Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1305: Cake divider

A war knife weighing more than two hundred kilograms slashed viciously on a soldier’s neck, and the splashed blood made everyone panicked.

"Quick! Quick! Destroy all these three enemies! Whoever kills this enemy will go to the leader and draw one million golden dragon coins as a reward!"

The man in armor who seemed to be the leader of the army yelled anxiously, looked at the young city lord with blue eyes, and rushed to meet him with a gritted teeth!

"Beng!" With the violent sound of the heavy sword colliding with the scimitar, the armored man's face bursts with blue veins, and his neck is flushed, but even so, the scimitar held by his hands is slowly pressing towards his neck. !

"Hey! Good boy, how dare I fight?!" The young city lord laughed a little unexpectedly, and his hands holding the sword made a hard effort. The back of the scimitar was almost pressed against the armored man's throat. !

Just when the man in the armor was desperate and prepared for a moment, something unexpected happened.

Wang Mang, slowly and slowly with his hands on his back, appeared abruptly in the square in the center of this alley, looking at the two people fighting in front of him, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose, revealing a smile, "Are you two busy?"

"Go on, I'll just stroll around!" Wang Mang smiled kindly as he looked at the two competing against each other, and left this small square with his hands behind his back.

Puff! "The sound of blood gushing exploded, and the struggle that exhausted all the strength of the whole body finally ended at this moment. At the same time, the assembled soldiers of the hundreds of Legion had turned into dead bodies, and fell to the ground with hideous faces.

"The current information can be considered accurate? Are you sure that the leader of the force who resells monster leather is hidden in the basement of this villa?!"

Wearing a half-insect mask on his face, with only a pair of cold eyes exposed, he looked coldly at the villa with vines on its walls.

"Captain! The information is absolutely correct. The leader of the forces hiding in the basement was personally watched by our people. Unless there is a passage in the basement where he stays, there is absolutely no place to run!"

The always stern and solemn Yitong gave a cold command. A dozen of the most powerful men in black clothes and masks disappeared into the spot instantly after hearing the sound.

‘Click~click! The sound of glass shattering sounded, and these dozen men, as the vanguard, found the mechanism to open the basement at an extremely efficient speed!

"Crunch~!" The Shimen opened suddenly, and a sharp arrow shot suddenly at the moment the Shimen opened.

This true elite selected from various gathering places suddenly raised his hand and raised the black clothes on his body. The extremely dense rain of arrows seemed to lose its momentum in an instant and fell to the ground...

"Little trick!" A man with a half-worm pattern mask on his face gave a disdainful sneer, his figure flashed abruptly, and he ran towards the basement.

"Ding Ding Ding!" One after another clashing sounded, the man in black who rushed into the basement first was extremely powerful.

Just a face, the soldier who was still pulling the trigger of the steel crossbow was chopped in half from the waist by the man in black with two lightning strikes, and the neat formation was instantly broken!

The dozens of black-clothed men who followed were thunderous, like flying knives, or blowing arrows. With dozens of fast hidden weapons, most of the soldiers guarding the door of the basement were dead.

"Quick! Quick! Block them! My teleport scroll will be effective soon!"

The leader of the forces with extremely anxious and panic faces looked at the door of the basement, and the beating of a violently beating heart seemed a little abrupt in this quiet space!

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