Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1264: Get off the horse

"Dare to say that our master is not a thing?! What do you do? Yi Tuo Xiang?" The black-clothed man mocked in disgust, and his cold voice contained deep contempt!

"Boom!" The strong man's three or four hundred jin body crashed on the ground.

His ugly and hideous face was staring with a pair of huge bull eyes, and the flesh on his cheeks was still prominent, as if he still retained the madness of his life!

The gurgling blood spewed out, flowing on the ground and converging into a warm pool of blood. The two almost transparent assassins disappeared instantly after piercing the burly man’s neck.

All this happened so quickly that the thirty or so fifth-tier powers in the banquet hall looked unbelievable.

What just happened? It seems that their companion was killed in an instant? !

"Presumptuous! Who gave you the courage to run wild here?!" The middle-aged city lord finally realized the scene of the corpse falling to the ground.

The rage in his heart rose instantly, slammed the armrest of the dragon chair, stood up, pointed to the headed man in black and said angrily: "How dare you kill my people here?!"

"Haha!" The headed man in black laughed a few times, and pointed to the half of the insect pattern mask on his face.

"My Lord City Lord, do you know what this mask represents? Do you know how many of our members are in your Canghai City? Do you know how many powerful killers we have in other gathering places?"

"I can tell you very responsibly! The killers of our insect group are everywhere, and their strength..."

The man in black squinted and looked at the thirty-something men in the banquet room with contempt, "As for the strength... it is not a big problem to kill your rubbish-strength subordinates for two rounds!"

The voice fell, the deathly silence in the luxurious banquet room, the middle-aged city lord sitting on the luxurious dragon chair closed his mouth, but his violently undulating chest reflected how angry he was.

The other thirty or so fifth-level powers did not stand up at this time, and the corpse of the companion who still had body temperature was lying on the side, they didn't want to be the second bird in their early days!

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Brother, when Lord Wang Mang arrives in Canghai City, we will definitely be out of the city to greet him. There is absolutely no problem with this!"

The embarrassing atmosphere was broken by a silly smile on his face, he bent his already rickety waist, like a pug wagging its tail around the man in black to please.

Seeing the attitude of everyone, the headed man nodded in satisfaction.

"This is the best way. I don't want the master to scold me for this little thing after arriving in Canghai City. If I don't have good fruit, hehe!"

"Let's go!" The man in black sneered arrogantly, waved his hand to the surrounding air, turned and left the banquet room.

Suddenly the abilities who kept silent, felt a gust of cold wind blowing, like a sharp knife slowly scratching their necks, and the skin seemed to be a bit tingling...

"Damn, what are you dragging! I think they are just exaggerating!" "Yes, you see how powerful the man in black is at the head, I don't know that he is Wang Mang!"

After the people waited for the people in black to leave, they all began to swear uncomfortably, and the luxurious banquet room became as noisy and noisy as a vegetable market.

The middle-aged city lord looked at this scene and couldn't help but sighed faintly, the wrinkles on his face deepened, "Lao San, take someone to prepare, let's meet Wang Mang later!"

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