【This animal skin map is the reason why Fang Yuan killed people】

【If he wanted to hunt wild boars, he would need an animal skin map like this, but how could he trust someone else if it was drawn?】

【Only the map you get in person is the most reliable.】

【Fang Yuan kills people, but never kills people for no reason.】

【What kind of words had Fang Yuan not heard in his previous life? Just the word"get out" would not be enough for him to kill Wang Er.】

【In fact, when he heard the conversation between the four people, he had already had the intention to kill.】

【Only by killing Wang Er and reducing resistance can we get the map more smoothly, so why not kill him?】

【Fang Yuan does not kill for the sake of killing, killing is just a means】

【Using this method can solve the problem more directly, so why not use it?】

【Old man Wang was definitely going to die. Even if he could let go of the revenge for killing his son, Fang Yuan couldn't.】

【Haven’t you heard the saying"If you don’t remove the roots of the grass, it will grow again in the spring breeze"?】

【As for the so-called indiscriminate killing of innocent people, it is nonsense in Fang Yuan's eyes. In this world, as long as you are alive, you will be entangled in cause and effect. Where is the innocence?】

【Meeting Fang Yuan was a disaster for Wang Er’s family. They didn’t survive the disaster because they didn’t have enough blessings. What does it have to do with Fang Yuan?】

【Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp. In nature, there is only food chain, not innocent.】

【In this world, anyone can live, anyone can die, and no one is innocent!】

【After Fang Yuan successfully obtained the map, he began to hunt wild boars. With the help of the map, it was very convenient for him to obtain wild boar meat.】

【Fang Yuan was very happy to get enough resources to feed his insects, and his strength was constantly increasing.】

【At this time, the mid-year competition of Guyue Village also slowly kicked off.】

【Qingmao Mountain is not peaceful, and is attacked by beast tides every year, so the leader of the Guyue tribe needs to cultivate the actual combat capabilities of the tribe members.】

【The content of the mid-year competition is an action to hunt wild beasts】

【The target of this hunt is wild boars. In the end, whoever gets the most wild boar tusks will have the best result.】

【Fang Yuan had not expected that the target of this hunt would be a wild boar. He had hunted many wild boars before, and he had collected their tusks. Now he could use them.】

【It can be said that the first place is definitely Fangyuan】

【Soon, the competition began, and Fang Yuan left the main group to hunt wild boars alone.】

【According to the map, he came to a place marked by the old hunter. To his surprise, there was no wild boar herd here, but there was a small wooden house with his portrait hanging in the house.】

【A dagger was stuck in his portrait.】

【Instantly, Fang Yuan realized something, which made him feel a chill in his heart.】

【At this moment, he recalled many scenes.】

【Wang Er is calm in the face of his own affairs, and Fang Yuan asks about Wang Er's family situation】

【"Let me ask you, is there anyone else in this old man Wang’s home?"】

【"There was also an older son, Wang Da, but he died in the mountains while hunting three years ago, and there has been no one since then."】

【"By the way, Wang Da also had a wife, but after hearing that Wang Da was missing, she committed suicide for love."】

【Fang Yuan thought frantically in his mind, and after connecting all the clues together, he got an extremely terrifying answer.】

【Wang Laohan and his family moved out of the village and lived in seclusion...】

【The eldest son, Wang Er, died in the mountains while hunting three years ago....】

【Wang Er's calmness, Wang Lao's treachery, Wang Da's wife's suicide for love...】

【Various clues intertwined, Fang Yuan came to a conclusion】

【"Wang Da is not dead"】

【"Not only did he not die, but by chance, he became a magic poison master!"】

【It's not that ordinary people don't have the qualifications to practice, but the family system has always kept the Gu Master's practice methods under strict control.】

【But this is not absolute. There are always lost Gu Dao inheritances between heaven and earth. It is very likely that Wang Da accidentally obtained an inheritance.】

【"No wonder Wang Er was so strong in front of the Gu Master, and no wonder Old Man Wang behaved so strangely. All of this was caused by Wang Da."】

【After Fang Yuan came to this conclusion, he looked at the portrait on the wall again and immediately turned around and ran away.】

【Now the enemy is in the open while we are in the dark, and this Wang Da is also a magic Gu Master, his methods are probably even more cruel】

【Now I am only a first-level Gu Master. If I fight this person, I am afraid I have no chance of winning. The only way now is to find the family Gu Master as soon as possible, so there is a glimmer of hope.】

【Fang Yuan did not regret killing Wang Er's family. He was even somewhat glad that he had acted decisively.】

【Wang Er himself was already as good as a high-level Gu Master of the first rank, and Old Man Wang was even more experienced. With the addition of a magic Gu Master, Wang Da, if he hadn't taken action in advance, he would have died long ago.】

【As Fang Yuan fled, he imagined in his mind a second-level Gu Master from the evil way, who was lurking somewhere and wanted to kill him, with a huge hatred for the murder of his family.】

【"If I can kill others, then they can kill me, too."】

【In this world, everyone has the right to live and everyone has the opportunity to die.】

【Since you have killed someone, you must be prepared to be killed.】

【If I am killed like this, then I will die. It is no big deal. I will never regret it. This is the path I chose.】

【This is the enlightenment of the devil!】

【"Wang Da wants to kill me, so this mid-year assessment is definitely a great opportunity."】

【When Fang Yuan thought of this, he ran even faster.】

【He likes to control the situation and use various means to maximize his chances of winning. What he likes to fight most is a battle that he must win.】

【Only when it is absolutely necessary will he risk a fierce battle.】

【Therefore, what he often does is to bully the weak, plunder resources, and become stronger.】

【Become stronger than your original enemy and then come back to get your revenge, which means you continue to bully the weak.】

【There is nothing shameful about this. Those who challenge others and risk their lives to prove their bravery are the real fools.】

【But this value has been promoted and praised all the time, because any organization requires continuous sacrifice of individuals to safeguard the interests of the top management of the organization.】

【Just think about it and you will know that survival is the premise of all activities.】

【To survive and realize one's ideals is the greatest courage a person can have.】

【To die for an ideal is stupid, but to live in disgrace for an ideal is a hero!】...

The barrage started to float up again like snowflakes

"The Bible Reappears!!"

"Keep bullying the weak, strengthen yourself, and then seek revenge, the Immortal Master's Bible!!"

"I, the Immortal Master, never kill for the sake of killing. This is indeed a major case!"

"Wang Da was so arrogant that he was not killed? This is too saintly!!"......Dividing Line......

Please give me some flowers and evaluation votes, thank you all brothers!

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