Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1301: No resistance

"No matter how cruel means is against absolute strength, it can only be regarded as a joke! Just this city gate, without much, our allies only need to send three or five people to easily break through!"

Still the young city lord wearing shorts and slippers, he sneered extremely arrogantly, looking at the broken corpse lying on the ground at the gate of the city with disdain...

"Yes, brother, what you said makes sense, in this case, let you lead the five powers to break through the defense of this city gate!" Zhou Xing squinted and took a cigarette, and said with a smile.

"This...City Lord Zhou, I can lead the team to make a breakthrough, but if there are five people, can I choose a few Tier 5 peaks for me, so that we can act quickly and save some time! "

The young city lord smiled, the storage ring flashed suddenly, and the shorts and slippers on his feet were replaced with tight combat pants and hard and thick combat boots in an instant!

"Okay! I will lend you a few of my men for five minutes. If you don't break through the defense of this city gate within five minutes, then don't show that arrogant expression!"

Zhou Xing squinted his eyes, his cheeks jumped, fingers held a cigarette, took two deep breaths, and beckoned to a few brawny guys with muscular knots beside him.

"There is absolutely no problem in five minutes!" The young city owner took out a bright silver finger tiger from his pocket, solemnly responded, and rushed towards the city gate with the muscular brawny guys. !

"The crossbow machine winds up, this group of people who are not afraid of death dare to come, I will let them come and go!"

General He, in a bright silver armor, had already aimed his long bow at the young city lord who was flying forward. The steel arrow shaft made a ‘crunch~crunch’ sound under the strong recoil.

"Boom!" A sonic cloud suddenly exploded, and the slender and sharp iron arrow was like a cannonball, carrying an incomparable mighty power and shooting toward the face of the young city lord!

"Shoo!" The sharp arrow pierced through the air became more and more acute, and the young city lord squinted his eyes coldly, holding the finger tiger's left hand and instantly squeezed.

Suddenly twisting his waist and sending his hips while running, the powerful physical power burst out instantly and collided with the sharp arrow that came from swiftly.

"Bang~Boom!" The blasted steel arrow shot towards the surrounding area, and a small piece of iron flicked across the cheek of the young city lord, and a trace of red blood permeated out.

The young city lord raised his hand and wiped the blood on his cheek, put it on his tongue and licked it, grinning and looked at General He who was standing on the tower in silver armor.

"This...this...the enemy is too strong!" The soldiers in ordinary armor trembled their legs and looked at the five people who rushed in fear.

"They are all Tier 5 abilities! We can't resist it!" A soldier holding a crossbow howled bitterly, and collapsed to the ground...

"Their strength is indeed very strong!" General He, wearing silver armor, raised his head slightly and looked up at the sky. The expression on his face was extremely calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

But only his heart knows that these menacing enemies are coalition forces from more than 300 gathering places in China, with thick blades and thick armor, countless masters, resistance? As long as you don't surrender, you can be worthy of the power leaders of Uther City!

"Everyone! Retreat those who can retreat. The old city defense forces will stay. This city gate can't be kept. It can be delayed as long as it can be delayed..."

General He smiled bitterly, looking at the five people who were about to rush to the city gate, the will to resist in his heart was not very strong.

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