Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1134: Variety

"Master, this off-white powder is called'flavor fungus'. Its function is to completely relax people, as if floating in the clouds, and everything outside seems to be irrelevant.

The most important thing is that the burning gas of this ‘fragrance fungus’ does not damage the human brain at all! What a magical thing! "

Ye Yizhi said that he took out a uniquely shaped incense burner from the wooden cabinet in the storage room, and poured out a solid ‘fragrance fungus’ the size of a fingernail.

Slowly ignite with the lighter in your pocket, and suddenly a wisp of blue smoke is distributed throughout the storage room.

Bai Jue looked at the curling smoke and sniffed lightly, an expression of unprecedented comfort appeared on his face.

The sharp eyes behind his black-rimmed glasses shot out two sharp lights.

"It's a good thing! This kind of ‘fragrance fungus’ can really make people happy, but... it’s not cheap!"

Ye Yizhi was a little embarrassed and dumb when he heard the words, he rubbed his hands embarrassedly, and looked at Wang Mang with nervous eyes, "It's really not cheap. This solid ‘flavor fungus’ sells for one hundred gold dragon coins!"

As Wang Mang listened, he couldn't help but chuckle from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly shook his head.

He knows the truth that there is no fish when water is clear, he understands better than anyone else. How can the basic welfare salary of a newspaper president provide him with such extravagant and high consumption? As for where his money comes from... hehe!

Seeing the smile at the corner of Wang Mang’s mouth, Ye Yizhi smiled awkwardly and pointed to another delicate box on the wooden cabinet.

"My lord, there is an entertainment model that a stranger gave me. Would you like to take a look?"

Wang Mang nodded lightly, and Ye Yizhi immediately opened the box and took out a shiny metal box that resembled a Rubik's Cube.

When ‘ding’ pressed the button on the iron box, a light blue light curtain instantly appeared in front of the three of them.

A small entertainment town full of exotic customs, the bustling crowd on the street looks happy and flushed,

They held a handful of golden tickets in their hands to and from the fascinating entertainment clubs in the block.

The bars and theaters owned by the civilization era not only have them here, but they are more abundant. Soft chairs made of monster cowhide, beautiful women with **** figures and special services, as long as you want, there is nothing that can't be satisfied here!

Hundreds of golden dragon coins are like a rainstorm spilling on a group of dancing girls. Amid the madness and cheers of hundreds of people, the big red curtain is slowly closed, and the content presented by the iron box is over!

"Huh--!" I don't know who exhaled after watching, Wang Mang also slightly stunned the burning cigarette with only the **** in his hand.

With deep eyes, he stared at Ye Yizhi and asked, "Could it be that there is such a drunk place in those large gatherings?!"

Ye Yizhi looked at Wang Mang’s penetrating eyes with a few drops of sweat on his forehead, but he nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, master, as far as I know, almost every giant gathering place has such a gold-soldier existence.

For a giant city, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. The taxes they collect from these entertainment venues have already reached a terrifying point! "

When Wang Mang heard this, he couldn't help but nod slightly. As long as it can bring high benefits, those high-ranking city lords don’t care what you do.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. The changes in the past three years are really great. Everything he knew in his previous life is now completely different!

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