Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1110: I have something to tell you

Yao Ping lowered his head, suddenly widened his eyes, and stared at Lu Dao, "Don't confuse me with such useless words, I won't cooperate with you!"

The corners of Lu Dao's mouth raised slightly, his hands on his back, and he walked twice in the hall of the City Lord in a leisurely pace, "We are not in a hurry if you and us cooperate, but you..."

"How long do you think you can hide your affairs?!"

After Lu Dao finished speaking, those plain black eyes suddenly stared at Yao Ping's eyes, and a successful smile suddenly appeared on that slightly gloomy face.

"Chuck~ squeak!" Yao Ping said with a cold face, his clenched teeth let out a harsh rubbing sound, "Lu Dao, you don't need to worry about my affairs, just get out of here!"

Yao Ping pointed to the spacious gate, his face was a bit hideous.

"My temper is really big!" Lu Dao shook his head evilly, and walked towards the gate.

When he was about to leave, he turned around suddenly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Yao Ping, I have a hunch that you will find me again, and it won't be too long!"

After speaking, he stepped across the threshold, and the weird black robe figure suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

But Yao Ping’s face, sitting on the main seat, was as ugly as he had done before.

He moved his lips while talking to himself, his fists clenched uncontrollably, and he muttered helplessly and hesitantly, "I never thought of betrayal...I just want to be free..."

"Master! The food arranged by Yao Ping is here!" Fu Wendao took a napkin and wiped the sauce on his beard, licking his lips slightly.

He smiled faintly, the pleats on his face seemed to be blooming, "Master, you will taste the pasta later, tusk, it tastes really good, the old man has never eaten such a delicious thing! "

Wang Mang glanced at the fu Wen Dao, who was still in the mood, and waved his hand speechlessly, "You can arrange it yourself, I'll go into the city!"

"By the way, Lu Tu and Wu Cui, please settle down first. I'll let Yao Ping search for experienced obstetricians and hospital equipment!"

Fu Wendao nodded quickly, but his eyes couldn't help but glanced at the fragrant food beside him.

The huge square in Longshi was crowded with soldiers under Wang Mang, and there was almost no place to stay.

Bai Jue, Zhang Lan and others followed Wang Mang around the square and walked towards the center of the gathering place, where there is the City Lord's Mansion. He wanted to see what the City Lord's Mansion was now rebuilt.

"Brother Mang!" Wang Mang and his group were walking on the road. Yao Ping, wearing a red cloak, appeared abruptly in front of everyone like a sudden flame.

Yao Ping showed hesitation on his face, but still gritted his teeth firmly, "Brother Mang, can we have a chat with the two alone, I want to tell you something very secret!"

Wang Mang frowned and looked at Yao Ping, who was a little confused, but he nodded.

"Okay! Find a place for us to sit down!" "You go and stroll by yourself first!" Wang Mang waved to Zhang Lan and the others behind him to let them move freely. He walked into the house with Yao Ping. Quiet tea house.

"Arrange for me the best private room here!" Yao Ping walked into the teahouse and glanced at the shopkeeper who was in astonishment.

The shopkeeper, who was shocked by Yao Ping's cold voice, said anxiously: "City Lord...sir, please, please! I will take you there!"

He hurriedly bent over, smiled and stretched out his hands to meet Yao Ping and Wang Mang and walked upstairs!

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