【Taiqin was originally sleeping soundly, and as if sensing something, she opened her eyes and saw Wu Shuai's extremely sad expression.】

【"What's wrong?" Taiqin quickly hugged Wu Shuai tenderly.】

【Wu Shuai also hugged her tightly. He was so strong, but he never felt so weak and powerless at this moment!】

【Wu Shuai had to tell Tai Qin the truth】

【Taiqin quickly accepted it. She stroked Wu Shuai's cheek with her warm palm and said with a smile,"So that's how it is. My senior brother"】

【"I love you and am willing to sacrifice everything for you, even my life. It's no big deal, but in my life, besides you, I have another concern, and that is our children."】

【"After I die, please, you must take good care of me and raise my child. Promise me, okay?"】

【"I promise you, I will use my life, my dignity, and everything I have to promise you!" Wu Shuai burst into tears, extremely sad.】

【The Ru Meng Ling was refined. 】

The heavens and the worlds.

The perfect world plane

"Woohoo, Taiqin is really dead. She was willing to die for love." Huo Linger covered her face and cried bitterly. This scene of willing sacrifice was too painful and heartbreaking.

"It's all about love..."

Xiao Yan sighed,"Tai Qin loved Wu Shuai until her death, but Wu Shuai failed her love."


Until his death , Wu Shuai was unable to give Taiqin a name.

"The Gu world is such a dark place."

Ye Fan shook his head helplessly,"Everyone is paying the price for their emotions."

"No wonder Fang Yuan became so cold. It turns out that in the Gu world, the ones who get hurt are often the sentimental ones."

【Then, the eighth level Dragon Palace was also built.】

【After it was built, Wu Shuai lived in it all year round. He often wandered in the pavilion and sometimes stroked the walls and pillars. He fantasized about feeling the warmth of Taiqin, but all he got was the coldness of the Immortal Gu House itself.】

【As his and Taiqin's children grew up, they would sometimes ask him,"Father, where is my mother? Why hasn't she come back yet?""】

【Every time he asked this question, Wu Shuai felt as if a spear was stabbing his heart, causing him to bleed profusely.】

【Every time, he would squat down, hug his son Long Ling in his arms, hold him tightly, and lie gently】

【The young and innocent Long Ling is like an antidote, the only medicine in the world that can heal his inner trauma.】

【Although he has the eighth level of Dragon Palace, Wu Shuai has no intention of competing for fame and fortune.】

【He secretly attacked Green Ant Monk, Yi Jiu Fairy, and the Master of the Book Path Pavilion, enslaving them all. But he had achieved his dream. He could have imprisoned Shu Jiuling, or even captured Fan Ji and tortured him to death in front of Shu Jiuling.】

【But Wu Shuai did not do so. Instead, he let Shu Jiuling go and let her be with the person she truly loved.】

【He no longer cares about past honor and disgrace, even though he once cared about it, suffered for it, and fought hard for it.】

【Wu Shuai has experienced many things in life and let them go.】

【Wu Shuai now feels tired, very tired, but he cannot stop, he cannot stop because the matter of the extinction of the dragon man has not been resolved.】

【The dream once again inspired that in order to solve the problem of the extinction of the dragon man, we must use the Eight Revolutions Dragon Palace, and at the same time conduct experiments on the dragon man's body.】

【The dragon man himself is the product of the dragon man's longevity method, and the creation of the dragon man's extinction is still rooted in this. The three are closely related.】

【Wu has already mastered the Dragon Man's method of prolonging life.】

【With the help of the power of the Dragon Palace, it is entirely possible to infer the Dragon Man's annihilation killing move based on the two.】

【But to achieve this, Wu Shuai alone could not do it, so he summoned the Gu Immortals in the Dragon Clan, told them the truth, and asked for their help.】

【The huge Dragon Palace was packed with people like never before. Almost all the Gu Immortals of the Dragon Clan came.】

【These Dragon Gu Immortals didn't believe it at first, but Wu Shuai gave them enough evidence and clues, so they couldn't help but believe it. At the same time, Gu Liang was there to testify, and the secret revealed by Wu Shuai's father and destiny was also made public!】

【"To conduct the experiment, a large number of dragon people are needed. Almost all of these people will die. Even if they survive by chance, it is worse than death. Therefore, I cannot make this decision arbitrarily. If anyone objects, please speak up."Wu Shuai said】

【"I object!" Immediately someone jumped out.】

【Everyone saw that he was the same generation as Wu Shuai, Wu Shuai's seventh brother in terms of blood, and the seventh young master who was the most loved by the old ancestor Long Gong.】

【The Seventh Young Master pointed at Wu Shuai who was sitting on the dragon chair and cursed:"Old Eight, you bastard, you are really crazy!!!"】

【"In order to gain the trust of Heaven, you killed your most loyal brother!"】

【"In order to cover up the secret of Longren Dangxing, you killed your own father!"】

【"In order to refine the Ru Meng Ling Immortal Gu, you actually used the woman who loved you the most as the material for refining the Gu!"】

【"Now, in order to deal with the dragon man's annihilation killing move, you have to extend your poisonous hands to thousands of innocent tribesmen and use them for experiments!"】

【"Why are you so cruel and cold-hearted?!"】

【"Do you think we will all trust you after you give us these so-called evidences? Haha, this is too ridiculous, do you really think we are fools?!"】

【"Haha, no, you are not funny, but pathetic!"】

【"You wanted to give your woman happiness, but what happened? You asked her to sacrifice herself in order to make a Gu."】

【"You wanted to be your father's pride, and what happened? You killed him! You killed him with your own hands!!"】

【"You promised Huang Wei a great cause and a hope. But you killed him for it, and now, where is the great cause?"】

【""Haha, hahaha!" The Seventh Young Master laughed wildly, and tears came down his face."You tried every possible means to lead the Dragon Clan to rise, but what was the result? The Dragon Clan is about to be destroyed and perished!"】

【"It's you, it's you! If you hadn't been so ambitious, occupying Nanhua Island, migrating your people, working hard to develop, and constantly creating conflicts between the dragon people and the human race, how could there be so many things?"】

【"If the dragon clan had always lived in peace and stability, our ancestors would not have been so tempted to exterminate our dragon clan!"】

【"Wu Shuai, Wu Shuai, you are the strongest person in our dragon clan after our ancestors, but what you bring to our dragon clan is not glory, nor hope, nor equality or dignity....Destruction!"】

【"You are truly a tragedy! Your entire life is a tragedy!!"】

【The hall was silent.】

【Wu Shuai sat on the dragon chair, expressionless.】

【At this time, a dragon Gu Immortal slowly walked out of the crowd, stood in front of Wu Shuai, and then turned to face the crowd. The dragon Gu Immortal said in a deep voice:"I support Master Wu Shuai."】

【The Seventh Young Master was shocked:"Third, Third Uncle?"】

【The second Dragon Man Gu Immortal walked out of the crowd and stood in front of Wu Shuai, turning to face the Dragon Man Gu Immortals. This Dragon Man Gu Immortal shouted in a very loud voice:"I fully agree with Master Wu Shuai's strategy!"】

【The Seventh Young Master was shocked:"Fifth Uncle?!"】

【Then, the third, fourth, fifth... all the Dragon Gu Immortals stood in front of Wu Shuai.】

【In a blink of an eye, the Seventh Young Master was left alone.】

【He shouted in disbelief:"Are you all crazy?!"】

【"If this is madness, then we are all crazy!"】

【"Hehe, I am willing to become a madman like the ancestor of mankind"】

【"Xiao Qi, don't you understand? If our life and death are not free and are controlled by others, how sad it is! Even if this person is our ancestor, it is absolutely not allowed!!"】

【Wu Shuai slowly stood up from the dragon chair, tears streaming down his face.】

【"Everyone, I, Wu Shuai, swear here!" Wu Shuai's voice was very hoarse,"I will live and die with the Dragon Clan, and dedicate my heart, my blood, my entire spirit and fighting spirit to the liberation of the Dragon Clan!"】

【"Even if I fail, I will fight till the end."】

【"If I eventually die, my spirit and will will live on."】

【"If my spirit and will were gone...even if I was left with only a name, I would continue to fight and resist!!"】

【At this point, the dream finally dissipated completely.】

【Deep in the sea, only a magnificent palace and four dragons remained.���】

【The dragon generals looked at the dragon clones around them with complicated and obedient eyes, and walked towards the gate of the Dragon Palace.】

【The gate of Dragon Palace opens automatically】

【The dragon man's clone took a step forward and walked into the Dragon Palace Hall】

【He also had a blank expression on his face, but his eyes showed countless vicissitudes.】

【Looking at the Dragon Palace, it seemed the same as before, Old Seven's accusations were still lingering, and the surrounding Dragon Man Gu Immortals seemed to be still gathered together.】

【When I looked again, the hall was empty and everything disappeared.】

【"A million years have passed..."】

【"I'm back." The voice of the dragon man's clone floated in the hall, like the sobbing of a ghost.】

【"But I am no longer myself." The dragon clone smiled bitterly again.】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【It is no longer his voice, his face, his body, or even his soul.】

【Only one layer of will remains】

【The will has continued for millions of years and is still lingering on to this day!】

【"Long Ling respectfully welcomes the master!"Long Ling appeared, with a respectful look and a hint of joy between his brows,"Finally, finally the Dragon Court has a new master!"】

【The dragon man's clone looked deeply at Long Ling, his eyes quickly turning red.】

【How he wished that Long Ling could call him father!】

【But it's impossible】

【"Taiqin, I have failed you in the end, and failed your only trust."Wu Shuai raised his head and let out a deep sigh, which was filled with endless melancholy and guilt.】

【But he didn't cry】

【Millions of years ago, his tears had already run dry.】

【After Fang Yuan obtained the Dragon Palace, he created a dragon man clone. The next step was to remove the dragon man's killing move, the Destruction of Destruction.】

【When Lord Long first created the Longren Longevity Method, it was also the essence of the Way of Change, the Way of Qi, and the Way of Humanity. Fang Yuan is now not bad in these three aspects.】

【Besides, Fang Yuan himself has a solid foundation in cultivation, which Long Gong cannot match.】

【Coupled with his wisdom, as long as Fang Yuan is given enough time, he will definitely be able to break the dragon man's killing move.】

【There is no killer move that cannot be cracked】[]

【But this will inevitably require a process, a relatively long time, and requires repeated attempts.】

【After Fang Yuan obtained the Dragon Palace, he obtained a large amount of records of dragon-man experiments, which greatly helped Fang Yuan】

【In fact, Wu Shuai was very close to success. Although he did not really crack the Dragon Man's Silent Killing Move, he also conceived many wonderful methods, but he just lacked time to try them.】

【In the final period of the extinction of the dragon race, the dragon Gu Immortal actively cooperated with Wu Shuai, secretly descended into the acupoints in various places in Zhongzhou, acting as a test site, trying out these methods respectively, and also sowing the fire of hope.】

【The Dragon Man Blessed Land that Fang Zheng encountered before was one of them. Of course, to be more precise, it was not the original first batch of blessed lands. Rather, it was the Dragon Man Gu Immortals born in the Dragon Man Blessed Lands that landed on their immortal orifices, and they kept changing generation after generation.】

【How many generations it lasted, Yuan Yuan didn't know, nor was he interested. However, from this precious information, he was able to determine which of the various methods Wu Shuai had envisioned was successful.】

【Shen Congsheng gave Fang Yuan all the information about Fang Zheng after searching his soul. Shen Congsheng certainly didn't know how valuable this information was, which was equivalent to pointing out a clear path for Fang Yuan!】

【Fang Yuan has the ability and the key clues, and finally remodeled the dragon man. From now on, the dragon man's clone will be completely immune to the dragon man's annihilation killing move.】

【Of course, this is only the Dragon Man's annihilation. If Fang Yuan creates one himself, the Dragon Man clone will still be punished.】

【After all, the new dragon clone was created by Fang Yuan himself. He knows everything about it.】

【Having achieved this step, it is not yet complete】

【The soul of Fang Yuan's dragon clone adapted to the original dragon body, so it was also affected by the dragon's annihilation killing move in the hands of the Dragon Lord.】

【Therefore, the next step is to transform the soul of the dragon man's clone.】

【There is no need to use the Dao Refining Array to refine souls. Fang Yuan has a wealth of soul methods at hand.】

【Solving problems with the soul is much easier than solving problems with the body.】

【It just so happened that the soul foundation of the dragon man clone needed to be further improved, so Fang Yuan's dragon man clone temporarily practiced in the Soul-Enchanting Ten Thousand Courageous Formation.】

【The soul is the foundation of slavery】

【At present, the Dragon Palace has already reached its limit by enslaving the four great dragon generals. To enslave anything else, it must rely on the soul of the Dragon Palace Master.】

【From this point, Fang Yuan also figured out why Long Ling recognized Bai Ningbing as his master in the previous life.】

【"'I'm afraid the situation was urgent at that time, and Bai Ningbing's soul was needed so that the Dragon Palace could enslave the evil dragon emperor Zang Sheng."】

【"The dragon spirit itself can manipulate the Dragon Palace. Similar to the earth spirit and the sky spirit, they tend to recognize their master and maintain their survival."】

【"Of course, the prerequisite is to be a dragon person and be determined to revitalize the dragon people, so as to be recognized by the dragon spirit."】

【Thinking of this, Fang Yuan smiled slightly.】

【There is nothing wrong with revitalizing the dragon people. Anyway, Fang Yuan had already started to raise aliens on a large scale, first to understand the way of humanity, second to cultivate the immortal orifices, and third to seize the inheritance of aliens.】

【What difference does it make if there is one more dragon man or one less dragon man?】

【No difference!】

【Of course, what Fang Yuan wants to cultivate and raise are the new dragon people he created, not the previous dragon people race.】

【From this point of view, Fang Yuan is definitely the ancestor of the new dragon people!】

【The Heavenly Court was obsessed with racial differences and had always considered them fundamental. But to Fang Yuan, it was nothing.】

【Even if the dragon man is really in power, so what? Fang Yuan doesn't care about this at all.】

【My only wish in this life is eternal life!】

【If revitalizing the Dragon Clan can help him achieve this goal, then he should revitalize it. If it becomes an obstacle in the future, then he should eliminate it.】

【How simple!】

【If transforming into a dragon man could bring eternal life, Fang Yuan would definitely transform immediately and abandon his human identity.���Proud】

【Doesn't the dragon man clone have a name? Why not just call him Wu Shuai? 】

The comments started to float up

"It is worthy of being called great love. In his eyes, everyone is equal."

"Regardless of beauty or ugliness, whether alien or human, as long as it is beneficial to the immortal's eternal life, the immortal will refine it in an instant."

"If Wu Shuai had reached the level of Immortal Venerable, it wouldn't have been such a tragedy."


The model worker is a demon.

Apart from his persistence, he has nothing good to offer.

"He is indeed a demon, with a deep demonic nature, haha!"

Old Yanshi looked at Fang Yuan's cold speech, but a hint of appreciation rose in his eyes.

"If you want to break your fate, you need to be a model worker who is free and unfettered and does whatever he wants to succeed."

Bai Ningbing was speechless.

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