Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1122: Blood Sword Man

"Roar!" Just when Wang Mang looked at the place where Yao Ping disappeared, the surrounding monster group finally let out an angry roar after another.

Their scarlet and tiny beast eyes were full of hatred, and the little human in front of them killed their leader, unforgivable! !

Wang Mang turned around, looked at the group of monsters approaching, and shook his head slowly, with a hint of sarcasm on his calm face, "It's really a group of stupid monsters,"

‘Zheng! ’The heavy and slender evil dragon halberd is like a meteorite that destroys the earth and smashes into the thick ground.

‘Click~click! ’The hard ground has cracked fierce cracks with thick arms!

The group of approaching monsters was caught off guard by this sudden land administration. Hundreds of monsters' stubby limbs plunged deep into the gap!

With a bang, Wang Mang waved the evil dragon halberd in his hands with both hands, and the black air burst out like an axe.

The monster beasts that gathered around, their hard skin and scales looked like paper in front of this qi, and they were instantly cut into two halves, and a pool of disgusting blood mixed with rot was flowing!

Wang Mang put away the evil dragon halberd, scanned the surroundings, did not stay here much, kicked his legs abruptly, crossed the lush dense forest, and came into the air.

His powerful sensing ability was like a ripple. After a while, he nodded slightly in relief, "Fortunately, this place is not far from the Dragon City, otherwise it would be really troublesome!"

Wang Mang waved his hand with a hum, and about a hundred fire locusts appeared instantly.

They tightly gathered their tiny bodies together to form a special red carpet, carrying Wang Mang to the direction of Longshi at an extremely fast speed!

Wang Mang, who was flying in mid-air, looked at the purple jade plate in his hand that had produced many small cracks, his eyes were a bit deep.

The effect of this jade card is quite magical. He had snatched it from a group of strangers back then, but it doesn't look like it will be used a few times now, so he has to find a way to get another one!

Just as Wang Mang was thinking a lot, the fire locust under him made a harsh hum.

Not far away, a **** dragon with broken scales was roaring and attacking a middle-aged man holding a blood sword.

Wang Mang stood up, the muscles of his whole body tightened instantly. He looked at the fierce battle ahead with a cruel smile on his mouth, "Another good dog of the Penglai fairy!"

As soon as the voice fell, his body suddenly disappeared in the air, his arms were weak, and the blood sword man who gritted his teeth with the blood dragon furiously blocked the claws of the blood dragon with his sword again.

Just as he was about to slash again, his back was instantly cold, and a great fear of life and death suddenly appeared in his heart!

"Blood sword is invincible, Penglai bestows the magic!" The blood sword man, who knew he could not resist, had a ruthless expression. He bit off the tip of his tongue and spouted a bright blood

At the moment when he spewed blood, the evil dragon halberd that Wang Mang waved had already hit the back of his head!

‘Boom~ Click! The spitting blood instantly turned into a thick mist and barely blocked Wang Mang's attack, but the power of thousands of tons could not be resisted anyway!

The blood mist shattered like mirror glass in an instant, and the terrifying force that Wang Mang carried hit the back of the blood sword man's head!

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