Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1328: Changes in the prisoner's body

The black armored centipede lifted up half of its body, and the first pair of palatine teeth under its mouthparts suddenly opened, glowing with a black and purple poisonous light.

'puff! With an inaudible thorn, two palatine teeth were inserted into the prisoner's trembling neck, and two very corrosive venoms flowed into his brain along the arteries.

"Ho~Ho!" The prisoner with a swollen face like a pig's head suddenly changed, and his expression suddenly became distorted.

He unconsciously let out a low roar, the blue veins on both sides of his temple were one by one, the most terrifying thing was the back of his neck, a fierce blue vein that looked like an earthworm protruded violently, very intriguing!

"Master... The scabies have been poured into the blood. About two hours, all human memories will be read out!"

The black armored centipede crawled back to Wang Mang's shoulders and whispered, a pair of small scarlet eyes looked around the surrounding environment, and looked at the two people beside Wang Mang with interest.

Wang Mang sensed the curious thoughts of the Mind Body Centipede, and he couldn't help frowning, "Mind Body, this is my subordinate, don't act arbitrarily!"

"Oh, okay!" The little centipede's scarlet and shiny eyes faded, as if trembling tentacles a little boringly, lying on Wang Mang's shoulder and stopped moving.

Two hours is four hours. Naturally, Wang Mang and Mo cannot stay in this dark and damp interrogation room, leaving only the sturdy man who was originally in charge of the interrogation.

Wang Mang followed the warden Mo to continue to the various cells to select experimental objects that suit his wishes.

"This mental state is not good, absolutely can't stand it!" Wang Mang looked at a prisoner with a burly body but a dark complexion, and shook his head faintly.

He can detect the mental pressure of the prisoner in front of him almost without careful perception.

I don't know if the previous torture injured his meridians. His back neck was a little bent, and the intense pain made his spirit numb and stiffer than normal.

"Master.... The scabies has been read!" When Wang Mang was thinking about whether to try the prisoner, the little centipede lying on his shoulders suddenly propped up his body and said to Wang Mang.

"Go!" There was a flash of excitement in Wang Mang's eyes. He greeted the warden Mo next to him and walked towards the original interrogation room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a sturdy man with a shocked look and trembling legs. The man heard the door opening and saw Wang Mang and Mo.

Suddenly, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, his legs softened and leaned in front of the two, with a look of panic pointing at the prisoner who was tied to the steel chair.

"Wang..... Lord Wang Mang, and Lord Warden... This prisoner is really terrible. He doesn't look like a person anymore!"

Wang Mang followed the direction of his trembling fingers and squinted at the prisoner. Suddenly, his heart was also shocked. He stepped forward and immediately walked to the prisoner.

"Uh ~ roar!" The prisoner's eyes turned upside-down with a roar like a wild beast, barely seeing the black pupils.

The swelling on his face disappeared, but his cheeks were sunken, and a thin layer of fleshy skin wrapped the bones, like a rotten skull. Just looking at it was really chilling!

"The mind! What's the situation of this person?! How could it have changed so much?!"

Wang Mang couldn't help but asked the mind on his shoulders. His words were a little unbelievable. He knew the ability of the mind, and it was reasonable to say that this would never happen!

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