【Indeed, stonemen are soft-hearted and do not tolerate hardship. Most stonemen are tough men with strong bones and brave warriors who are not afraid of death. Many Gu Immortals choose to be gentle and subtly exploit the interests of stonemen.】

【But Fang Yuan did not take this method.】

【Too gentle】

【The profits to be squeezed out must be squeezed out completely!】

【Competition in this world is so cruel, not only between people, but also cruel natural disasters like floods, washing away countless heroes from ancient times to the present.】

【If you don't fight for every bit of resources, arm yourself and strengthen yourself as soon as possible, then the fate of the fox fairy is the best example.】

【People in the evil world should race against time, be meticulous, plunder everything, and strengthen themselves!】

【"Since you are in a higher position, you should understand that rules, laws, friendship and morality are just tools to exploit interests. The same is true for tolerance and conscience, harshness and hatred. Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.】

【"So what if I am hated and despised by the stone men and cursed by countless people?"】

【"If pure hatred, resentment, and curses are useful in this world, then what is the need for strength?"】

Fruit Robo Force Dimension

"Fang Yuan is indeed a demon, exactly like the demons our teacher talked about."

Pineapple Blowing Snow looked at the light screen in shock and said,"He only cares about his own interests, and everything else is trampled under the feet of Fang Yuan."

"Even rules and conscience are tools for Fangyuan to exploit interests."

"It’s so scary!"

"Do you think that Dongfang Qiubai is the same as Fang Yuan? Cold-blooded, cruel and evil?"

"That's for sure!"

Lu Xiaoguo nodded with certainty,"He kills fruits like crazy and uses them to make juice. He is simply the devil in the fruit world. We must beat him!!"

"But if he is as scary as Fang Yuan, I am afraid that the three of us are no match for him. What should we do?" Pineapple

Blowing Snow's words stunned Cheng Liuxiang and Lu Xiaoguo.

They could only say that the Immortal Venerable was too powerful, leaving an indelible psychological shadow on the three of them.

"Compared to the model workers, I am simply a saint."

Han Lao Mo sighed in his heart.

Although he also pursues immortality, he is not as determined as Fang Yuan to ignore all morals.

At least he treats his friends well. As long as his friends don't go to the dungeon with him, basically nothing will go wrong?

"But I have the little green bottle, which gives me a huge advantage over Fang Yuan."

Han Li was lucky.

If he didn't have the little green bottle, he might not have come this far. Or he might have become like Fang Yuan, cold and determined.

At this moment, Han Li had to thank himself for picking up the little green bottle hundreds of years ago.

【Time flies, two months have passed in the blink of an eye】

【"Chief, you can't do this anymore! Yesterday, three more tribesmen died of exhaustion. They died miserably without even a single offspring."】

【An old stone man knelt down in front of Yan Yong and cried loudly.】

【The stone men wept. They were exploited so badly that many of them died of exhaustion every day.】

【Once the stone man dies of exhaustion, his soul will be gone and he will completely perish. There will be no remaining soul to form a small stone man.】

【Yan Yong beat his chest and stamped his feet, growling,"How could I not know? How could I not know? Another hero of my tribe has died! For the bright future and beautiful tomorrow of our tribe, they sacrificed their lives."】

【"It is precisely because of this that we cannot afford to slack off. We have suffered many attacks from fox packs since we started working."】

【"The size of these fox groups is getting bigger and bigger. It is obvious that the male immortal who deserves to be cut into pieces is constantly recovering his immortal energy! We must continue to work hard to dig the canal and make him lose the foundation of his power!"】

【The old stone man was stunned for a moment:"But, Chief..."】

【"You are a good stone man. These heroes will not die in vain. Look over there. I have erected a hero tombstone for them. In the future, our descendants will pay tribute to them and express their gratitude."】

【Yan Yong pointed to the distance, where the tombstones were standing densely.】

【The old stone man looked at the tombstones and sighed.】

【When the stone men died of exhaustion in large numbers, the new chief, Yan Yong, ordered the construction of these tombstones.】

【The low morale was immediately boosted. Every day, stone men worked themselves to death, but they still worked enthusiastically.】

【"People are dead. What's the point of having these tombstones?"】

【The old stoneman wanted to persuade Yan Yong to give up digging the canal, but Yan Yong insisted on his own way and overwhelmed the old stoneman with his righteousness.】

【Finally, the canal was dug in three months, and countless stone men were killed or injured. Yan Yong continued to encourage the stone man tribe on the surface, but secretly he was crying bitterly.

"Facing the oppression of model workers, even stone men would shed tears."

Zhang Chulan looked at the light screen, but felt that it seemed to contain something.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Isn't this the same as those capitalists? ? It's the same cold-blooded and ruthless exploitation. What's the difference between us and those old stone men? ?"

"What's more terrifying is that even the old stonemen can't stand the oppression of the model workers. Can our flesh and blood bodies stand the oppression of the capitalists? ?"

After these words came out, there was silence all around.

After a long time, the old Taoist priest finally spoke faintly:

"If you don’t want to be exploited by capitalists, you can come to Longhu Mountain to practice pure mind and few desires."

"Although Longhu Mountain is poor, it still provides you with food and drink without any pressure."

Zhang Chulan immediately shut up. He didn't want to become a heavenly master.

Perfect World Plane

"The stone men are so miserable."

Huo Linger sighed,"They need to rest, but under Fang Yuan's scheme, they can only keep working."

"Digging a canal in three months, what's the difference between this and disregarding human life?"

"There were tens of thousands of stone men, but only 300 were left in the end. How pitiful."

Shi Hao's eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly:

"He was too cunning. Instead of doing it himself, he controlled Yan Yong and successfully pushed Yan Yong to the position of the chief of the Stoneman Tribe."

"Under Fang Yuan's planning, Yan Yong's prestige continued to rise, and he eventually became the undisputed hero of the Stoneman Tribe, and his word was final."

"When it comes to manipulating people's hearts, Fang Yuan has already reached the pinnacle."

【Fang Yuan's soul was damaged, and at the reminder of the little fox fairy, he rushed to Danghun Mountain to find the courage Gu to take.】

【Danghun Mountain is the most precious treasure in the world. It has the ability to increase soul power. The most important thing is that Danghun Mountain can absorb souls and produce courage and insight Gu.】

【This is an opportunity that can only be encountered by chance in the world. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【You know, there are many benefits to having a deep soul foundation. Whether it is refining Gu or enslaving beasts, it is very beneficial.】

【Therefore, the ten ancient sects in Zhongzhou tried every means to seize the Fox Fairy's blessed land, the purpose is to Danghun Mountain】

【Danghun Mountain is a secret forbidden place, first recorded in the human ancestor legend】

【According to records, Tai Ri Yang Mang rushed towards the sky and eventually fell to his death.】

【When Ren Zu, the father, learned about this, he was extremely sad and found the Wisdom Gu to attack him.】

【It was the Wisdom Gu that taught Tai Ri Yang Mang to drink, which eventually led to a series of events.】

【Wisdom Gu said quickly:"Human Ancestor, please don't bother me. Although your son is dead, he can be resurrected. As long as you enter the Gate of Life and Death, lead him to the road of life, and walk him into the sunlight, he will be resurrected."】

【Ren Zu was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and suddenly became furious.】

【He reached out and pinched the Wisdom Gu. He questioned,"Wisdom Gu, Wisdom Gu, do you think I am still as ignorant as I was before? The Gate of Life and Death is a dangerous place. Once you enter, you can never get out. Not only did you kill my son, but you also want to kill me?"】

【Wisdom Gu said quickly:"Other creatures don't know the tricks to enter and exit the Gate of Life and Death. So they can't get out. But I know these tricks, I will tell you all."】

【"You are a living person. To enter the gate of life and death, you have to enter from the dead road. This road is unusual. It is the road left behind when the fate Gu leaves the fairness Gu. It is called the fate path. There are a lot of worry Gu in the fate path. If you want to enter from the dead road, you must have courage Gu. In this way, you will not be afraid of the torture of worry."】

【"When you enter the gate of life and death and see the Fairness Gu, you are already dead. But at the same time, you will also see the soul of your eldest son, Tai Ri Yang Mang. You take it away and return along another road, the Road of Life. The Road of Life is the trace left by the Fate Gu when it visits the Fairness Gu, and it is also the fate."】

【"But there are three checkpoints in this journey. One is the Soul-Dangling Mountain, one is the Valley of Desolation, and one is the Reverse Flow River."】

【"If you want to cross Danghun Mountain, you must break the gallstones on the mountain and get the help of courage. If you want to cross the Valley of Desolation, you must seek the help of Faith. If you want to cross the Niu Liu River, you must keep moving forward without stopping."】

【Ren Zu believed the words of Wisdom Gu and let it go.】[]

【He soon found the Faith Gu】

【Since he became blind, the light of the Faith Gu is the only bright light he can see.】

【"Ren Zu, I feel your firm determination to save your eldest son. I am willing to help you, but please do not give up this determination. When you give up, I will leave you."Faith Gu said】

【Ren Zu found the courage Gu again】

【Courage Gu and Hope Gu are a good pair of partners】

【Ren Zu possesses Hope Gu, often sees Courage Gu, and has a good relationship with it.】

【After receiving the help of Courage Gu, Ren Zu came to the Gate of Life and Death and stepped into the dead end.】

【The dead end was dark, and a large number of worry Gu, like yellow fireflies, surrounded Ren Zu like a tsunami. At this time, the courage Gu emitted a brilliant light, helping Ren Zu to drive away the worry Gu.】

【Death requires courage】

【Ren Zu successfully walked on. His body became whiter and more erratic, and gradually turned into a ghost.】

【He can see again】

【When he came to the end of the dead end, in the deep and peaceful darkness, he saw the Fair Gu.】

【He was extremely surprised by the huge body of the Fairness Gu:"Are you the Fairness Gu? Why is your body so huge? Compared to you, the mountain is like a speck of dust. Compared to you, the sea is like a grain of rice."】

【Fairness Gu's voice was extremely magnificent:"Life and death are the greatest fairness in the world. When I am in the gate of life and death, I will become incomparably huge. Ren Zu, you came here to take your eldest son away. Go ahead, he is there."】

【When Ren Zu saw his eldest son, he was overjoyed and ran over.】

【Tai Ri Yang Mang also turned into a white ghost, lying by a lake, scooping up river water with a bowl and drinking it.】

【The river water is like wine, full of fragrance】

【Tai Ri Yang Mang drank very happily】

【"My son, stop drinking and come back with me." Ren Zu stepped forward and shouted.】

【"My dear father, why are you here? Great, come drink with me."Tai Ri Yang Mang opened his sleepy eyes.】

【Ren Zu snatched the wine bowl from his hand and said angrily:"Don't drink anymore, you only know how to drink! Everyone knows that there is only the Soul-Locking Lake in the Land of Death, and the water in the lake is the Soul-Locking Soup. After the ghost drinks it, it becomes confused and never wants to leave again."】

【Tai Ri Yang Mang said,"Father, you are wrong. This is not a magic potion, but a soul-soothing wine. After drinking it, it can calm the soul and remove the impurities in the soul. It will no longer be restless and will bring great peace of mind. This is the best wine in the world!""】

【"I don't care what kind of wine it is, you have to come back with me." Ren Zu grabbed Tai Ri Yang Mang's hand, but found that he was as heavy as a mountain and could not be pulled away at all.】

【Tai Ri Yang Mang shook his head:"Some people's death is heavier than a mountain. Some people's death is lighter than a feather. Father, I had a reputation in my previous life, and I fell to my death after bathing in the light of glory. When I came here, my body became heavier than a mountain. I can't even walk a step. I can only lie here."】

【"Ah!" Ren Zu's heart suddenly sank, and he shouted anxiously:"I told you long ago that a tall tree attracts the wind, and being famous is not a good thing. Why don't you throw away the reputation Gu quickly?"】

Barrage passing by

"Every time I see the human race legend, I always have some life insights"

"The Immortal Master seems to be telling a mythological story, but he is depicting human nature everywhere."

"Tai Ri Yang Mang died because of his arrogance, and because of his reputation, he could not get out of the gate of life and death."

"Therefore, we must be low-key. Don't be complacent because of some achievements, and don't overestimate your own abilities for the sake of some so-called fame."

【Tai Ri Yang Mang shook his head and sighed:"Fame and fortune, you can't bring them with you when you are born, and you can't take them with you when you die. After I die, the fame Gu will be far away from me. But the Dingxianyou Gu will still accompany me."】

【Dingxianyou Gu can bring Tairi Yangmang's soul to the gate of life and death, or even to any place in the outside world.】

【But only by embarking on the path of life can Tairi Yangmang be truly resurrected.】

【"What can I do?……"Ren Zu found that he was bewitched by wisdom. Although he (Haonuohao) came to the deepest part of the gate of life and death - the endless dark realm of death, and found Tai Ri Yang Mang, he found that he could not take his eldest son with him.】

【At this time, Fairness Gu spoke up:"Ancestor of Man, don't you understand yet? There are only two roads leading to the gate of life and death, both of which were trampled by Fate Gu. Life and death are determined by fate! Everything has life and death, and only in this way can the universe continue to cycle."】

【"Your eldest son Tai Riyang died. This is all fate, just accept it. Besides, he lives well here. The Land of the Dead is the most peaceful place in the world."】

【"He is drinking the best wine in the world and is free from the disturbances of the outside world. Can't you understand this kind of happiness?"】

【Ren Zu stood there, looking at his own flesh and blood for a while, and then he sighed.】

【He knew he couldn't take his eldest son's soul away, at least this time.】

【He had no choice but to bid farewell to Fairness Gu and Tai Ri Yang Mang, and left the realm of death.】

【He embarked on another path, which symbolized the path of life, from darkness to light.】

【But Ren Zu soon realized that walking on this road was countless times more difficult than the dead end road on which he came.】

【There are much more Worry Gu on the road of life than on the road of death. When Ren Zu was walking on the road of death, he walked more and more smoothly, and there were fewer and fewer Worry Gu blocking him. But when he was walking on the road of life, not only were there many more Worry Gu, but every time he took a step forward, more Worry Gu would fly over and try their best to stop him.】

【Soon, the courage Gu could no longer hold on:"Ancestor of mankind, there are too many worries, and there will be more and more. Death is peaceful, but life is full of endless worries. Go to the Danghun Mountain in front and knock on the gallstone. If you want to survive, courage alone is not enough, you also need courage and insight."】

【Ren Zu hurried to Danghun Mountain, endured the pain of soul shock, and obtained the courage and insight Gu.】

【With the help of the courage Gu, his soul grew stronger. Although he was still shaken, he was no longer worried.】

【He crossed the Danghun Mountain and came to the Luopu Valley】......Dividing Line......

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