Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1336: Questions and tests

Zhou Qing's suffocating roar made the hearts of all the people present couldn't help but feel cold. They opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were no longer full of trust when they looked at their surrounding companions. Some of them became traitors? !

"Brother Qing, you said who the traitor is, I personally smacked him!" The young man with ear studs on his left ear suddenly put away the casual color on his face, his face looked like a vicious ghost.

The three brothers have grown up together since the civilized era. Since the end of the world, they have depended on each other and killed countless difficulties and obstacles with the knife in their hands. Only then have they established this huge gathering place.

Life is getting better now, some of the former brothers turned out to be traitors?

The other mid-level abilities of the fifth rank had a calm expression, but a pair of eyes flashed with wise cold light, he slowly stood up, and his sharp eyes swept the rest of the people one by one, like a sharp knife.

"Brothers, who is the traitor, stand up by himself, don't make it difficult for the city lord to do it!"

At this moment, the six men of great strength are in a very complicated mood. The traitor is among them, and they probably have some ideas about who it is.

"Ma Cheng! You prove your innocence first!" The young man wearing earrings turned his gaze to a strong man with sturdy arms and a scar on his face, his tone a little cold.

The brawny man named Ma Cheng couldn't help squeezing his fist when he heard the romance. He raised his head and scanned the surroundings with a melancholy expression. He explained in a hoarse voice: "Do you guys believe me? Although Ma Cheng is a bit greedy, But there is a bottom line for being a man. I can't do things like betraying my brother!"

"Then Ma Cheng, why did you send someone to intervene in my jurisdiction? Could it be true that it was for the golden dragon coins offered by those restaurants?"

Another mocking young man stared at Ma Cheng fiercely, and asked teasingly: "You Ma Cheng is not short of money, but for a little bit of petty profit in front of you, you almost fought with me last time!"

Ma Cheng's face gradually turned red. He took a deep breath and yelled with a bit of excitement: "I said! My Ma Cheng has a bottom line for being a human being. I can't do things like brothers. !"

"Heh! Who knows!" The young man sneered disdainfully, his eyes full of distrust, "You! Damn, I look like a traitor!" Ma Cheng's tone was suddenly excited, he clenched his fist, wishing he could not wait. Directly rushed to give the young man two punches!

Zhou Qing couldn't help frowning at this moment, and the hand holding the hilt of the blood knife suddenly lifted up, the tip of the knife pointed towards the people present.

"All of you are old people who have been with me for three years. The rules are still to be said. I will not doubt anyone for no reason, nor will I deliberately favor any one!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his left hand abruptly, and took out a small and exquisite special instrument from the storage ring, but it was the size of a palm, and a circular light screen flashed with streams of light.

"Everyone knows what this thing is, information discriminator! Now come one by one, and you will answer whatever I ask! Who will come first?!"

Zhou Qing said coldly, sweeping across the faces of everyone present with his sullen eyes.

"Brother Qing! I'll come first!" The young man with earrings in his left ear walked to the wooden table without fear, and printed his palm on the light screen of the information discriminator. Suddenly, his palm seemed to burst into flames. , The information discriminator also starts suddenly!

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