One day, Hong Ting came back from hunting and came back to the cave. He excitedly said to Long Gongdao:】

【Duke Long nodded and smiled,"Sit down. The soup I made is almost ready. This is the bone soup of ancient wild beasts. It will be very beneficial to your growth.""】

【Hong Ting threw the prey in his hand to the ground, gritted his teeth and said:"Master, more than a year ago, I wanted to fight Xue Tudao to punish the evil, but you said that I only had the third level of cultivation, while he had the fifth level, so I couldn't defeat him and couldn't go."】

【"Half a year ago, I had reached the fourth level of cultivation and had eight killing moves. I had a very high chance of taking Xue Tudao's life. But you said you were less than 100% sure, so don't make a move."】

【"Three months ago, I had already reached the fifth level of cultivation, and it only took me two or three moves to defeat Xue Tudao, but you said that he was not destined to die, and it was not yet time to eliminate him."】

【"Master, if this evil man is allowed to go unchecked, who knows how many innocent lives will be ruined. It's my turn to take action now!"】

【Lord Long put down the long spoon in his hand and stopped stirring the bone soup in the pot. He sighed and said,"My disciple, the opportunity has not yet come."】

【"I don't care what good opportunity it is. I just know that if I don't take action this time, I will miss the opportunity!"Hong Ting was very determined.】

【Lord Long shook his head and said,"At this time, Xue Tudao is not destined to die. If you kill him forcefully, it will be fruitless and cause a disaster.-"】

【"I don't believe it! I can kill him with just one move!"】

【"Go ahead, young man, and give it a try."】

【"Thank you, Master, for your permission!" Hong Ting was overjoyed.】

【"As a teacher, I just hope that you won’t be disappointed when the time comes!"】

【"How could I be disappointed! Master, please wait a moment. I will be back with Xue Tudao's head in an incense stick of time."】

【Hong Ting turned and left, but one stick of incense passed, two sticks of incense passed, and three sticks of incense passed again, but Hong Ting was still nowhere to be seen.】

【Everything was in Long Gong's eyes. He knew the time was right, so he left the cave, crossed the forest, and flew to Hong Ting's side.】

【Hong Ting knelt on the ground, his face full of anger and regret. He stared blankly at the foot of the mountain, where there used to be a small village where the villagers lived in peace and tranquility.】

【His eyes were red and bloodshot. When he saw Lord Long, he looked up with clear traces of tears on his face.】

【"Master, I never expected that there was a Gu Immortal inheritance here. Xue Tudao came here secretly just to inherit this inheritance."】

【"I discovered his plan, and he used the power of inheritance to stop me. I fought hard, but the aftermath of the battle caused mountains to collapse and the ground to crack, and it actually buried the small mountain village completely."】

【""Master! It was me who killed the villagers at the foot of the mountain!" Hong Ting cried.】

【Lord Long did not comfort him, but remained silent for a moment, then suddenly said,"My disciple, do you want revenge? Do you want to get rid of Xue Tudao? Now the time has come."】

【"Really? Where is he?"Hong Ting trembled all over and asked immediately】

【"It's on the hill over there." Lord Long pointed】

【Hong Ting rushed over immediately and easily killed Xue Tudao.】

【"I am so unwilling to accept this. I have clearly inherited the true teachings, but I have not yet digested the results. I just narrowly escaped death, and I am weak and powerless, and you saw me! If you give me more time, I will never be afraid of me, and I can still become a Gu Immortal!"These are Xue Tudao's last words before his death】

【Hong Ting stood in front of Xue Tudao's body in silence. Long Gong's figure appeared behind Hong Ting again, and he said nothing.】

【"Master, you said that if I followed your arrangements, I could kill him easily, and the people in that small mountain village would not be implicated, right?"】

【Long Gong did not speak, but stretched out his palm and gently patted Hong Ting's shoulder.】

【Hong Ting's body trembled, and he was silent for a moment before he said,"Master, I would like to ask you, fate...What is it?"】

【"Fate..."Duke Long sighed, a deep and complex expression appeared on his face.】

【"Look." Lord Long pointed at the rock he was sitting on and】

【Hong Ting looked over and saw a small group of ants beside the rock. They were lined up in a row, carrying food and returning to their nest.】

【"This is fate."Dragon Lord continued】


【"Look again." Lord Long pointed to the sky again.】

【Hong Ting looked up at the sky and saw white clouds of various shapes floating in the sky.】

【"This is also fate."Dragon Lord said】

【Hong Ting's heart moved, and he seemed to understand:"Master, what you mean is..."】

【"Ants carry food, bees collect honey, the breeze blows, white clouds float, everything in this world has its own route. To us, they may not have any rules, but in fact, they all move according to the rules of heaven and earth."】

【"Look at the sun and the moon. Every day the sun rises and the moon sets. Look at the life and death of people. No matter who they are, even if they are immortals or demons, they will die. They all go from life to death."】

【"All of this is fate"】

【"Every one of us, every life, even every rock, every drop of water, every fire, since we exist in this world, must have meaning and value."】

【"The same is true for good and evil. Without good, where would evil come from? Without evil, why would we talk about good?"】

【"You are in a hurry to eliminate Xue Tudao because you don't see his value clearly. Since the heaven and earth want him to exist, there must be a reason for him to live. This is fate."】

【"Fate has already arranged everything in the world, but we can only feel the elephant in the dark and cannot see clearly."】

【"It's normal that you can't see clearly. The laws of heaven and earth, the great principles of the universe, even if an immortal spends his entire life, he can't fully understand them."】

【"We are too weak, and the universe is too vast. We should respect the universe and follow the arrangement of fate. Only in this way can we obey the will of heaven and benefit the world."】

【"The reason your parents got together was fate's arrangement, and the greatest significance of it was to bring you into this world."】

【"You will become an immortal in the future. This is also the arrangement of fate. You must accept it, climb to the top step by step, and finally lead the heaven and contribute your life to the righteousness of the world."】

【"As your master, the greatest significance of my life is to teach you, guide you, and put you on the right path....Guardian"】

【"You have to believe in fate and accept fate. Everything it arranges has its reasons. If we forcibly interfere or change it, we will inevitably end up with tragedy and regret, just like you wanted to take Xue Tudao's life in advance, but did you kill him?"】

【Duke Long shook his head and said,"No, although you are much stronger than him, you will encounter all kinds of unexpected situations, so in the end you not only failed to get rid of him, but also implicated innocent people."】

【"Now think about it again, if you had obeyed the arrangement of fate and eliminated Xue Tudao when he was at his weakest, would you still encounter these accidents?"】

【"Now I tell you, the meaning of Xue Tudao's existence is to open this Gu Immortal inheritance, to be the pioneer of the king, and to bring this inheritance to you."】

【Hong Ting was stunned. He didn't move, like a stone sculpture. Two clear tears flowed silently from his eyes. Then he choked and said,"Master, I was wrong."】

【"It is a great help to know your mistakes and improve them】

【Lord Long looked at Hong Ting deeply and said,"My disciple, you are a talented and good child, but I am worried that you are too sentimental."】

【"Now that you have reached the fifth level of cultivation, your master asked you to consider which path to take to ascend to immortality. I'm afraid you would choose the path of wisdom?"】

【"Master, you have a keen eye. I do think so. I feel that Zhidao is very suitable for me."Hong Ting said truthfully.】

【Lord Long shook his head slowly:"The Way of Wisdom emphasizes thoughts, intentions, and emotions. You are too emotional, and focusing on emotions will do you more harm than good. Listen to your master and choose the Way of the Universe."】

【"When you look at the past and present, all the ups and downs, honors and disgraces, you will understand that all emotions and romances will be washed away by time. As a teacher, I have received inspiration from the fate Gu. The way of the universe is the most suitable way for you."】

【Hong Ting opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but finally nodded and said:"Disciple will follow the master's teachings and choose the Zhou Dao."】

【Lord Long nodded with satisfaction:"That's good. I am your protector. Guiding you on the right path is the meaning of my existence.""】

【As time went on, Hong Ting chose the Zhou Dao, and under the protection of Lord Long, he successfully survived the immortal tribulation and became a Zhou Dao Gu Immortal.】

【"Immortal Hong Ting, that demon threatened to massacre the entire city unless I marry my daughter to him as a concubine. He is a high and mighty Gu Immortal, and we are just a group of mortals."】

【"We really have no other options, please consider my friendship with your father and help us to eliminate the demon!"An old city lord came to the door, knelt on the ground, and asked Hong Ting to help.】

【Hong Ting recognized that the city lord's city was very close to Maple Leaf City, and they had frequent exchanges. They were indeed very close friends.】

【He even met the city lord's daughter and played with her when they were children.】

【"Old man, please get up quickly. I will definitely help you with this, but..."Hong Ting paused and said,"The time is not yet right."】

【The old city lord was overjoyed:"Since you have agreed, I am relieved. I believe you will never break your promise!"】

【Hong Ting waited for the right opportunity, and finally waited until the moment when the demon Gu Immortal was about to die. He acted decisively and easily eliminated the demon.】

【However, the old city lord knelt on the ground, looking at the ruins and corpses all over the city, crying sadly:"You damn devil, you are finally dead! Wuuuu, my dear daughter, my citizens, you can go in peace, your revenge has been avenged!!"】

【""Disciple greets Master. I wonder what Master wants me to do?" Hong Ting came to the Dragon Lord. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【"Disciple, the master has realized fate. The Piaohua River will suddenly flood and change its course. The master orders you to go and save people."】

0Request flowers

【"Remember! You can't make a move in advance. You can only make a move after three days and three nights."Dragon Lord carefully warned.】

【"Yes, Master"】

【Hong Ting came to the bank of Piaohua River and watched the river water spreading. Countless lives were displaced and drowned bodies floated on the flooded water.】

【He suppressed his emotions and waited for three days and three nights. As a result, he found that the river water had receded on its own without his help, and muddy ground was exposed in many places.】

【The scene changes】

【A scent of wild immortal Gu rose up, just below Hong Ting.】

【"Good Gu, it's actually the seventh-level Cosmic Dao Gu, just right for me."】

【The scent of the wild fairy Gu attracted two ancient wild beasts. Hong Ting looked serious and hid his body. After the two ancient wild beasts killed each other and one died and the other was injured, he took action and captured the two ancient wild beasts in one fell swoop.】

【"Wonderful, wonderful"】

【"It turned out that this was the clever arrangement of fate. After the fierce battle between the two ancient beasts, the Piaohua River widened several times. At the same time, the river was also stained with the blood of the ancient beasts, becoming thick and solid. From then on, there would probably be no more floods in the Piaohua River."】

【"The land along the Piaohua River, soaked in river water and sand, and infiltrated with the blood and bones of countless creatures, will become extremely fertile. The mortals who migrate here in the future will be blessed."】

Barrage of comments

"Fate, so this is fate!"[]

"Is my entire life already arranged by fate?"

"Everything, the operation of the great way of this world, has long been predetermined and no one can change it."


"The changes in the next hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand years have all been arranged in the fate Gu. Everyone only needs to follow their own life trajectory and play their own role."

"Then what's the point for us?"

"Was my ordinariness and insignificance destined when I was born?"

"If that's the case, I'd rather not believe in fate!!"

Fighting the Sky Plane.

Xiao Yan watched Hong Ting go wherever he went, and there would be opportunities delivered to his door.

To solve the enemy, he didn't even need to spend much effort, just do what he should do at the time arranged by fate, and he could easily kill the enemy.

To get the opportunity, he didn't need to study and explore desperately, as long as he arrived at a certain place on time, the opportunity would automatically come to him.

This scene made Xiao Yan dumbfounded.

"this...Is this luck or fate?"

Hai Bodong looked at the light screen solemnly. To be honest, he was frightened by the power of fate.

If there really is fate in this world, then his future life trajectory would be fixed.

Everything is calculated by fate?

Then what is the difference between him and a puppet?


Hai Bodong only felt his mouth dry.

Xiao Yan also murmured:

"Is it really good to know your fate in advance


"Master, fate is so scary, do you really want to be the enemy of fate?"

The little fox fairy looked at the light curtain and felt that things that were destined by fate could not be changed at all.

And Fang Yuan actually wanted to go to war with fate, which in her opinion was simply impossible.

Fang Yuan pursed his lips.

With his current ability, of course it was impossible to go to war with fate.

But the self in the light curtain was close to the eighth level of cultivation, the master of the Niliu River, and was about to obtain the true teachings of the Red Lotus.

With such a powerful strength, there is indeed a chance to clash with fate.

But whether he can win, Fang Yuan can't say for sure.

"These things will happen a long time in the future, who can say for sure?"

"Maybe in the future your master will be able to roam the five regions for two days, summoning people with lofty ideals from all over the world to fight against fate together!"

"The master is bragging!"

【"Bull-Headed Demon, you must let my parents go, or I will make you wish you were dead or alive!" Hong Ting glared at the Bull-Headed Demon Fairy, his eyes almost spitting fire.】

【The Bull-Headed Demon Fairy grabbed Hong Ting's parents with one in each hand and laughed loudly:"Boy, you are so arrogant. Do you want to get rid of me? When I became a Gu Fairy, you didn't even know where to suckle! Are you scared now?"】

【Hong Ting was so angry that he shouted】

【The Bull-Headed Demon shouted,"Don't come over here! Don't be impulsive! Don't you want to save your parents' lives? If you come over here again, I will crush your parents' heads!"】

【"What do you want?!"Hong Ting yelled】

【The Bull-Headed Barbarian Demon laughed grimly:"Okay, okay, as long as you return my longevity Gu to me, I will return your parents. Otherwise, I won't live for many days, so I will take your parents with me to die."】

【Hong Ting was stunned on the spot. According to fate, the two wild longevity insects should be the Bull-Headed Barbarian Demon's.】

【However, Hong Ting thought about his parents' old age and nearing the end of their lives, so he hid it from Lord Long and took the two longevity Gu away. Unexpectedly, the Bull-Headed Barbarian Demon came to find him, bringing disaster to his parents! 】.

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