Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1062: Bai Jue promoted

"Bai Jue swears his allegiance to his master!" As Bai Jue was lying on the bed, a fanatical light flashed in his eyes.

He tugged at his hoarse throat and roared loudly, a trace of blush appeared on his face under the excitement!

After about ten seconds, the enthusiasm in Bai Jue's eyes gradually subsided. Wang Mang smiled and nodded when he saw this. He had already passed through Molangou in secret, and the white pill that Bai Jue had taken was increased. of!

"Bai Jue, how do you feel now?!" Wang Mang looked at him quietly, rubbing his chin and asked.

"All my sanity still exists, and my original thoughts have not been changed, but there seems to be a special feeling in my mind, that kind of...feeling...I can't say it!"

Bai Jue frowned and analyzed calmly.

When Wang Mang heard this, his brows twitched slightly. Bai Jue is indeed Bai Jue. With the ability of an ordinary person, he can roughly guess the true effect of Bai Pills by perception alone!

"Take the white pill, you are my subordinate! For your paralyzed body and the way to promote the supernatural person, I already have a way!"

Wang Mang took the exquisite black brocade bag from the side, pondered slightly, and finally untied the rope buckle of the brocade bag, and he took out a small box embroidered with phoenix patterns!

Opening the box, a dazzling golden light appeared in an instant, and a red pill the size of a glass bead suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"This medicinal pill is called Phoenix Nirvana Pill, and its effect can be called a life-defying change. I originally wanted to keep it and swallow it in times of crisis, but I will give it to you now!"

Wang Mang didn't hesitate any more, and directly delivered the red pill into Bai Jue's mouth. Bai Jue glanced at Wang Mang with a touch of emotion, swallowed his throat, and swallowed the red pill into his belly.

"Om!" In an instant, Bai Jue's body surface burst into wisps of fiery flames, and the thin quilt covering him was lit in an instant. Wang Mang lifted the quilt and threw it on the ground, squinting his eyes to look at Bai Jue's body. The change!

"Kakcha~Kakcha!" With a burst of jelly joints like fried beans, Bai Jue's body was suddenly distorted, and the bones under his skin were undergoing unprecedented changes.

As time passed slowly, his fingers moved slightly, and then his arm twitched uncontrollably.

Bai Jue's eyes were cold, and with a strong will, he instantly controlled the fully recovered right arm. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly! I still have the day when Bai Jue will recover. !"

Immediately after that, the left arm, the body, and finally even the legs were completely restored.

The spine that penetrates the body in the back is like a giant dragon that is tumbling, forcing Bai Jue to stand up!

When his trembling feet landed on the ground, Rao was Bai Jue's strong will, and two drops of tears shed with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "I... finally stood up!"

Wang Mang smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, the effect of the Phoenix Nirvana Pill is far more than that, wait, and new changes will appear soon!"

At the moment when Wang Mang's voice fell, Bai Jue suddenly spit out a mouthful of turbid black blood.

The black blood took one bite after another, as if to drain all the dirt in the body. When the ground became sticky and smelly, Bai Jue finally stopped vomiting.

He slowly raised his head, and his always calm eyes revealed unconcealable joy. He... seems to be promoted to a supernatural power!

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