Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1323: Dungeon

"Master! You are back." Bai Jue looked at the blood dragon descending from the sky. When Wang Mang jumped down and landed on the ground, he approached Wang Mang and greeted him.

"I'm back!" Wang Mang smiled at Bai Jue and patted him on the shoulder, "How is it? How is my maid combat corps training now?"

Mentioning this, the original smile on Bai Jue's face suddenly faded, and he shook his head helplessly.

"These foreign women are all pretty good-looking, but they are all stupid, they have no fighting consciousness at all, and they are far from the ease of training the black armored troops in the first place!"

"Hahaha! That's for sure, otherwise I won't let Baijue spend your time on this."

Looking at Bai Jue's bitter face, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing twice, patted his back, turned and walked towards Huahu Village, "Bai Jue, you continue to train, I'll go to the dungeon to mention two prisoners! "

"Huh--! That seems to be Lord Wang Mang!" The guard wearing heavy black armor and holding a thick spear stood straight at the entrance of the dungeon.

He wiped his eyes, looked at Wang Mang who was walking here not far away, and exclaimed: "This really seems to be Lord Wang Mang!"

"Stop chirping, let's stand on guard!" Another soldier guarding the dungeon said, subconsciously straightening his back and standing straight.

"See Lord Wang Mang!" The moment Wang Mang approached, the two guards both held spears and knelt on one knee, shouting respectfully.

"Get up all! I'll go to the dungeon!" Wang Mang waved his hand casually and walked straight into the dark, wet, **** dungeon stairs.

"Ah!" "I want to die! Let me die!" "Roar!" A series of tragic shouts reached Wang Mang's ears...

The dungeon warden wearing a white mask and snow-white lab coat ran to Wang Mang's side.

"Master, did you come to inspect the dungeon facilities this time? Or did you specifically come to find which prisoner?!"

The warden with a mask on his face asked, and threw the gloves with a thick layer of black blood on both hands into the trash can.

The white coat soaked with blood on his body was also taken off and hung up, except that the mask on his face was never taken off...

Wang Mang looked at the warden beside him, squinted his eyes, and asked, "Is there any prisoner in this dungeon who has completely surrendered but has not been released yet?! If there are two now, bring me here! I There is an experiment I want to do!"

"No problem! Master!" The warden's long, narrow and cold eyes slowly narrowed. In this dark and damp dungeon, he was like a devil who chose people to eat, and his eyes were shining with poisonous light.

He turned around and said a few words to the two men on duty, and the two nodded solemnly, took a key hung on the wall and walked towards the dark aisle.

But within a minute or two, the two prison guards escorted two handcuffed and ankle-cuffed prisoners with numb expressions, and the desperate prisoners walked up to Wang Mang.

"Has their consciousness completely collapsed?!" Seeing the lifeless appearance of the two prisoners, Wang Mang couldn't help but frowned.

The warden wearing a white mask made a nasty smile and patted his chest confidently.

"Master, I can't guarantee anything else, there is absolutely no problem with these two spirits, it's just that they look like this after a long time in the dungeon!"

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