Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1088: Zombie Army

"Yes!" The three clung their hands abruptly, and they responded in unison with serious expressions, "Zhang Tao (Xie Long) (Wang Lin) pays homage to the lord!"

Wang Mang nodded slowly, and opened his mouth to say: "You have a lot of responsibility to lead your subordinates. If you don't understand anything, just ask Bai Jue, and he will guide you!"

"Yes!" The three stood up with serious eyes and looked at the men behind them, with a sense of determination and responsibility in their eyes!

Wang Mang waved his hand and asked the three of them to leave with his subordinates. In a blink of an eye, 1,500 people left the banquet room.

The originally crowded hall became empty again. Wang Mang looked at the rest of the crowd and said loudly: "Another day off in Pengshi, let's set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Whether it is Qian Xiaobai or Bai Jue, including Zhang Lan beside Wang Mang, he nodded solemnly. The day to leave has been set, and the next step is to make some tedious preparations!


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and in a blink of an eye it was the wee hours of the next day, and the eastern sunrise exudes a warm glow.

A team of more than 400 people in black was standing on the square of the East City Gate holding a slasher. The first team leader and the second team leader got together, looking at the team of supernatural powers gradually gathering not far away, squinting and muttering ,

"Which one do you think these human forces are better than ours?! The strength of these supernatural beings matches that of our subordinates!"

The captain of a team shook his head when he heard the words, "These supernatural beings were all a group of chickens before they were accepted by the master. Where are our opponents?

But now I’m not sure. They are all loyal and fearless to death. Except that their weapons and armors are slightly weaker than ours, I really can’t think of any shortcomings! "

"Brother, what you said!" The captain of the second team nodded slightly, and his big face with a beard showed a smile, "Even if their strength is about the same as ours? We are the master's most direct line of troops!"

The black cow, who looked like a black tower, strode down from the city wall. Seeing that the captains were all there, he said aloud, "Everyone is ready, everyone is coming!"

After the black cow finished speaking, only three to five minutes later, Zhang Lan, dressed in a slim black suit, led a group of troops wearing hats and dark blue brocade robe from the other side of the square.

The black bull looked at the humans who had hidden their faces under the hat, and looked at them suspiciously for a few moments.

These humans are really strange, all of them introverted, and they are almost the same as Qian Xiaobai's zombie troop that hides the breath of life!

"What about Black Bull?! Is Brother Mang here?" Zhang Lan walked to the side of Black Bull, turned to look around, carefully searching for Wang Mang's figure.

"Not yet... the master should come with Qian Xiaobai!" Hei Niu looked at the city gate behind him, frowned slightly, it's really strange, how come Brother Mang didn't come so late? ?

In the corner of the East City of Peng City, Wang Mang looked at Qian Xiaobai’s special zombie army with his back on his back.

He took a few steps to observe carefully, and said admiringly:

"Xiaobai, your zombie troop's role is quite big, there is no aura of life, if you reduce your strength and aura, then the assassination is really good!"

Qian Xiaobai was suddenly praised by Wang Mang, and the smile on his face could not be restrained.

"Haha, Brother Mang, assassination or something, that is absolutely no problem, my subordinates are best at secret trails, hunting!"

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