BTTH: Myriad Realms Mall

Chapter 184: Emperor Qinghua Of The East Pole

"System, do you think the two of them can clone a person exactly like them by collecting blood cells?" Looking at Hun Miesheng and Gu Yunhai in front of him, Ye Shiqiu suddenly thought of the research on clones that Orochimaru and Hui Tailang jointly applied for. Application.

"Theoretically, after having complete genetic data, as long as there is enough material energy specific to the ontology required by the clone, and using the matching cloning technology, a character that is exactly the same as the ontology can be cloned." The system explained road.

"What about strength?" This was what Ye Shiqiu cared about most.

"The clones have the same body and intelligence as the original, but do not have the same memory, so their body strength and the width of the tendons are the same as the original, but Dou Qi is zero due to refining reasons, and must be re-cultivation."

"Is the strength of the body the same as the level of the muscles? That's not bad, Hun Miesheng and the others are all 5-Star Dou Saint, the strong Dou Saint, without Dou Qi, the body can compete with the average Dou Venerable, and the muscles Once the width is reached, Cultivation will naturally come naturally!" Ye Shiqiu thought to himself.

"I want to clone Hun Miesheng and Gu Yunhai, can I succeed with the technology level of Orochimaru and Big Wolf?" Ye Shiqiu asked the system.

"Do you need 10 million 'Wanjie Coins' to answer this question?"


"Ding, scanning... Ding, the scan is complete, the ancient race Dou Saint clone, Hui Tailang and Orochimaru joined forces, barely qualified, using the blood tissue of the two, the success rate is 63%."

"Sixty-three percent? That's fine." Ye Shiqiu thought to himself.

"Marquis of Pingyang, Elder Yunhai really didn't mean to fight people in Huaxia Mall. He, he just... wanted to stand up for me, but he couldn't hold back for a while, so..." Ye Shiqiu kept looking at Hun Miesheng. With Gu Yunhai, Gu Xun'er was afraid that he would take a heavy hand on Gu Yunhai, and now the small hand took Ye Shiqiu's sleeve, and explained in aggrieved and scared, wanting to intercede for Gu Yunhai.

"Huh?" Looking at his sleeves being pulled, Ye Shiqiu raised his brows and looked at the girl in green beside him lightly.

"Let go." Ye Shiqiu said coldly, this woman had a deep love for Xiao Yan before, treating herself as air, and now she is pulling her sleeves, what is this?

"Oh, I'm sorry." Frightened by Ye Shiqiu's indifferent eyes, Gu Xun'er quickly let go of his little hand, lowered his head, and did not speak aggrievedly.

Thinking about it carefully, I was really unlucky. I came to the mall to participate in the auction and played by the way, but was molested by an extremely ugly pig. In order to protect himself, the Elder... Now he is still being murdered. Thinking of this, Gu Xun'er suddenly felt a burst of sadness, two tears fell, and his spiritual eyes were flushed with a hint of red.

Looking at the beautiful and charming Gu Xun'er with a wronged look and tears, Ye Shiqiu suddenly felt very uncomfortable, turned his head away from her, his tone was impatient, but slightly He softened and asked, "Why are you crying? If you have something to say, say it. He stood up for you. What's the matter with you?"

When Ye Shiqiu came, he only saw Zhu Bajie turned into a handsome man talking to her, but he didn't see what happened before, so he didn't know that Zhu Bajie and Hun Miesheng had threatened to give Gu Xun'er...

"No, nothing." Little hand wiped his eyes, Gu Xun'er lowered his head and said sobbing.

"Humph!" I asked her kindly, but she was still putting on airs, and Ye Shiqiu ignored her now, and turned around and said to the old man in the Taoist robe: "There was Lao Qingdi who ran to the scientific research institute and told Orochimaru that Clone candidates."

"The old man obeys the emperor's decree." The old man cupped his hands and replied.

"Yeah." He nodded, turned around, and wanted to leave.

However, when passing by Gu Xun'er who was still crying, he frowned slightly when he saw her appearance, turned to Erzhuzi and said impatiently: "Set up a private room for her and send an invitation card. ."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Uchiha Sasuke hurriedly answered.

Glancing at Gu Xun'er one last time, Ye Shiqiu turned his gaze forward and strode out of the auction house.

"Gu Young Lady Xun'er, please follow me to the VIP area to rest and wait for tomorrow's auction!" After receiving Ye Shiqiu's order, Erzhu took a step forward and said to the woman professionally.

"Long, Elder..." I don't know why Ye Shiqiu is willing to send someone to treat him favorably. Gu Xun'er doesn't want to know about it now. Looking at Gu Yunhai, who is completely bound by the golden light chain in front of him, he looks worried.

"Xun'er, don't worry about me, take good care of yourself, remember that you must get that thing at the auction tomorrow, that's my Gu Clan's hope!" Seeing that the girl in front of him cares so much about this old guy, Gu, Yun Hai was at peace, comforting and admonishing her.

"Elder, Xun'er knows." With his little hands tightly clasped, Gu Xun'er replied sadly but firmly.

"Hmph, it turns out that you all came for that, but I advise you not to make this idea. I, Hun Clan, are bound to win it, and... Gu Yunhai, you Gu Clan only came to you as a Dou Saint, right?" , Hun Miesheng, who was also bound, looked at the two with a mocking expression.

"What do you mean?" Gu Yunhai felt uneasy.

"Hmph, now I finally know who this Missy is in front of me. Oops, Gu Clan Patriarch's daughter, if you meet me Hun Clan Dou Saint as soon as you leave the mall, then..."

"What?" Gu Yunhai and Gu Xun'er were shocked when they heard Hun Miesheng's words, Hun Clan and other Dou Saints came to the mall. If the other party bumped into you as soon as you left, or if the other party deliberately came to trouble the Gu Clan team, it wasn’t…

Thinking of this, Gu Xun'er's face turned pale and his body shook a little.

"Hun Miesheng, you are despicable!" Gu Yunhai cursed.

"Hmph, you are stupid." Hun Miesheng countered lightly.

"Okay, the two of you don't have to argue here, let's go with the poor road." At this time, the old man in Taoist robe who had no time to watch the two quarrel suddenly said, with a wave of the dust, the bodies of the two suddenly floated uncontrollably. , following the old man's footsteps, stepping on the void, and moving forward.

"Elder!" Gu Xun'er shouted loudly as he watched Gu Yunhai being taken away.

"Xun'er, you have to be careful, don't think of me, you must be careful!" Gu Yunhai turned his head and shouted.

"Cut." Hun Miesheng snorted disdainfully, then turned his gaze to the leader of the escort team, the old man in Taoist robe in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "I, Hun Miesheng, have been in Continent for many years, and today is the most defeated. A thorough one, I wonder if the seniors are willing to tell the honorable name?"

"Haha." With a chuckle, the old man looked back at the two of them, waved the floating in his hand, and said with a smile, "Old Dao Taiyi."

Name: Heavenly Sovereign (Low Level Avatar)

Cultivation Base: 3-Star Doudi

Talent: 8-Star

Status: Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole

Religion: Taoism

Affiliation: One of the great emperors of Shenxiao Jiuchen

Residence: Qinghua Changle Jiedongjie Miaoyan Palace

Chief in charge: save all beings, save the suffering; educate and transform all beings, escape from death

Symbols: Seven Treasures Fangqian Forest, Nine-color Lotus Seat, Poplar Branches, Yaoyan

Mount: Nine-headed lion

Restriction: The special character summoning card is summoned to guard the power field. It has been bound to the Huaxia mall, so it is not allowed to leave the mall Half-.

Taiyi Saves Suffering Heavenly Sovereign is the left attendant of the Jade Emperor. Together with Beiyin Fengdu Emperor, they are the god of hell stationed in Huangquan for Taoism. Taiyi saves suffering Heavenly Sovereign is the main saver. It has the ability to dissolve karma that Buddhism cannot, and can turn the blood lake, the symbol of karma and hell karma, into a lotus pond, and the nine-headed lion roars under the seat, which can open the gate of the nine secluded hells, which is the deepest layer of hell. . Together with Daoist Daoist and Daoist for saving suffering, they are collectively known as the Three Saints of the East.

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