In this world, each of us is fighting against fate, struggling on the brink of life and death every day.

Huo Yuhao's words are not only a manifestation of courage, but also a manifestation of his unwillingness to succumb to fate."

"However, fighting is no joke after all, and behind every victory are countless sweat and sacrifices.

Huo Yuhao was able to reverse the situation, not only because of his willpower, but more importantly because of his strength and wisdom.

In our world, there are no absolute winners, only eternal survivors."

Zheng Zha said this, his eyes became deep,"Just like us now, facing the fear of the unknown, we must persist until we find a way out of this hellhole."

Primordial World

In the vast prehistoric continent, Taishang Laojun was refining the elixir in the Bajing Palace, with purple air coming from the east and auspicious clouds lingering.

He closed his eyes to rest, as if he had merged with the world, but he somehow sensed Huo Yuhao's bold words and the aftermath of that battle.~

"Heaven wants me to die, but I won't. I will go against Heaven and conquer Heaven.……"

The Supreme Lord opened his eyes, and a trace of reminiscence flashed in his eyes."Although these words show pride, they also express the determination and will that a cultivator should have.

Back then, when the Three Pure Ones were in the beginning of chaos, we all relied on our own strength to go against the will of heaven and achieve the supreme path."

"It is not easy for Huo Yuhao to have such an awakening.

However, the real rebellion is not simply to defy fate, but to persist in oneself and seek breakthroughs after recognizing the way of heaven.

His battle with Xiao Hongchen seemed to be a confrontation of strength, but in fact it was a contest of mind and wisdom.

With such achievements at such a young age, his future is promising."

"However, we cultivators should understand that only by following the way of heaven can we achieve longevity.

Going against heaven requires great wisdom, great courage, and even greater compassion.

If Huo Yuhao can understand this, he may be able to avoid many unnecessary disasters and achieve a higher realm."

Taishang Laojun flicked his sleeves lightly, and a stream of fairy air floated out, turning into a series of pictures, which were the scenes of Huo Yuhao fighting with Xiao Hongchen.

He observed carefully, nodding and shaking his head from time to time, as if he was looking for new inspiration on the road of cultivation through this battle.

"To change fate against the will of heaven, man can conquer nature, but one must also remember that the way of heaven is cyclical and cause and effect will not be satisfied.

Huo Yuhao, I hope you can go further and more steadily on this road."

Taishang Laojun whispered, and then immersed himself in the concentration of alchemy, as if he had integrated this episode into the endless natural law of Taoism.

The world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber

In the secret room of Guangmingding, Zhang Wuji was sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by the gentle light of the Nine Yang True Qi. He had just learned the last level of the Great Shift of the Universe, and his heart was surging.

When he heard Huo Yuhao's words"God wants me to die, but I won't die, I go against the will of heaven, man can conquer nature." Zhang Wuji slowly opened his eyes, with a gentle smile on his lips, thinking to himself:"Brother Huo's words are quite resolute when I faced the siege of Guangmingding by the six major sects.

At that time, I was the same. Even if the road ahead was difficult, I would never give up easily.

Going against the will of heaven, although it sounds crazy, is the true nature of a hero, and it is a firm belief in oneself."

"However, what I, Zhang Wuji, pursue is not only my personal victory over nature, but also the peace of all people in the world. It is better to follow the will of heaven than to go against it, resolve conflicts with kindness and maintain peace with force.

If brother Huo can understand this, his path will be broader."

Zhang Wuji stood up and walked to the window of the stone chamber, looking at the sea of clouds in the distance. He felt both emotion for the past and expectation for the future.

God's Tomb World

In the distant cemetery of gods and demons, Chen Nan and Pi Zilong were standing beside an ancient tombstone, the two of them were bickering with each other, and the air around them seemed to fluctuate because of it.

"Heaven wants me to die, but I won't. Going against Heaven, man can conquer Heaven? Haha, this sounds very impressive, but in my opinion, Huo Yuhao is a little too confident."

Chen Nan held the tombstone with one hand and tapped his chin with the other hand, with a playful look in his eyes.

Ruffian Dragon jumped up and landed on Chen Nan's shoulder, blinking his eyes and said,"Confidence? That's a must! Have you forgotten how you crawled out of the God and Demon Cemetery back then? Wasn't it because of your unwillingness to admit defeat? But, after all, when has our Young Master Chen ever admitted defeat?"

Chen Nan chuckled and patted Ruffian Dragon's little head,"You little guy, you always make fun of me.

However, going against Heaven, man can conquer Heaven, this is true, but we can't ignore the cycle of nature.

I did survive in adversity back then, but in the end I followed certain destinies and found my own way.

If Huo Yuhao could really understand the meaning behind this, his life would be a legend"

"Humph, legend? Then what are we? In the age of gods and demons, didn’t we also fight monsters and level up, changing our fates?"

The rogue dragon flapped his wings and was about to fly, looking quite dissatisfied.

"You, just love to compete."

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly,"Yes, we are also going against the will of heaven, but the important thing is that in the process of going against the will of heaven, we have learned to be respectful and learn how to grow in adversity, rather than blindly resisting.

If Huo Yuhao can understand that going against the will of heaven is not a goal, but a means, a process of self-sublimation, then he will be invincible."

Chen Nan's words revealed a deep understanding of life, and although Pi Zilong was unforgiving in his words, he deeply agreed with Chen Nan's words in his heart.

Above the sky, the light and shadow changed, and the figures of Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong appeared again. This time, the enemy they faced was the top master of the evil soul master organization - the Holy Spirit Church, a Titled Douluo who was good at controlling souls.

This enemy was surrounded by dark black air, his face was distorted, his eyes were like the abyss, and he was staring coldly at the young but powerful combination.

With Huo Yuhao's order, four gorgeous skills were like a miracle from heaven, shaking the entire battlefield.

The first strike: Spirit Eyes and Goddess of Light Butterfly - Withering in the Brilliance

Huo Yuhao's eyes turned into bright stars, and his Spirit Eyes martial spirit released the ultimate spiritual power, merging with the light blooming from Tang Wutong's wings of the Goddess of Light Butterfly. At that moment, the entire space seemed to be purified, and all darkness and evil trembled in front of this light.

The two joined forces to release a gorgeous rain of light, in which countless tiny spiritual blades were hidden. They silently cut the enemy's soul defenses, causing them unbearable pain. That was the withering of the soul, and also the victory of light.

The second strike: Spirit Eyes and Clear Sky Hammer - the truth in the void, the storm of the mind

Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes sparkled again. This time, he poured his spiritual power into the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Wutong's hand. Complex runes appeared on the hammer, a perfect combination of spirit and power.

Tang Wutong swung the hammer, and a storm seemed to rise in the void. It was a storm of the mind, directly impacting the enemy's soul. Along with Huo Yuhao's spiritual mantra, it was like a sword piercing the heart, making the enemy feel unprecedented fear and despair in the void.

The third strike: Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion and Clear Sky Hammer - Blazing in the extreme cold, the hammer of the emperor

Huo Yuhao's Ice-Blue Emperor Scorpion spirit and Tang Wutong's Clear Sky Hammer combined again. This time, the elements of ice and fire intertwined on the hammer, forming a wonderful balance.

Tang Wutong swung the hammer, and the hammer head turned into a huge ice and fire two-color sphere, with the dual attributes of extreme cold and heat, smashing into the enemy fiercely.

The fusion of ice and fire not only froze the enemy's actions, but also burned its vitality. This is the Emperor's Hammer, which makes the enemy collapse in the contradiction between extreme cold and heat.

The fourth strike: Ice-Blue Emperor Scorpion and Light Goddess Butterfly - Solo Dance in the Frost, the Colorful Clothes of Light

Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong were in tune with each other. The spirits of the Ice Emperor Scorpion and the Light Goddess Butterfly echoed each other. Tang Wutong became the messenger of light, while Huo Yuhao controlled the endless ice.

Tang Wutong danced in the air, and each step she took brought up pieces of ice-blue petals. Under the light of the Light Goddess Butterfly, these petals turned into sharp ice blades, interweaving into a dress of light, wrapping the enemy tightly. The combination of ice and light was both beautiful and deadly, leaving the enemy trapped in the interweaving of ice and light. Unable to resist.

Four combined attack skills were released in succession, and each attack accurately hit the enemy's weakness, completely breaking the defense line of the Holy Spirit Cult masters.

In this series of gorgeous and powerful skill displays, Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong showed their tacit understanding, which attracted cheers from the crowd.

Wang Donger, with a gentle light in her eyes.

She stroked her chest gently, as if feeling the heartbeat shared with Huo Yuhao:"Every time I perform a combined attack with Yuhao, I deeply understand what the symphony of the soul is.

His every look, every move, is so consistent with me, as if our existence is for the resonance of each other.

Looking at him, my heart is full of pride and happiness."

Beibei, with an admiring smile on his lips, he folded his hands on his chest, looking deeply at the battlefield in the distance, as if he could penetrate the space and see the shocking scene:"Huo Yuhao and Wutong, the tacit understanding between them that does not require words is really enviable.

0 Ask for flowers

Whenever they join forces, it's like telling us that true power is not just the superposition of martial spirits, but the complete fusion of two hearts."

He Caitou waved his fist and said excitedly:"Wow! That's not just a fight, that's art! Yuhao's exquisite control of the soul guide and Wutong's smooth martial spirit display are simply the perfect collision of technology and magic! Every time I see their performance, I want to rush into the laboratory immediately to invent some new soul guide devices to assist in the battle!" (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ning Rongrong shook her head gently, as if she was recalling the shocking scene just now:"Yuhao and Wutong's combined attack skills are as beautiful as a dream.

It reminds me of the special connection between Oscar and me, but their cooperation is even more shocking.

Every ray of light blooming is like telling an epic, which makes me yearn for it."

Dai Mubai patted his partner on the back:"Haha, these two little guys are really the waves behind the Yangtze River! Although we had some skills back then, how could we compare to their fighting style that was both powerful and beautiful? Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong, you are the glory of the Tang Sect, keep on shining!"

Xiao Wu, with a smile in her eyes, gently leaned on Tang San's shoulder.

She whispered softly, her tone full of relief:"Seeing them is like seeing us when we were young.0 0That tacit understanding and trust make me feel that the future of Tang Sect is bright.

Yuhao and Wutong, they have used their actions to interpret what a true partner is and what true power is."

Tang San, his eyes were deep and proud. He nodded gently, and a barely perceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The World of Eternal Life

Fang Han was standing on the top of the first peak of Jiuyou, overlooking the churning netherworld energy below.

He was wearing a black armor, and his body was surrounded by circles of mysterious runes. Every breath he exhaled seemed to resonate with the heaven and earth.

At this moment, he was observing the wonderful duel between Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong in another time and space through a special spirit mirror.

"Humph, this Huo Yuhao does have some tricks up his sleeve."[]

Fang Han's voice was low and full of arrogance."However, in my opinion, although his cooperation with Tang Wutong is wonderful, they still haven't touched the true meaning of martial arts.

A true battle is not only a display of skills and tacit understanding, but also a tempering of martial arts will and a crossing of the boundary between life and death."

Fang Han recalled his practice experience in the"Nine Nether Heaven Scripture". It was a period of dancing with the god of death, hovering on the edge of life and death every moment. It was this kind of training that gave him the capital to look down on the world.

"If I fight him, I will make him understand that true strength comes from the perseverance that comes from struggling through endless death."

Just as Fang Han was immersed in his analysis of Huo Yuhao's battle, suddenly, a figure appeared from the void. It was his closest confidante, the witch Ji Yao.

"" Fang Han, are you observing the battles in other worlds again?"

Ji Yao's voice was a little teasing, she knew that Fang Han's pursuit of martial arts was endless.

Fang Han turned around and looked at Ji Yao, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes:"Ji Yao, you are here.

I was thinking about how to integrate these foreign martial arts essences into our practice system to make the Nine Nether World more powerful."

Ji Yao smiled slightly, walked to Fang Han, and looked at the netherworld together:"Fang Han, you are always like this, full of curiosity and pursuit of everything.

However, don't forget, we have more important things to do, the Nine Nether Tribulation is coming, and we must be prepared."

Fang Han nodded, put away the spirit mirror, a firm light flashed in his eyes:"Of course, the Nine Nether Tribulation, I will take up this responsibility.

But before that, let us enjoy this moment of tranquility."

The World in the Snow

" At the same time, in the snowy Beiliang, Xu Fengnian was sitting on the top of the Tingchao Pavilion, playing with a wooden sword that looked ordinary but was actually very sharp.

He looked at the Beiliang border, where there were wars and drums, but his heart was unusually calm.

"The battle between Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong had a bit of the flavor of Jianghu children."

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