Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1298: Helpless few people

"Fatty, you call all the brothers above the fifth rank in your family to Canghai City! Remember it is all!

Don't ask why, this is a money-making business! Remember to bring armor and weapons, and there must be no less potions! "

The middle-aged man in a silk robe squatted and smoked in the corner of the banqueting room, his gloomy face was a little hazy by the lingering smoke.

After hanging up the call on the Ring of Doom, he looked at the smoky, noisy banquet room, and squeezed his mouth without saying much.

"Damn! Don't pay for those doglegs?! Tell them, if you can't make up the 4 million reel cost for me today, I will take their skins and make reels!"

The muscular wicked guy with stout arms smashed the wall with a big fist irritably, the angry look on his face was beyond words!

In the banquet room, nearly a hundred city owners with different appearances and statures spit wildly, blushing and wrongly yelling at the ring of doom on their fingers, persuading them, and threatening!

The trip to Uther City is to divide an extremely sweet big cake. How many qualified subordinates can be collected, and the knife in his hand will be even sharper!

Half a morning passed quietly, and Wang Mang, who had just finished lunch at Fumanlou, walked into the banquet room with a group of imposing city masters.

‘Crunch! As soon as the heavy door opened, a choking smoke puffed out, and Wang Mang was caught off guard and almost coughed.

He squinted his eyes and frowned, enduring the influence of the smoke, and staring into the banquet room, thousands of cigarette butts that had been trampled and broken, and soot flying all over the floor,

The resplendent and dazzling ceiling is hazy and blurred by a thick smoke, as if in the mist.

"Oh my God, how many cigarettes are you smoking!" Xu Qilin sighed in surprise, with a fat face that was obviously simple, and as soon as he walked into the door of the banquet room, he stepped on an abandoned cigarette case.

At this time, the dozens of city lord who were still in the banqueting room were all dull and dull. Even if Wang Mang and others came in, they just raised their heads and glanced at random, before lowering their heads and smoking cigarettes again. , Thinking.

"Brother, what are you thinking about here?!" The short, black Zhou Xing was very enthusiastic. He leaned close to a middle-aged man who was about 30 years old and patted him on the shoulder and laughed. Yingying asked,

The middle-aged man raised his head, squinted, threw half of the cigarette in his finger on the ground, and ran it with the sole of his shoe.

"I don't want to be as wealthy as City Master Zhou. How many Golden Dragon Coins you want is a matter of one sentence. For City Masters like ours with a population of less than one million, it is not easy to collect the transfer costs for one person!"

The middle-aged man suddenly clenched his fist, his eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly shook his head again.

Zhou Xing patted his shoulder comfortingly when he heard the words, smiled kindly, didn't say anything, turned and left and walked in the direction of Wang Mang and his group.

"Leader Wang Mang, otherwise the city lord of these small and medium-sized gathering places should be allocated by the Ministry of Finance to send them to Uther City, or they may have some grievances in their hearts!"

Zhou Xing approached Wang Mang and gave a few words of kind persuasion, but Wang Mang shook his head indifferently, with a very firm tone, "It is not good to sacrifice the interests of the majority for the benefit of a small number of people!"

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