Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1338: Lead the wolf into the room

"Brother Su! Could it be that you think too much? The Lord of the City has always trusted you the most. He doubts that no one will doubt you!"

A simple, ordinary-looking young man with a black bandage on his left wrist, holding a cup of tea in one hand, wrinkled his face, eyes full of sorrow.

Li Su, who had always had a humble smile on his face, had a gloomy face and revealed his murderous intentions. He threw the tea cup in his hand and said coldly:

"The **** Lord of the City, I have been a dog for him for three years! He said he would let me die, he would definitely let me die!

Didn't you see the way he looked at me today, contempt! doubt! If I hadn't taken a step first, I would already be a corpse with the throat split! "

His eyes were full of tyranny and anger. After a few moments, his voice seemed to become a little hoarse, but his tone revealed an unprecedented firmness.

"Are the group of barbarians with prismatic foreheads contacted? Without their help, we would never get out of this time!"

"We are all in touch! The forces that we secretly gathered in the city and the dead men raised by the third child are all ready. As long as you give an order from Brother Su, we will definitely not be a problem to escape from the city!"

"Escape?! Why do you want to escape?!" Li Su sneered, tapping his fingers on the table.

"As long as that group of barbarians come, Zhou Qing will rely on a few Tier 5 abilities who are their opponents. I have been a dog for him for three years. Now that he wants to kill me, I have to give him some color! Ning! It’s broken for jade, not for tile!"

The firmness in Li Su's tone made the young man with the black bandage on his wrist hesitate. He drank the cold tea in the cup and persuaded with some hesitation:

"Brother Su, are we really going to get to this point? Those barbarians are not friendly. Once they start, no matter if they win or lose, they won't have any good fruits for us."

"You don't have to persuade me anymore, I have a sense of measure in my heart!" Li Su waved his hand a little irritably, and when he was about to say a few more words, there was a sound of uniform steps and clinking armor outside the teahouse. , The shout of the soldier captain came from far and near.

"Bang! Damn! They must have found it!" Li Su yelled angrily and immediately stood up and said loudly: "Immediately open the door of time and space and let these barbarians fight for them!"

The bandaged youth nodded quickly, and took out a special scroll inlaid with light blue gems with a wave of one hand.

"Om!" The scroll was suddenly torn apart, and a huge passage three meters long and two meters wide appeared in the box of this teahouse!

"Tsk tusk! I said that you humans are troublesome. I should have found us soon? Why is it necessary to do this now!"

A frivolous-faced young man in a purple robe led a group of cultivators to walk out of the space-time channel. The prismatic crystals on his forehead flashed suddenly, and his tone was a bit ridiculous.

"You humans are really good at calculating, want to use us as gunners? OK! I don't care about you now. When the matter is finished, I will have a good talk with you! Humph!"

The purple-robed youth snorted coldly, and casually pinched a magic trick with his left hand, and a slender soft sword suddenly appeared in his hand, "Take good care of these two humans! I will go to talk about the strangeness in this human being for a while. Those who can!"

"Bang!" The wall of the teahouse box suddenly burst, and the sword air that crisscrossed like a net suddenly raged towards the street downstairs.

A group of soldiers with strong armor killed nearly fifty people in an instant! Almost none stood!

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