Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1280: Kanano

With the help of the East Wind of the Human Alliance to expand the scope of the worm group to the entire China, this is what Wang Mang decided at the beginning of the idea of ​​building the Human Alliance.

Although the city lord of each gathering place can unite to form an extremely terrifying human force, but in the final analysis, it is their own strength that is the most reliable!

The hustle and bustle of people dressed in different clothes slowly walked from the square towards the castle. A city lord covered with fat and carried by four sedan chairs was invited down at the gate of the banquet hall.

The guards of his waist-and-hip long knives were politely invited to the side hall, and four or five talented soldiers under Li Gu supported him and walked towards the banquet room.

Such a peculiar scene naturally attracted a lot of attention,

A middle-aged man with golden eyes, wearing an expensive and decent casual suit, his sullen eyes covered by a pair of half-rim glasses, his right arm inserted into his trouser pocket was held by a coquettish woman in a flaming red dress.

"Xiaoyu, these city lords from all over the world are quite interesting. This scum, who looks like a fat pig, can still be a city lord? Is he brilliant, or are his cadres all soft-hearted?!"

The golden-eyed man squinted his eyes and stroked his glasses, his face couldn't help showing a trace of contempt. Attending the same meeting with this kind of **** was really a price drop!

"Brother Jin, you think everyone is as handsome and mighty as you. Which of these city lords present can compare to yours?"

A smile appeared on Xiaoyu's charming and handsome face, and her slender white fingers gently scraped the cheeks of the man with golden eyes. Her delicate red lips were close to Jin Ye's ears, and she said in an extremely seductive voice:

"My lord, you said that in this banquet room, I will kiss you, will other people envy you?"

"Heh!" Jin Ye sneered and stared at Qian Yu beside him with a warning look. After a few moments, he said coldly and proudly:

"This is not your place for grandstanding, although I don't care about these city lords, but if you do this, it will make others feel that I have not taken care of my dog!"

Jin Ye's very insulting words fell in Qian Yu's ears but they were of little weight. There was no anger on her face, but she said in a teasing tone:

"Sir, please calm down your anger. If you were seen by Wang Mang, the strongest man in the world, you would think you were dissatisfied with the human meeting he organized..."

"You!" A faint red glow flashed in Jin Ye's eyes, staring at Qian for a few seconds before he looked away.

"Your wings are hard, but I gave you everything! I was able to give it to you, but I can get it back now! What about Wang Mang? He is my opponent alone?"

"Hehe" Qian Yu covered his mouth, smiled tenderly, and lightly hit Jin Ye's arm with his snow-white soft palm.

"My lord, I just joked with you." Jin Ye snorted dissatisfiedly, but the few dignified soldiers guarding the entrance of the banquet room shouted: "Uther City Lord Jin Ye and Taocheng City Lord Qian Yujin The banquet room!"

Upon hearing this, the two of them walked towards the banquet room with graceful steps arm in arm, but no one noticed that Qian Yu's eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if thinking about something...

"Brother Wang Mang, the city lord of Uther who has come in now is regarded as the overlord of the northern region. Our giant gathering places in the south rarely communicate with them and don't know them very well..."

Li Gu sat on the first chair on the left hand of the round table, sipping tea lightly, and introducing people to Wang Mang.

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