Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1325: trial

Wang Mang walked on the narrow and cold path, turning his head to look at the prisoners on both sides of the prison.

A small number of them have completely become lunatics and mentally ill, but most of them still have self-consciousness, but their bodies are a bit devastated!

Pieces of ugly scars scalded by the soldering iron appeared in their dirty and smelly prison uniforms.

Some people no longer have nails on their fingers. There are only bamboo sticks that have been nailed into the flesh. The warden with narrow eyes looked at Wang Mang’s eyes, and his face suddenly turned black.

He immediately knelt on the ground with one knee, his hands twitched, and shouted: "Sorry master, these prisoners are stubborn masters. If you don't give them some methods of torture, they rarely confess directly!"

Wang Mang didn't blame him, but nodded his head with great understanding.

"I know that it is not easy for you to engage in torture and interrogation. Most of the logistics department members transferred to Uther City are also drawn from your dungeon. Their actions in Uther City have achieved quite good results, and you, the warden, are also meritorious!"

Wang Mang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "After the Uther City brothers are over, I will reward you with merit! Do your best, and don't disappoint my expectations of you!"

A touch of excitement flashed in the warden's eyes, and his hand made it even more vigorously, "Master, this is what I should do. If I can get the praise of the master, I will die without regret!"

Wang Mang patted him on the shoulder and encouraged:

"Mo! You are also an old man who has been with me for nearly a year. You were transferred from the Black Armored Unit because of a brain injury. Now I didn't expect you to do so well in this position!"

The warden on one knee listened to Wang Mang’s words, and his eyes flashed in a daze. It has been a long time since no one had called him by his name.

street! A familiar and unfamiliar name, this was his previous name, but now he has only one code name, that is, the warden of this dungeon!

"Okay, you quickly take me to see the prisoners first, this time the best choice is the ability person, the strength of the first to third ranks, choose one!"

Wang Mang patted Mo on the shoulder and motioned him to stand up. Mo narrowed his eyes, his face wearing a mask seemed to be smiling, "Master, I will take you now!"

"Flap! Flap!" The two steel whips slammed on the flesh and screamed.

A stubborn, shirtless man with a fierce face, panting and spitting out sputum, walked to the blood-stained iron table next to him, took out a bottle of water, and poured it into his mouth fiercely.

"Huh-!" He breathed out a long breath, looked at the prisoner who was bound by the chain on the steel chair, and said coldly:

"Your accomplice has already confessed, and I advise you not to do unnecessary resistance! Explain your online and offline, as well as the contact person, and the method of transmitting the message, so that I can give you a happy one! "

"I...I..." The upper body is full of cracked wounds, and the supernatural ability person with a faint tendency to decay slowly raises a bruised and swollen face that is invisible to humans, with drops of drips oozing from the corners of his mouth. Sticky blood,

"What I should say..... I have said that my upline is tits, and my downline is monkeys. As for the way of contacting people and delivering messages, I have already told you!"

He let out a miserable cry, his words contained incomparable pain, and the bare-armed sturdy man suddenly sneered, "The **** has been arrested a long time ago, he doesn't remember having you off the assembly line!"

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