【Cold winter, snowy】

【Fang Yuan walked on the street, and the bamboo buildings along the way were covered with a layer of white frost and snow.】

【At this time, Fang Yuan already knew Jiao San's purpose. It turned out that he was instructed by his uncle and aunt.】

【"My uncle and aunt wanted to hold me back and delay me so that I would lose the chance to get my inheritance back."】

【"After the Chinese New Year, I will be sixteen years old and eligible to divide the family property. My parents are dead, and my younger brother has found new parents. As long as he succeeds, the inheritance will be mine."】

【"But to get back this legacy, the process is divided into two steps, each of which is very important."】

【"The first step is to apply to the Internal Affairs Hall without any mission."】

【"The second step is to complete the family property tasks issued by the Internal Affairs Hall, so that you are eligible to obtain the family property."】

【Fang Yuan quietly pondered the next task, because the family stipulated that if he wanted to get the inheritance back, he had to complete the task in one go.】

【Jiao San accepted tasks one after another. After completing the task of collecting sludge and frozen soil, he immediately accepted a new task of catching wild deer.】

【The tasks of the head of the family are issued to the entire group. That is to say, only after completing the task of catching wild deer can you apply for separation.】

【But Fang Yuan knew his uncle's character. Even if he completed this task, Jiao San would definitely take on another task.】

【These conspiracies and tricks are really annoying, like an invisible rope tying Fang Yuan's steps forward.】

【However, as a model worker, Fang Yuan naturally has a way to solve it.】

【"The simplest and most direct way is to eliminate Jiao San directly and assassinate my uncle and aunt directly, so that no one will compete with me for the family property."】

【"However, this method is too risky. They are all second-level Gu Masters, and my first-level cultivation is still a bit low. Moreover, even if I kill them, I won’t be able to clean up the mess."】

【If Fang Yuan wants to kill Jiao San and his uncle and aunt, the risk is too great. They are all Gu Masters. Once they die, the family will definitely conduct a thorough investigation, and Fang Yuan will be at risk of being exposed.】

【"It is not wise to bring about a trouble a hundred times bigger just to get rid of a small trouble."】

【Fang Yuan finally gave up the idea and had to think of another way.】

【"In fact, to break through Jiao San's blockade, there is a way that is simpler and safer than killing people, and that is to be promoted to the second level!"】

【"A first-rank Gu Master does not have the right to abandon a mission, but a second-rank Gu Master has the right to do so once a year. If I were promoted to the second rank, I could directly abandon the mission and apply for a separation."】

【"But breaking through the second level is not that easy."】

【Fang Yuan walked to the dilapidated building where he lived alone, and then began to practice.】

【He is currently only a peak first-level Gu Master. If he wants to become a second-level Gu Master, he must break through the crystal membrane of the void.】

【The sea of primordial water in the void rises and falls, waves appear and disappear, and every drop of primordial water is dark green.】

【Suddenly, the bronze sea began to stir up huge waves. It was like a group of wild beasts that suddenly became violent and launched a suicidal attack on the surrounding walls.】

【A huge wave rose up and crashed fiercely against the wall of the hole. The splashing waves broke into tiny green crystals and then completely dissipated.】

【In just a short moment, the level of the 40% of the True Essence Sea dropped rapidly, and a large amount of True Essence was consumed violently.】

【Cracks also appeared on the thick and solid crystal membrane.】

【But cracks alone are not enough.】

【The dark green true essence continued to impact the crystal membrane, and the cracks on the crystal membrane became more and more numerous, gradually connecting into a whole piece. In some places, the cracks deepened, forming more obvious cracks.】

【However, as the Yuan Hai was completely consumed and there was no more Zhen Yuan to continue the impact, the cracks on the crystal membrane began to heal and disappear.】

【Obviously, Fang Yuan's attack failed. He did not succeed in breaking into the second level and was still at the peak of the first level.】

【To break through the crystal membrane, you need explosive force to form a strong enough impact force in a short period of time to break the crystal membrane.】

【But Fang Yuan was only a C-level talent, and the true essence in his Yuan Hai was only 44% of the amount. If he burst out with all his strength and impacted the crystal membrane, in less than a moment, the true essence would be consumed.】

【To reach the second level, one generally needs at least 55% of the dark green true essence, but Fang Yuan is a C-level person, and his true essence is only 44% at most.】

【A-level aptitude is 90%, and one can easily become a second-level or even third-level Gu Master.】

【This is why, in the Gu world, aptitude is the second most important thing for Gu Masters to cultivate.】

【Thinking of this, Fang Yuan slowly stopped.】

【Before he knew it, he had walked to the window and opened it.】

【The wind through the window startled the bamboos, the snow covered the mountains when the window was opened】

【Under the moonlight, the snow is like white jade, making the world before our eyes look like a crystal palace, spotless and spotless.】

【The snow reflected on Fang Yuan's young face. He looked calm, his eyebrows were relaxed, and his eyes were like a deep spring under the moon.】

【The cold wind blew in his face, and the boy suddenly smiled:"It's just a little bit of wind and frost."】...

Subtitles floating

"Haha, even if the attack fails, so what? It's just a little bit of wind and frost!"

"A model worker is a model worker. Success or failure cannot affect their firm belief."

"A little bit of wind and frost, a little bit of sorrow, a bird without feet will not look back!"

"The Immortal Master's state of mind has already reached the state of selflessness. There are very few people who can truly break through the Immortal Master's defense, except Qiu Jiu!"......

The Mortal's Journey to Immortality

"But...A little bit of frost...That's all..."

When Han Laomo saw these words on the screen, he froze in his tracks.

The memories of his life flashed through his mind at a rapid speed.

Countless sufferings, countless crises, countless desperate situations, at this moment, seemed to turn into a sound.

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost!"......Dividing Line......

Please give me some flowers and evaluation votes, thank you all brothers!

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