Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1309: stupid people

"The tens of millions of people in Uther City, excluding the members of the various forces, the rest of the powers also have a total of hundreds of thousands.

The number of battle groups connected by blood energy energy has already passed the number of millions. Are these city masters all fools? Are you afraid of arousing public grievances? ! "

Zhou Xing, who was sitting on a stone pier, frowned and smoked, his face was a bit ugly.

Around him were gathered around a dozen stern men in black cloaks and neatly dressed uniforms. Their black shirts were stained with a little blood, and their aura was full of blood.

"My lord, where did the city masters of these small gathering places have seen anything in the world? What self-control do they have when encountering this kind of random plundering opportunities? They probably think that even if the sky falls, there are tall people who are holding them...

"Fart!" Zhou Xing, who was smoking a cigarette, screamed fiercely, and his cigarette butts were thrown on the ground, "These beasts! Do you know what empathy is?!"

All the consequences and troubles of this operation have to be borne by these committee members first, especially the lord of these big cities. Once a riot occurs, they must be responsible for the suppression.

As for those small town masters who fished in troubled waters, I am afraid they have already slipped away!

"Leader, don't get angry, the leader Wang Mang will definitely take measures. We will actively assist when the time comes to let these small city owners know how powerful they are!"

Beside Zhou Xing, a man with an ugly face leaned over, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, respectfully drew one out and handed it to Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing picked up the cigarette, his face almost dripping with water, "Patter!" A blue flame came out from the lighter.

Zhou Xing’s yellow teeth held the filter in his mouth, and there was another burst of smoke. After a while, when the tobacco was about to burn out and the cigarette **** fell, Zhou Xing finally said with a cold face:

"I'm contacting Wang Mang now! You are all scattered, and you saw a **** city lord who dared to plunder ordinary people's property, attacked directly, captured those who cooperated, and stunned those who didn't cooperate.

If there is that kind of stubborn resistance, kill it directly! If anything goes wrong, I will stand up! "

The dozen or so men in black who gathered around Zhou Xing nodded solemnly, calling out the standard long knife with green gems from the storage ring.

Suddenly the figure flashed, and the dark and deep cloak suddenly raised a gust of wind, and gradually disappeared into this steel jungle...

"Why are you so unreasonable! You group of coalition forces enter the city, have I sent someone to resist and block, you are threatening and blackmailing me, is it a bit too much?!"

Wearing a coarse cloth gown, his figure is a little blessed, and the shopkeeper who is holding the abacus on the counter tightly with both hands shows grievance and resentment, and his words are full of despair and helplessness.

"Tuk! Tuk!" An airy man leaned against the counter, sneered sarcastically, and with a wave of one hand, he swept the ledger documents on the desk to the ground.

He slapped the table suddenly and threatened loudly: "Old stuff, if you ask you to pay, you can pay. You won't even be able to make up one hundred thousand golden dragon coins in a shop of this size?!"

"Why should I pay you?! Everyone is human, why should I hold you back?!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper's anger almost reached its peak, and when he fell the abacus, he roared out of his dissatisfaction! He didn't understand why there are such unreasonable people in the world!

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