【Fang Yuan transformed into Wu Shuai. In the dream, he passed the test, became a disciple of Green Ant, and met his junior sister.】

【In the dream, Wu Shuai even fell in love with his junior sister. The two fell in love with each other and made a vow to each other until death.】

【However, for the sake of the Dragon Clan's cause, Wu Shuai could not marry his junior sister, but instead married a fickle woman, just to take advantage of the power behind this woman.】

【Fortunately, the junior sister understood Wu Shuai and remained loyal to him, willing to accompany him.】

【With the help of his father and the understanding of his junior sister, Wu Shuai worked hard and was eventually promoted to the seventh-level Gu Immortal. He also occupied Nanhua Island in Fengyun Mansion and moved the Dragon Clan to Nanhua Island.】

【Here, the dragon people are no longer oppressed and can live freely.】

【However, all this was just the beginning. Wu Shuai built a seventh-level fairy Gu house and named it Longting, which meant to compete with the Heavenly Court.】

【Wu Shuai's ambition is huge, but it arouses Long Gong's vigilance】

【for���In order to arouse Lord Long's vigilance and buy time, Wu Shuai decided to take Gu Liang's advice and stop the war.】

【Soon, Wu Shuai was promoted to rank eight Gu Immortal, but his behavior became more and more low-key, and he became more flattering to the human race.】

【Originally, he was promoted to the eighth level, and the dragon race was looking forward to it. Finally, they had an eighth level master who could support them.】

【However, Wu Shuai began to get close to the Heavenly Court and the ten ancient sects in Zhongzhou, which made countless dragon people confused.】

【Wu Shuai made a lot of efforts, and gradually won the favor and trust of the ten ancient sects with a look of repentance. He deliberately approached the Heavenly Court and tried every means to find out the information of the Heavenly Court.】

【He even invested money to build a fairy house for the Heavenly Court.】

【The conflict between the dragon people and the human race, he also changed his position, suppressing the dragon people and safeguarding the interests of the human race】

【Nearly a hundred years have passed, and Wu Shuai has achieved many successes, but he has never gained the trust of the Heavenly Court."】

【"What should I do?"Wu Shuai was worried and discussed with Gu Liang.】

【Gu Liang said:"You are a dragon. The Heavenly Court has always been extremely vigilant against aliens. The Heavenly Court looks down on aliens from the bottom of their hearts. Our only hope is still Lord Long. It's time to give a strong dose of medicine."】

【"How can I gain the trust of Lord Long?..."Wu Shuai shook his head and smiled bitterly】

【Gu Liang looked at Wu Shuai deeply and said:"It depends on whether you can make sacrifices."】

【Wu Shuai did not hesitate and answered immediately:"I am working for the Dragon Clan, so a little personal sacrifice is nothing."】

【"That's good." Gu Liang clapped his hands,"Only people like you can achieve great things."】

【Gu Liang offered a suggestion, and Wu Shuai immediately hesitated. This was because Gu Liang asked Wu Shuai to sacrifice Huang Wei!】

【Huang Wei is already a 7th-turn Dragon Gu Immortal. Not only did he start following Wu Shuai when he was young, but he has also been following Wu Shuai all along, working hard to run Nanhua Island. He is loyal to Wu Shuai and has made great contributions. There is absolutely no possibility of him betraying him.】

【Gu Liang persuaded,"Everyone knows the relationship between Huang Wei and you. We can set a plan and let you make a choice. If you protect the interests of the human race and sacrifice Huang Wei, you will definitely change your past ideas!"】

【"but...You want me to kill the heroes who have made great contributions to me, and the people who trust and respect me the most?..."Wu Shuai gritted his teeth, still hesitant】

【"I believe that if Huang Weiruo knew the significance of his sacrifice, he would definitely choose to sacrifice himself. Isn't that right?"Gu Liang's words greatly dispelled Wu Shuai's hesitation.】

【Wu Shuai sighed, his eyes reddened:"Huang Wei knows me, and I know Huang Wei. If he understands my good intentions, he will definitely be willing to sacrifice himself."】

【"No way!" Gu Liang waved his hand quickly,"This plan is of great importance, the fewer people who know about it, the better."】

【"It is safest to have only you and me. My friend, you have to understand that even dead people can be used to find a lot of evidence. We must not let Huang Wei know the inside story."】

【"this..."Wu Shuai closed his eyes and shook his head,"Let me think about it, let me think about it...."】

【He hesitated for half a year and finally made up his mind.】

【Compared with Huang Wei alone, the interests of the Dragon Clan are greater.】

【Wu Shuai and Gu Liang secretly planned to create conflicts, kill the human Gu Immortal, and create solid evidence to frame Huang Wei.】

【After the incident, it immediately attracted widespread attention in China.】

【Huang Wei cried out in injustice:"I didn't do this at all. Brother, you know me, I would never do this!"】

【Wu Shuai tried to protect Huang Wei at first, but as more evidence came to light, he had no choice but to kill Huang Wei.】

【This incident caused a great uproar. The dragon people were very dissatisfied with Wu Shuai. Some dragon people began to move away from Nanhua Island.】

【The ten ancient sects in Zhongzhou generally praised Wu Shuai. Even Lord Long nodded and affirmed Wu Shuai after learning about it:"Xiao Ba has awakened a lot in these years, which is gratifying."】

【Wu Shuai thus successfully gained the trust of Long Gong.】

【However, there was a void in his heart.】

【Huang Wei's last words before his execution were deeply engraved in his heart and he would never forget them for the rest of his life....】

【"Brother, I, Huang Wei, never regret following you! If you want to kill me, I will do it no matter what the reason is! But brother, I really have never done such a thing."】

【"You have to be careful, be very careful, those human Gu Immortals have paralyzed you. They haven't taken action against you over the years, but they have actually changed their strategy. They are now framing me, just to get rid of me and gradually clip your wings."】

【"Brother, I have always kept in mind the great cause of the Dragon Clan you told me about. It doesn't matter if I fail, please continue to do it as always. The future of the Dragon Clan cannot do without you!"】

【Huang Wei fell to the ground, crying, and his voice made Wu Shuai's heart bleed.】

【Wu Shuai could hardly hold back and told Huang Wei all the secrets. It was his beloved brother who framed him! 】

The barrage slowly floated up

"Huang Wei, a man who truly loved Wu Shuai, was buried by him"

"Alas, Wu Shuai, a man destined to a tragic life"

"When he tries his best but finds that the harder he tries, the more desperate he becomes, then he is truly desperate."

"Why bother? They can just stay here until the Dragon Lord dies, then rise again."

"After kneeling for so long, I can't stand up again."

"Lord Long has lived for a million years. Even if he is lying in the Immortal Tomb, if the dragon race shows any sign of rising, he will be struck by a dragon annihilation."

"So, the harder you try, the more desperate you become.

"How could Wu Shuai do this?

Fang Zheng said angrily with his eyes wide open:

"Huang Wei trusted and admired him so much, but he actually framed Huang Wei and even killed him."

"Is he worthy of Huang Wei's loyalty?"

Fang Zheng has not experienced the beatings of society, nor the whipping of the Queen of Maomin, and he is still so passionate.

But Master Tianhe is very open-minded and said slowly:

"Everything is for the great cause of the dragon clan"

"Wu Shuai has gone too far. The conflict with the human race is escalating. If he doesn't find a way to appease Lord Long, Lord Long will definitely kill him without any hesitation."

"So do we have to kill Huang Wei?"

Fang Zheng was indignant. Master Tianhe said in his heart,"This is the only way."

"For the dragon clan, for the great cause"

【There was even a moment when Wu Shuai had a strong urge in his heart. He wanted to kneel down and beg for Huang Wei's forgiveness, but he didn't do it after all.】

【He snorted coldly:"Huang Wei, you are corrupt and commit murder, and you refuse to admit your guilt even when you are about to die. Alas, I have trusted you for so many years. You really make me so sad and disappointed."】

【Wu Shuai was only halfway through his words when he started to cry and his voice was choked with sobs.】

【He didn't dare to look at Huang Wei anymore and turned away.】

【"Brother!" Huang Wei knelt on the cold floor of the cell, looking at Wu Shuai's back and yelling,"Before I die, let me call you brother again! Don't forget the great cause of the Dragon Man!"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Wu Shuai's pace became faster, as if he was fleeing.】

【Huang Wei was executing the sentence, and a large number of Gu Immortals came to watch. Wu Shuai did not go.】

【That night, he had a dream】

【In his dream, he saw Huang Wei, who pointed at his nose and cursed him loudly.】

【Wu Shuai told Huang Wei the truth】

【After hearing this, Huang Wei burst into tears, prostrated himself on the ground, and said,"Brother, you have good intentions. I am ignorant and foolish and have wronged you. You are willing to bear the infamy for the great cause of the Dragon Clan. If you sacrifice like this, I am willing to sacrifice too.""】

【Wu Shuai quickly pulled Huang Wei up and put his arm around his shoulders:"Brother, I'm glad you understand me!"】

【After waking up from the dream, Wu Shuai smiled】

【He did not get up immediately, but opened his eyes and looked at the curtain.】

【The smile on his lips remained, but tears were streaming from his eyes.】

【Huang Wei's death had many consequences. The people of Nanhua Island were scattered and their morale had fallen to the bottom. The Dragon people were generally very disappointed with Wu Shuai.】

【However, Wu Shuai can occasionally enter and leave the Heavenly Palace.】

【This is a huge breakthrough】

【Once, the Heavenly Palace decided to start building the East Gate of Heaven.】

【Wu Shuai seized this golden opportunity, reported to Lord Long, and voluntarily contributed the Dragon Palace.】[]

【Over the years, Dragon Palace has remained a rank seven Immortal Gu house.】

【Wu Shuai had considered this carefully: Losing a Dragon Palace was no big deal, and it could be rebuilt in the future. The most important thing was the Fate Gu!】

【Duke Long praised Wu Shuai highly. It must be said that killing Huang Wei did make Duke Long relax his vigilance against Wu Shuai.】

【Wu Shuai redoubled his efforts and ran around for the preparation and construction of Dongtianmen】

【The dragon tribe was even more dissatisfied with him. Many dragon tribe members began to denounce Wu Shuai, saying that he was a traitor to the dragon tribe.】

【The higher the expectations these dragon people had for Wu Shuai, the more disappointed and hateful they were now.】

【Even Wu Shuai's father was very cold to him.】

【Wu Shuai endured these misunderstandings and tried his best to complete the Dongtianmen】

【It is not easy to leave a secret door in the East Heaven Gate, especially under the surveillance of the Heavenly Court.】

【Just when he was working very hard and was about to achieve some small results, an accident happened.......】

【His father came back from heaven, seriously injured and dying. Before he died, he called Wu Shuai】

【"I have come into contact with the Fate Gu, my son! I have received the revelation of the Fate Gu, we Dragons should be prosperous, Dragons should be prosperous!!"Wu Shuai's father was very excited and held Wu Shuai's hand tightly.】

【"What?!"Wu Shuai was shocked and dumbfounded for a moment,"What on earth is going on? Father!"】

【His father then recounted the incident in detail:"It was also a coincidence that I was discovered in the end, but fortunately I was smart and deliberately failed to build the East Heaven Gate, so I was seriously injured."】

【"With this excuse, I immediately escaped from heaven and came to you."】

【"Dragon people should rise! My son, we Dragon people are destined to replace the human race! This is the revelation of fate Gu, absolutely credible!!"】

【Wu Shuai's father's eyes lit up,"Do you know what this means? Hurry up and heal me, and announce this news. I wonder how excited the Dragon Clan's Gu Immortals will be!"】

【""Father, just rest assured and take care of yourself. I'll do it right away." Wu Shuai was also very excited. He quickly arranged for his father and walked out of the room.】

【Not long after, he ran into Gu Liang】

【Gu Liang learned that Wu Shuai's father had returned from a serious injury, so he came to visit and comfort him. Seeing Wu Shuai's hesitation and struggle, he asked about the cause.���】

【Wu Shuai and Gu Liang worked closely together and had learned Gu Liang's true identity. He was not a human, but an alien Gu Immortal!】

【Wu Shuai was silent for a while, but finally told the truth】

【Gu Liang was also shocked. After he reacted, he immediately understood why Wu Shuai hesitated.】

【"Fellow Immortal Wu Shuai, you were right not to rashly summon the Dragon People and announce this news. Once the Heavenly Court knows that this secret has been leaked, they will inevitably start killing and purging the Dragon People!"】

【"However, we have to continue to conceal the secret from the Heavenly Court, so that they still think that no one knows this secret. This alone is not enough."】

【"Your father's behavior is too abnormal, and there are traces of him having come into contact with the Fate Gu. Next, there will definitely be members of the Heavenly Court coming to gather intelligence."】

【"Guliang Immortal Friend knows me, and this is exactly what I am worried about!" Wu Shuai sighed,"What should I do now?"】

【"My friend, you have already thought of this idea, haven't you? The only way to deal with this now is to sacrifice your father and make it look like he just came back and was seriously injured and died. Only then can we escape this danger of genocide!"】

【Wu Shuai's face turned pale, he took two steps back, and shook his head:"You want me to kill my father?! This is absolutely not possible!"】

【"Not feasible? If the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals get to know the news, your Dragon Clan will most likely be slaughtered."】

【Gu Liang sighed,"Now I finally understand why your ancestor, the Dragon Guild, has such an attitude towards your clan. I'm afraid the Heavenly Court has already known the news about the dragon man Dang Xing in the fate Gu."】

【Wu Shuai frowned, his face full of bitterness:"What I am doubting now is, if this is just a trap, a conspiracy against me and my father, and specifically to frame my clan, what should I do?"】

【"The Dragon People are on the rise, maybe it's just a lie, the real murderer designed a false statement to frame our people"】

【Gu Liang pondered for a moment and rejected it:"This 3.4 is quite small"】

【"Because according to your father's account, his access to Fate Gu was really a combination of many coincidences. It cannot be controlled by humans, and many key steps were your father's own choices."】

【"It is because there are too many coincidences that I doubt"】

【"My friend, how did the human race learn about the destiny revealed in the fate Gu? Isn't your father's situation similar to this?"Gu Liang's words left Wu Shuai speechless.】

【At this time, a loud voice came from the sky. It was a Celestial Gu Immortal who came to visit Wu Shuai's father.】

【"It’s coming so fast!" Gu Liang’s face changed drastically,"Friend Wu Shuai, make a quick decision. If you are a step late, not only will your efforts for most of your life be in vain, but even your dragon race will be exterminated!"】

【Wu Shuai suddenly looked miserable, his face turned pale as paper, his body shook, and he was about to fall down.】

【Under the pressure of the situation, Wu Shuai had to make a decision】

【He knew that this decision would cause him pain for the rest of his life, but he had to do it!】

【Even though he was not sure whether it was really a sign of destiny that the dragon man should rise, or whether it was really a frame-up by others, he did not dare to gamble.】

【If he loses the bet, not only will he and his son lose, but also the entire dragon race.】

【On that day, Wu Shuai's father failed to build the East Heaven Gate and suffered a backlash, which destroyed him physically and spiritually. 】

The planes of the heavens and the worlds.

Perfect World

"He actually...Really killed his father!!!"

Huo Linger's eyeballs bulged, as if she had received a huge shock.

This scene in front of her was still a little hard for her to accept.

Even though she knew that it was for the so-called dragon clan, she had to do it.

But the scene of Wu Shuai personally killing his father who loved him the most still made Huo Linger feel depressed....Dividing Line...

There is more to come today!.

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