Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1153: Fetch wine

"Three years?! Little brother Wang Mang, you have been away for four or five years!" The red fox Kuiluo wrinkled a little inexplicably, and then suddenly came to a sudden.

He smiled and said: "Yes, the world you stay in, brother Wang Mang, is different from our time flow. By the way, don’t stand stupidly. Let’s go to my room and have a drink first. We will have a banquet in the evening later. !"

"Okay!" Wang Mang promised heartily, beckoning to the blood dragon hovering in the low altitude.

Standing on the back of the blood dragon, Zhang Lan nodded when he saw Wang Mang beckoning, looked at everything that was strange under him, and plucked up the courage to jump straight down!

When Zhang Lan fell on the ground, Wang Mang waved his hand and collected the blood dragon into the ring of insects.

Honghukui looked at the handsome, charming Zhang Lan, and smiled knowingly towards Wang Mang. "Brother Wang Mang, did you bring his wife here this time?!"

Wang Mang smiled faintly, and then waved his hand, "It's just a friend, let's not talk about this. I don't know if you have any more red fox brothers? That wine is pretty good!"

"Yes, yes, the kind of aging that Xiangxiang sent you at the beginning is gone, and the most mellow is only a pot of five-year fruit!"

While talking, Honghukui led the two toward his house, and walked into the courtyard door. He directly put down the spear in his hand and walked to the stone well in the center of the small courtyard by himself, from his pocket. Took out a key,

There is a thick iron cover on the stone well with a thick iron lock on it.

He put the key into the iron lock, twisted it with one hand, and opened it. When the manhole cover was removed, a mellow aroma of wine immediately overflowed the entire courtyard!

Wang Mang squinted his eyes with a look of intoxication. It was such a good drink. Just smelling the smell, he seemed to be drunk for three minutes! Could it be that all the wine is brewed under this well? !

"Brother Red Fox, you won't be a Sakai!" Wang Mang leaned to the well in surprise. When he saw the liquid inside, he showed an expression of disbelief. The well is really full of it. Wine!

Seeing Wang Mang’s shocked expression, Hong Hukui was also proud of his face.

"Of course, don't look at this well as it seems to be full of liquor. In fact, these are not really fermented. The few jars in this situation are really good wines!"

As he spoke, he took out a large wooden clamp that looked like tweezers, and threw it into the well with the rope, but after three or five seconds, the rope was tightened instantly, and a porcelain altar dripping with intoxicating scent was taken out!

Wang Mang's eyes were a little impatient, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, the wine was taken out for himself.

"By the way, Zhang Lan, let me introduce to you. This is the village head of Huahu Village, Honghukui. You can call him Big Brother Red Fox. Big Brother Red Fox doesn't have any other skills. He has a very good brewing ability. of!"

Honghukui listened to Wang Mang’s playful words and didn’t care, but smiled kindly at Zhang Lan.

"Sister, I'll let the chef in the village cook two good dishes for you later, both of which are special mushrooms on the mountain, which are used for beauty and beauty!"

"Really? Thank you Brother Red Fox!"

As soon as Zhang Lan heard the words "beauty and beautification", the eyes that hadn't cared so much immediately let out two lights, and looked at everything around her with excitement and excitement!

Wang Mang couldn't help but shook his head when he looked at Zhang Lan's appearance, but then he was taken aback. Maybe this girl from Huahu Village is so watery, it is really the credit for the beauty and beauty!

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