Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1083: Peng City Mission

"Brother Mang, the few subordinates I have left will not play a key role in the management of Hu Fei. After all, with so many forces in Pengshi, the combined strength is not small!"

After listening to Wang Mang's words, Qian Xiaobai thought slightly, still a little worried on his face.

I just saw the reluctance of the leaders of these forces as if they were cutting flesh, it is inevitable that these people will resist collectively as soon as they leave!

"You don't need to worry about that. I am sure to control them. The reason why they are not allowed to take white pills is also considered by me.

These wastes are not worthy of my control with white pills. If they have some good hands, they can conquer it! "

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Bai Jue, "Bai Jue, please trouble me in the past two days and count the elite superpowers of various forces. Then you will call the troops to catch them!"

"And you Xiaobai, you are responsible for assisting Bai Jue, and your zombies are also moving. You must complete the task I gave you in these two days!"

"As for you, Zhang Lan, five hundred skilled and capable killer spies will be selected from the'Night Rose'. This time they will leave with us!"

Everyone nodded. They had no objection to the arrangement made by Wang Mang.

Wang Mang frowned, thinking carefully about the omissions in his arrangement, and slowly said, "The leaders of those forces should be controlled by parasitic leeches, presumably they can't make any waves!"

"Do you understand everything?!"

Everyone stood up at the moment and said with serious expressions: "Please rest assured, master, you must complete the task!"

Wang Mang nodded and signaled everyone to leave, and the dinner that established the pattern of Pengshi ended!

Early the next morning, Bai Jue opened his eyes from the bed where he had stayed for a whole year.

He simply walked into the bathroom to wash, and went downstairs to have breakfast, but his brows kept frowning while eating, and after havingtily eaten, he walked out of the villa alone!

As soon as he walked out of the gate, more than four hundred black-armored soldiers with fierce expressions cast their eyes together, and four captains with tiger-like bodies stood on one side, waiting for Bai Jue's order!

"The four teams acted individually and went to the forces in the order written on my paper. One team will follow me. Let's go to Liu Shi's gathering place first!"

Bai Jue commanded this invincible black armoured unit, with an unprecedented level of confidence in his heart.

There will be absolutely no problems with today’s action. He negotiated with Qian Xiaobai last night.

He is in charge of Xicheng District and Nancheng District, while Qian Xiaobai's zombie army is in charge of Dongcheng District and Beicheng District!

The only thing that worries him is speed. It is not difficult to destroy a force, but the difficulty is to capture their most brave and strongest subordinates! This kind of request is much harder than killing them directly!

A team of more than 100 people walked for ten minutes under the leadership of Bai Jue to the door of Liu Shi’s forces.

Those janitors who were not as capable as Tier 1 and Tier 2 saw this troop and ran to the courtyard with trepidation. Within a minute, Liu Shi, who was only wearing a pair of big pants, ran out anxiously!

"Bai...Master Jue, I don't know why I came here this time. If it is for the profit that I turned in, I would have been prepared for it, and I will wait for you to come and take it!"

Liu Shisheng smiled and looked at a serious Bai Jue, suddenly feeling a little worried!

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