Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1319: Supporting puppet

Yes, why is a beggar becoming the new lord of Uther City? This same doubt lingered in the minds of every committee member,

Wang Mang just wanted to support a spokesperson who was loyal to him, and he didn't have to choose a beggar. A three-legged toad is hard to find. It's hard to find a supernatural person who wants to be a city lord!

Everyone turned their heads to question Wang Mang one after another, with puzzled eyes, Wang Mang suddenly grinned under the eyes of the crowd.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in front of Zhou Xing and held it in his mouth. Zhang Lan immediately took out a lighter and lit Wang Mang on fire.

"Huh--!" Wang Mang let out a mouthful of dirty smoke, and said flatly:

"This new City Lord of Uther City is good for me to support him, but the specific reason is not convenient to disclose to everyone. Anyway, it is just a puppet and will not delay everyone's financial resources in Uther City. This is what I can do. Guarantee!"

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the banquet room was a little silent for a while. The fifty committee members here were not stupid people. They all knew how much benefit a city lord could reap.

Even if it is a puppet, as long as it works well, there may not be no chance of turning over.

"It's only a three-month-old city lord, don't you guys want to sell this face?!" Wang Mang's tone was a little cold, and the cigarette in his hand was half smoked before being squeezed out!

"Hahaha! The lord Wang Mang is joking, our financial resources and industries have been allocated long ago, I don’t care about the city lord or something,"

Xu Qilin, with a silly smile, took the lead in expressing his position. When the other dozens of committee members saw this, they just looked at each other without saying much, and no one raised any objections.

"The meeting should be over at this point. Do you have any questions?" Wang Mang tapped his fingers on the table, his expression a little impatient..."

If not, let the meeting adjourn. The invaders will wait until you gather your forces in the next month before making plans! "

The fifty committee members sitting around the long table fell silent for a while, and raised their hands to express that they had no objection to the results of the meeting and agreed to adjourn the meeting.

After Wang Mang’s voice fell in the huge banquet room, it was calm again. The only ones left were Zhang Lan and Wang Mang.

The charming and delicate Zhang Lan wrinkled her face, turned her head in a puzzled way and asked Wang Mang:

"Brother Mang, let alone they don't understand, even I don't understand, why should this Uther City with a population of over 10 million be entrusted to a Meng Xing who has no strength at all?"

When Wang Mang heard the words, he smiled, and said faintly: "That Meng Xing is only the city lord for three months. This is the result of my deal with him. These committee members have sold me face and reluctantly agreed to him.

Zhang Lan is serious, if I really supported a powerful subordinate to become the city lord, this group of committee members would not be as kind as they were just now! "

"Oh oh!" Zhang Lan nodded in understanding and didn't ask much, the expression on her face changed suddenly, and the corners of her mouth showed a faint and weird smile:

"Brother Mang, you must be hungry after such a long meeting. I will cook for you later. I have learned a few new dishes in the past few days!"

"Well..." Wang Mang coughed dryly, with a little embarrassment on his face. When he was about to find an excuse to push away, the worm ring on his index finger suddenly lit up, and a loud worm sound penetrated instantly. The entire city lord's mansion!

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