Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1262: Lord of Canghai City

"By the way, do you remember that before the battle with the caravan, there was a small, awkward-looking, and bald supernatural person?!"

Dragon Claw sat on the tea table, slowly sipping tea, and gradually recalled the battle at that time. The more he recalled, the tighter his brows frowned. That wretched supernatural person seemed to have never seen him before. !

The leopard with a few ugly spots on his face heard the words of the dragon claw man, his brows were also frowned, and he said solemnly:

"Dragon Claw, of course I remember that person. He was standing next to me, three or five people away. When the battle started, he seemed to disappear. Anyway, I didn't see him kill any of them. Cultivator!"

"That's weird! Instigated a battle, but didn't make a move, but disappeared from the crowd!?" The dragon claw man drank the tea in the cup, his eyebrows were full of doubts!

"Do you think that person is from the City Lord's forces?" The leopard narrowed her eyes with an unkind look, and tapped her fingers on the table lightly.

"I could feel that the wretched man's strength was not low at the time. Although he hid well, he also had Tier 5 strength at least.

This kind of person can't be unknown, the only possibility is the loyalty raised by our heroic city lord! "

"Brother Leopard, the possibility of what you said is very high..." The Dragon Claw man nodded lightly, looking at the luxurious castle in the center of the city through the window of the tea house!

"The third child, why did you say that Wang Mang, who was on the power ranking list, suddenly thought about meeting me? Could it be because of the invaders?!"

In the luxurious banquet room of the castle, the middle-aged city lord with a serious face is walking back and forth on the carpet with his hands behind his back.

He was full of the aura of the upper class, and caught the eyeballs of dozens of people in the banquet room. The men sitting at the dinner table in the banquet room were all ugly and vulgar, but the strength and momentum that everyone inadvertently revealed was astounding. tongue!

The man who was called the third child by the middle-aged city lord had a wretched face, a short head, a cramped back, and even the hair on the top of his head was extremely sparse.

He grinned with disgusting yellow teeth, and in his hands he was holding an eighteen-year-old, slender and flattering woman.

"Master, the person sent by Wang Mang had already said that Wang Mang came here this time mainly to discuss with the master about resisting the invaders. As for other things, it must be nothing.

Master, you have no conflict of interest with him, and even the relationship can only be regarded as a stranger. Except for the intruder, he can have a bit of intersection with us, and nothing else can be done! "

The wretched man analyzed it, deliberately squeezed the thigh of the beautiful woman who was leaning against him, and then said:

"Master, besides, don't you still have us? There are more than 30 talents with Tier 5 strength, all of which are the top 100 elites in the battle power rankings. If Wang Mang comes alone, we can all. Kill him directly!"

"The third child! Be careful!" Hearing the words, the middle-aged city lord stopped his pacing body abruptly, and snorted dissatisfiedly at him.

"I will say less of this in the future! How many times have I taught you the truth of misfortune?!"

"Yes, yes! Master, I will definitely change it next time!" The wretched man sneered and quickly agreed to correct.

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