Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1069: Can't eat enough

Qian Xiaobai scratched his head awkwardly when he heard the words, "Brother Mang, how dare I not complete the goal you set for me, but there is still a small gap from my expectations..."

As if he wanted to change this topic, Qian Xiaobai excitedly pointed to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Brother Mang, I gave you a reception banquet, the largest restaurant in Peng City was all contracted by me!"

Wang Mang waved his hand faintly, "I'll talk about the evening of the wind banquet, I will go to your place after I have eaten the duck blood fans, and introduce a few people to you by the way!"

Qian Xiaobai just wanted to say a few more words, but was interrupted by Zhang Lan's ferocious eyes, "Xiaobai, what are you doing here? Don't go back and clean up!"

Qian Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Lan helplessly, and walked towards the door with a group of his men, muttering as they walked: "Women, women, all unreasonable animals!"

Zhang Lan snorted, and when he turned his head, his face changed to a smile, "Brother Mang, here, I will give you the duck heart!"

Wang Mang smiled, and said casually: "I don't know how my group of soldiers are eating now. It would be bad if they eat Bawang's meal!"


In a small restaurant selling fried rice in Peng City, four burly men in armor swallowed the food in front of them.

The plates on the table are neatly stacked, and at a glance they are almost half a meter tall!

"Shopkeeper, we are only half full now, so why did you drop the rice?"

Their beard, with two scars on his face, stood in front of the counter with a face of helplessness and confusion.

He scanned the back of the counter with a pair of eyes, and pointed his fingers, "It's really not good. You can make noodles for us. I think you have a few bags of flour here."

Standing at the counter, a thin and tall old man in a chef's skirt tremblingly held a large spoon in his hand, looking at the man in armor half his height, his legs trembling.

"Large...people, adults.... It's not that the small ones don't make them, but they are too late to eat.

Little one, it will take a while to add water and knead the noodles. You and your friends... wait another half an hour... the noodles will be cooked! "

"Hey!" The beard-faced chief corporal sighed helplessly, looked at the subordinates behind him who were more edible than pigs, and shook his head slowly.

"Shopkeeper, then you can calculate how much money, we'll check it out!"

"Okay...Okay!" The store nodded in surprise when he heard the man's words, walked out of the counter with trembling steps, and counted the number of plates with fear.

"My lord.... There are a total of one hundred and fifty-six plates, a bowl of fried rice and six silver coins. You can just give them seven golden dragon coins!"

The lanky old man swallowed and quoted a price that was almost at a loss.

The fried rice he sells is profitable at first, so he won't want to make money this time, so hurry up and send these fierce men away!

"Golden Dragon Coin! We don't have this thing!" The captain scratched his head in confusion.

The thin and tall old man squeezed a bitter smile, "That...that...just forget it...even if the little old man asks a few brothers to eat!"

"That can't work! The captain will scold me if he knows it!" The captain shook his head quickly, and took out a second-order peak prism from the storage ring.

"Let's see if this can be used to pay for the meal. I said before that this prism seems to be worth some money!"

"Okay! Of course!" The thin and tall old man nodded excitedly and swallowed, "It's just that the value of this prismatic crystal is too high, and the shop can't be found for the time being."

"Oh, it's okay, this prismatic crystal will be given to you, anyway, we still have a lot!"

Hearing this, the head of the army nodded relaxedly, and forced the prismatic crystal into the hands of the lanky old man, and walked out of the restaurant with the knife in his hands, and went to another restaurant to continue having lunch!

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