【Beiyuan Changshengtian also went to the Heavenly Palace. This time they wanted to seize the Fate Gu, refine the Destiny Gu, and dominate the world.】

【On the way, Changshengtian Bingsaichuan and others encountered an ancient wild beast supported by the Heavenly Court blocking their way.】

【Maoliqiu attacked angrily, fighting against Shabi Jiuwu and Qingyuhe】

【Pin the two beasts under you and beat them madly!】

【"We are all males, how can you pounce on us at will?" Shabi Jiuwu was furious】

【This sentence resonated deeply with the Jade Crane. It screamed in the dust,"That's right! Let us go if you have the guts... Hey, don't kick me between my legs! You villain!""】

【Shabi Jiushiwu was very angry. In fact, he really liked the action of falling down, but he liked to be on top. Being on the bottom would represent a deep shame.】

【Shabi Jiushiwu was pinned to the ground by Maoliqiu's clone, his face twisted with anger, baring his sharp silver teeth:"You think you can stop me with just a clone? You are really underestimating me."...Well?!"】

【The next moment, Shabi Jiushiwu's expression was bewildered, with a hint of horror:"Is this his real body or his clone? Why is he so strong?"】

【In the central hall, Lord Long saw a clue:"This seems to be..."】

【Because of Maoliqiu's full-scale entanglement, Jieyuntan bought time and finally killed the Five Temples.】

【"I have already explained the secrets of the Five Gods Temple to you in detail. Now it is up to you." Bing Saichuan said to the Five Elements Master】

【The Five Elements Master looked behind him worriedly:"Can Master Mao do it? How long can it last?"】

【"Don't worry, it uses a double killing move, which is the method of the Heaven-stealing Demon Lord that I, Changshengtian, have painstakingly collected! It can trigger a clone, and the combat power of the clone is exactly the same as that of the original body."Bing Saichuan's mouth curled up slightly】

【"Got it!" The Five Elements Master's eyes flashed with lightning, staring at the Five Gods Temple.】

【The Five Gods Hall shook violently, and the five elements of gold"730" wood, water, fire and earth condensed into a giant spirit, rushing towards the Calamity Altar. The Calamity Altar suddenly burst into a burst of mysterious light, shooting the Five Elements Master directly into the Five Gods Hall.】

【The Five Elements Giant Spirit was shocked and angry, and wanted to return to defend, but was firmly restrained by the terrifying suction force of the Calamity Altar.】

【A series of violent explosions blew the Five Gods Temple to pieces in the blazing flames. The Five Elements Master stepped into the void and walked out step by step. Although his face was covered with some soot, he was completely unharmed.】

【The Jieyun Altar welcomed him in, and the Five Elements Master smiled and said,"Although the Five Gods Temple is extremely mysterious, the principle of its operation is well known to me and can be controlled by my own methods. This trip is actually much easier than I originally expected!"】

【As he spoke, a sense of self-satisfaction emerged. Bing Saichuan glanced at him and said calmly,"Of course. This is because the formation method you used is what my Juyang Immortal Ancestor has always arranged."】

【The Five Elements Master was stunned, his expression changed, and he stared at Bing Saichuan:"What do you mean?"】

【Bing Saichuan looked at him with a meaningful smile in his eyes:"Why do you think you were able to attack Changshengtian? In your inheritance, are there a few most important words?"】

【"Do you still remember those sentences? Do you find them confusing? You might as well reverse the order and read only the last word of each sentence."】

【The Five Elements Master was immediately surprised. He was born as a casual cultivator, and the turning point of his life was that he inherited a mysterious immortal array, which led to his current achievements.】

【"Since I received the true teachings, I have been practicing diligently and keeping it secret. How did Bing Saichuan know the contents and the most important formula specially marked in the true teachings? I have never understood what this formula means....Reverse the order and read the last word of each sentence."】

【"Huh? Bing Saichuan, attacking the Heavenly Palace?!" The Five Elements Master cried out in a low voice, staring at Bing Saichuan in amazement.】

【Bing Saichuan manipulated the Calamity Altar to move forward while slowly saying,"Even if the Nine-Transformation Venerables did not specialize in the Way of Wisdom, they have reached their level and can draw inferences from other things. It is not difficult for them to leave behind various plans to influence future generations."】

【"Back then, after Juyang Xianzu traveled to the Heavenly Palace, he made plans for this attack, and one of the plans was how to cleverly break through the Five Gods Temple."】

【"However, if he wanted to develop the method openly, it would definitely leave clues and be discovered by the Heavenly Court, so he secretly left behind his inheritance and completely cut off ties with the Changsheng Heaven, without interfering with each other, and allowing independent cultivators to inherit."】

【"Because you are not of the Giant Sun bloodline, even though you have achieved the eighth level of cultivation, the Heavenly Court did not expect that your methods are restraining the Five Temples, and they will not easily associate it with our plan to raid the Heavenly Court this time!"】

【At this point, Bing Saichuan paused and continued,"Master, this great battle over the fate Gu is far more complicated than you think. Ordinary sixth and seventh rank masters are not even qualified to participate."】

【"Eighth rank Gu Immortals are almost all just pawns. Some of them just stand by and watch, because they have realized something and have gained self-awareness. Some of them participate in it but do not know the real situation."】

【"The true face of this war is that the immortals and demons of all generations are fighting each other in the air!"】

【The Five Elements Master was stunned when he heard this, and murmured,"Fighting in the air, a duel between the venerables?"】

【In the history of the human race, ten venerables appeared one after another. Each venerable was invincible in his own era. He was the highest peak in the history of the human race and the greatest pride.】

【Bing Saichuan revealed the truth, which shocked the Five Elements Master physically and mentally. He couldn't help but feel how insignificant he was, and the little pride he had felt before was gone.】

【Bing Saichuan looked at the Five Elements Master's face of doubt and comforted him,"But don't worry, among all the venerables in history, the Great Sun Immortal Ancestor is the one who cares the most about his descendants and subordinates. The ancestor even has a nickname, known as the Immortal Protector of Shortcomings."】

【"The venerables of all generations have made arrangements, hoping to exert their influence at this critical moment, but after the continuous erosion of the long river of time, most of these arrangements have changed."】

【"Of course, the Nine-turn Venerable cannot calculate everything, and there will be mistakes. Many arrangements have become unrecognizable due to the vicissitudes of life."】

【"A large part of this was discovered by later venerables and was deleted and revised."】

【"After Yuanlian and Daotian, there are only Youhun and Letu behind the Juyang Immortal Ancestor. The more the Venerable is positioned in the back, the greater the advantage he will have in this aspect. This time when we raided the Heavenly Palace, we were unstoppable all the way, which shows the clues."】

【Bing Saichuan's words stunned the Five Elements Master.】

【Bing Saichuan then chuckled again:"So, what is Lord Long? Can it be compared with the arrangement of the Giant Sun Immortal Ancestor? You don't have to worry too much, and you must have the confidence to win! This time, I, Changshengtian, will succeed in seizing the Fate Gu!"】

【"Seize the fate Gu?"It was not until this moment that the Five Elements Master knew the purpose of Changshengtian's attack on the Heavenly Palace.】

【"That's right." Bing Saichuan nodded and admitted frankly. At this point, there was no need to hide it."The Heavenly Court came to snatch our Hongyun Qitian Gu, why can't we snatch their Destiny Gu?"】

【"Why is Heaven the number one power in the human race? Fate Gu plays a key role in this. If we get Changshengtian, we will definitely be able to sprint to the throne of the number one power in the human race!"】

【Central Hall】

【Fairy Ziwei looked at the Calamity Altar which was getting closer and closer, with a serious expression:"They are rushing over!"】

【On the side, Elder Zhengyuan was also deeply worried.】

【Although the Central Hall is the center of the entire Immortal Gu House, its defense is very weak. Who could have imagined that the Central Hall of Heaven would be attacked by the enemy?】

【Although this central hall had been attacked and destroyed by the three great demon lords, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal concluded afterwards that he had not strengthened the defense.】

【Because facing the Venerable, no matter how strong the defense of the Central Hall is, it is impossible to stop the Venerable, so there is no need to do this.】

【Now it seems that when the Giant Sun Immortal visited the Heavenly Palace, he must have seen the flaws here long ago. The sudden attack of Changshengtian really caught the Heavenly Palace off guard, and put Ziwei Fairy and others into a deeply passive situation.】

【"It seems that the real loophole is not a loophole in defense, but a loophole in thinking."Fairy Ziwei was inspired and suddenly froze,"I seem to have missed something important, what is it?……"】

【"How long will it take for the fate Gu to be completely repaired?"At this time, Lord Long asked】

【Fairy Ziwei controlled the central hall and understood the situation in the furnace formation behind the hall. She felt more and more depressed and immediately replied,"It will take at least three hours.""】

【"Three hours……"Lord Long was slightly happy in his heart,"My life span is almost exhausted, but God has mercy on me. Three hours is not long enough for me to see the repaired Fate Gu. Next, let me do it."】

【Fairy Ziwei said worriedly:"Lord Long, your injuries have not yet healed.……"】

【Despite the best efforts of the Heavenly Court to treat him, the injuries on Lord Long's body still exist. This is the result of the siege by a group of rank eight Gu Immortals in the East China Sea. Lord Long cannot be cured in a short time.】

【Lord Long smiled calmly,"For a dying man, some injuries are not a big deal. Besides, I have a killer move, Dragon Riding Shangbin. In the last moments of my life, who in the vast Five Realms can rival me?"】

【He looked calm, but revealed absolute confidence and dominance! The Calamity Altar was like a giant beast, swooping down towards the central hall.】

【The air was torn apart, the wind was howling】

【If this crashed, the central hall would be reduced to ruins. But at this moment, a tiny figure suddenly appeared and blocked the way.】

【""Dragon Lord!" the Five Elements Master called out】

【"Crush him." The Bull Demon said in a humming voice.】

【The Calamity Altar that crashed down like a mountain suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the only thing blocking it was a dragon claw.】

【Duke Long was suspended in mid-air, his body motionless, and his right hand had transformed into a ferocious dragon claw, clasping the Calamity Altar, preventing it from rushing in even a little bit.】

【"This?!"The Five Elements Master was shocked.】

【The Bull Demon was also shocked by this:"He alone could have easily blocked the Calamity Altar? Unbelievable! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed this scene."】

【The dragon claws pressed hard into the surface of the Calamity Altar, and cracks quickly spread out from around the dragon claws.】

【The Calamity Altar quickly burst into a dazzling light, brewing a killing move from the immortal way, bombarding the nearby Dragon Duke....】

【In the flames of the explosion, Lord Long stood firm, with surging energy bursting out from him.】

【These auras condensed into long dragons, quickly wrapping around the Calamity Altar and pressing down hard.】

【"What kind of method is this? The Dragon Lord had never demonstrated this in the battle in the East China Sea!"The Bull Demon narrowed his eyes.】

【He suddenly had a flash of inspiration and murmured,"There is no invincible Immortal Gu, only invincible Gu Immortal."】

【The Five Elements Master was shocked again and again. The power of the Dragon Qi Killing Move was boundless. The Five Elements Master knew very well that if he faced it personally, he would not be able to withstand two or three rounds.】

【The Jieyun Altar is an eight-turn immortal Gu house, and it was also suppressed by Lord Long! The Changshengtian group is already on the verge of victory, and the Jiantian Tower is within sight, but because of Lord Long's obstruction, victory quickly becomes an unattainable dream.】

【Lord Long alone constitutes a natural barrier that is difficult to cross!】

【"They are both rank eight, so why is the gap so huge? Lord Bing Saichuan, what should we do?"The Five Elements Master had no idea what to do.��】

【The gap between us and the enemy could no longer be made up by bravery. The Five Elements Master looked towards Bing Saichuan, but Bing Saichuan disappeared without anyone noticing.】

【Where did he go?】

【The next moment, Bing Saichuan suddenly appeared in the air behind Lord Long, and the long-prepared killing move of the universe was launched fiercely, hitting Lord Long in the back of the head.】

【"Success?" Bing Saichuan's pupils suddenly shrank.】

【The dragon king did not move at all. With a surge of extremely powerful dragon energy and an exciting dragon roar, he suddenly leaped up, biting Bing Saichuan tightly with his dragon mouth, and lifted him up rapidly, controlling him in the air.】

【Bing Saichuan relied on his own defense to hold on, while bursting out a killing move, trying to break the dragon's restraints.】

【But all his efforts ended in failure. The dragon energy was not indestructible, but the speed of recovery was too fast.】

【"You're obviously injured....This is definitely not your normal fighting power!" Bing Saichuan gritted his teeth.】

【"How can you understand the secret of my Long Yu Shangbin's killing move?" Lord Long glanced at Bing Saichuan calmly, and then focused his eyes on the Calamity Altar.】

【The surface of the Calamity Altar was already covered with cracks. It was tightly wrapped by countless dragon-shaped auras and was severely oppressed. A large number of poisonous insects were constantly killed. The Calamity Altar was unable to break free. If this situation continued, the Calamity Altar would only end up destroyed.】

【The Five Elements Master gritted his teeth and said,"Let me out. I would rather die in the hands of Lord Long than die here in humiliation.""】

【The Bull Demon was silent, and Bing Saichuan suddenly grinned:"I am not your opponent, but so what? I still have a backup plan! Please - Wuji turn around!"】

【"What?!"This time, it was finally Duke Long's turn to look surprised.】

Barrage of comments flew up

"Hahaha, good voice in the Gu world"

"Please turn around, Wuji! Wuji: Refuse to turn around and throw a chess piece at you"

"Who are you to make me turn around? I'm waiting for my brother Fang Yuan, who do you think you are?"

"Wuji! The ultimate seeker of the Way, the founder of the Way of Law, the current ceiling of the combat power in the Gu world, a pure ruthless person who fought against the eighth turn at the sixth turn, the first in talent, when he was at the sixth turn, he compared the Dao Hen of the eighth turn's peak of 5.6 peaks, and tied with Qi Jue in three battles!"

"Feng Jiuge was at the seventh turn and was beating an eighth turn immortal, yet he could be called the number one immortal in Central Continent. Wuji was at the peak of the sixth turn and the eighth turn, yet they were able to tie. This was simply against the will of heaven!"

"Swallowing Chaos, Half-Step Ten Turns, this is truly awesome, the current ceiling of the Gu world!!"

Da Ai Xian Zun Plane

"Wuji Demon Lord, Juyang Demon Lord, Xingxiu Immortal Lord..."

Even though Fang Yuan's scheming was unfathomable, he still couldn't help but be moved when he saw this fateful battle.

"Aren’t these venerables all dead?"

"Why did they all participate in this fateful battle? ?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it really like Bing Saichuan said, that this is a battle between the venerables, and everyone else is just a pawn?"

"Then why did these people unite to attack the Heavenly Palace? ?"

Fang Yuan pondered for a long time, and after a while, he came up with some speculations.

"perhaps,���Some immortals are not completely dead."

"After all, they are the most powerful masters in the history of the human race. Each of them amazed an era, and they left their methods for future generations."

"There is only one goal, and that is to destroy or obtain the destiny stock!"

"The Juyang Immortal Venerable wanted to obtain the Fate Gu and refine the Destiny Gu, while Wuji and Honglian Demon Venerable wanted to destroy the Fate Gu."

"Anyway, no matter what, their goal is the same, that is heaven"

"Only by conquering the Heavenly Palace can one achieve his goal. All these demon lords have laid out their own back-up plans for millions of years."

"Until I showed up!! I was the chess piece they were really waiting for!!"

"Perhaps, I can use these to help myself survive this geological disaster!"......Dividing Line......

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